Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Corporation Law case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporation Law bailiwick study - Essay ExampleThe main issue is if the sell of stocks and the responsibility of the directors. Its nesassry to tell a hardly a(prenominal) words about dealing with outsiders. Also the secante question deals with the difficulty of outsider trading.Express assurance4In the consideration of a Co, actual authority will be conferred by the Co const or, in its absence in accordance with the replaceable rules of the CA. In general, in the parapraxis of any Co with more than 1 D, authority is vested in the Board collectively - s 198A Any act lying outside the authority of the Ds or the Board can be performed by the members in general meeting - s 198A(2)Implied authority of Co officersThe Board may appoint someone as Managing Director (must be one of their own piece - replaceable rule s 201J), conferring on that person the powers of the Board - s 198C(1). According to the articles concerning duties of directors one of theliste either managing directo r is obliged to act in good assurance in the best interests of the corp and to apply powers for a proper purpose - s 181.5In this case the managing director havent acted in the best iint of the play along because the board of directors had rejected the contract. So mister Lam is responsible for comensation the losses to the company. Also he have to imply responsibility of information stipulation about the information given on the new project because he promised the increase in productivity of about 100%. The justness prohibits insider trading. Generally, Ds do not owe a fiduciary duty to individual sholdersPercival v Wright 1902 2 Ch 421 - shareholders offered to sell shares to directors - directors already negotiating to sell shares at much(prenominal) higher price scarce did not inform sholders - court held no fiduciary duty to shareholders,... The second question concerns different articles of the corporate law. There is some information about the corporations law. The m ain issue is if the selling of stocks and the responsibility of the directors. Its nesassry to tell a few words about dealing with outsiders. Also the seconde question deals with the problem of outsider trading.According to the articles concerning duties of directors one of theliste every managing director is obliged to act in good faith in the best interests of the corp and to use powers for a proper purpose - s 181.5In this case the managing director havent acted in the best iint of the company because the board of directors had rejected the contract. So mister Lam is responsible for comensation the losses to the company.Also he have to take responsibility of information given about the information given on the new project because he promised the increase in productivity of about 100%. The law prohibits insider trading.Percival v Wright 1902 2 Ch 421 - shareholders offered to sell shares to directors - directors already negotiating to sell shares at much higher price but did not i nform sholders - court held no fiduciary duty to shareholders, and so they could not recover.Primary barricade in s 1043A(1) - insider may not purchase or sell shares in Co or get anyone to do that for him.

Monday, April 29, 2019

International Management 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Management 2 - Essay Example collectable to this, International Human Resources Management has come to the forefront. International Human Resources Management seeks to lay down special K rules, solutions to problems and personnel management systems to help this new phase of global expansion transform into a achiever story and to help organisations adapt and procure better results.Working in a country that peerless is not familiar with, is a great challenge in itself. More so, when it involves the establishment of a severalize office of ones company or deals with the successful initiation of an extension of your company, in a scenario completely different from the one you atomic number 18 familiar with. Therefore, a great amount of thought-processing and execution must go down into such plans, before embarking on a conclusion.Thailand is one of the favorable fast-growing sites for transnational expansion of business, trade and commerce. Transfer of technology, the extent of involvement of the local resources, the net currency profit, etc. are some of the factors that are looked into, before the green signal for the establishment of subsidiaries is given.When an employee needs to be sent foreign by a company, both, the company as well as the employee need to look into certain critical factors that affect and make an impact on successful stint of the subsidiary company, in a swarm country. The strategy employed in the expansion process will surely play a dominate role in determining the level of success received by the proposed plan.Special skills of employees are not duly recognised as proposed by the management. Instead, there exists the diffusion of persistence of such skill-based work approaches. The sacramental manduction of tasks can lead to the sharpening

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The stakeholder relationships in this case, and why they matter Essay - 1

The stakeholder relationships in this case, and why they matter - Essay ExampleAlso Any group or soul who can affect or who is affected by achievement of a firms objectives. The purpose of this paper is to separate the stakeholder relationships in this case and discuss why they matter.The instructions identify five major stakeholder groups in this case, and these are CMC, the Food and Drug Administration, hospitals, operators, and patients. Other groups or subgroups exist, including the public, medical physicists, doctors, engineers, salespeople, Atomic Energy Canada Limiteds managers, separate government regulators, AECL, CGR, each medical facility, associations of operators, and CRPB. Now that stakeholders have been identified and further supporting documentation has been reviewed, it is easy to see that the control system on Therac-25 was not adequate for its purposes (ComputingCases, 2008).This case tells the stories of six unfortunate patients who were wound or even faced death because of control failure in the Therac-25. They were Linda Knight, Donna Gartner, Janis Tilman, Isaac Dahl, Daniel McCarthy, and Anders Engman. They are the primary stakeholders that should be considered in this cased as they were either seriously injured or died as a conduct result of the actions of some of the other stakeholders (Computing Cases, 2008).The stakeholders who have a business interest in the company which manufactures the work all hold a duty to the public. Each of the regulatory agencies, the manufacturer of the machine, and the hospital staff owe a duty to the patients. The hospitals in the scenario hold duties both to upholding the requirements of the regulatory agencies and to their employees and those they care for. The operators are responsible for fish filet treatment when a patient has been injured, regardless of whether or not a monitor and camera are broken. Medical physicists, doctors, engineers, and salespeople all hold a duty to the public and the patients. Engineers and

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Sequestration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The requisition - Essay ExampleOne of the challenges that I have had to deal with is the introduction of unpaid off days as one way of reducing budgetary allocations at my work place. One requirement of the sequestration is to carry out deductions on employees pay on the total number of days the employee was off from work. As a result of this move by the political science, it has become a necessity to look for part clip jobs in order to compensate for the reduced income. Maneuvering between my workplace and my part m job is a real challenge.The second challenge is that I have to make reductions on expenditures on certain luxuries I and my family used to like. This poses a psychological challenge based on the fact that it is difficult to accept that I can no longer afford some services that were part and parcel of my life. Therefore, my performance at the workplace becomes compromised because I can no longer perform to the maximum. Some of the atomic number 18as that I have been squeeze to make reductions on include expenditures on cell phone services, movie night and restaurants, cancelling vacations, and general reductions on family expenditures.Servicing mortgages, car loans, and other loans have become real challenges since the introduction of the sequestration strategy of dealings with budgetary deficits. This is as a result of the unexpected reduction in income at a time when mortgages and other loans were under servicing. This is frustrating in the sense that members of the congress who are imposing the sequestering policies may non be subjected to pay cuts similar to those of federal workers (Lee et al, 2012).The fact that reductions on budgetary allocations on government programs are likely to cause layoffs of government workers keeps every government worker with a lot of worries. It is projected that thousands of government workers are likely to lose their jobs as a result of the

Friday, April 26, 2019

Amy Tan's The joy Luck Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amy Tans The joy Luck Club - Essay ExampleAt first it seems that these different stories have nothing in common, except the conflict amongst two cultures - they argon just a figment of some not very happy ladies experiences. However, during the process of reading, the pictures complement one another and stories, which were suppositious to be autonomous, are connected by a thin thread. The author also concerns the nature of engender-daughter relationships, which are complicated not only by age difference, but by different upbringings. The issues of self-respect, personal identity operator are also highlighted in the novel (BookRags Book Notes on) . The young mothers who arrived to America create a club for meeting and communication. At these meetings, they eat Chinese food, play board game mahjongg, talk. Each of them experient some heavy losses in the past. But instead plunging into the painful memories of those losses, they prefer coming unneurotic for mutual support, materia l and spiritual. They all share a hope for the future, so they called themselves The Joy Luck Club. It is obvious, that is extremely difficult, and even impossible for the senior generation, to get accustomed to new Ameri buttocks culture, to leave behind their plebeian Chinese livingstyles. American circumstances but Chinese character How could I know these two things do not mix? (Tan 15 254), - this question bothered not only Lindo, but the rest of mothers. The women of aged generation, Old World fossils (Tan 2 89), are in the state of permanent ethnical shock. The gap between the American and Chinese cultures is supposed to be insurmountable. When one of the women dies, her daughter Jing-mei was invited to take mothers stern at the mahjongg table. The daughters know only about their mothers lives in America, but they never told about what mixture of life their parent had in China. As one of the young young womans states, -Over the years, she told me the same story, except f or the ending, which grew darker, casting prospicient shadows into her life, and eventually into mine.(Tan 1 21). And if the main task for the older generation was to assimilate into the new environment, for American-born children it was a conundrum to overcome feelings of shame for their parents being immigrants. Jing-mei feels uneasy in the company of all these Chinese aunties the young girl taking her mothers place at the table, which is contrary to her own desire, symbolizes the very generation and cultural gap between children and parents (BookRags Book Notes on). Conversations of June and Suyuen testifies to the fact that it was a torture to come to understanding. My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each others meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more (Tan 2 27) Thus, a reader understands that there is also a communication restraint between mothers and daughters (BookRags Book Notes on). The mothers are eager to raise their daughters according to their traditions and worldviews, -Only two kind of daughters. Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter (Tan 8 142) The young girls rebel against such intentions they do not want to be oppressed and do not want their

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Information resource managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

study resource managment - Essay ExampleWith the help of teaching resource management, authorities as well as corporate organizations shake off focused on controlling the lifecycle of varied important data from past to present. instruction resource management is divided into two groups such as operational and business planning. Modern organizations have arranged their confidentiality of the information resource more accurately by dividing the information into two groups. In the past, information had been recorded in papers and currently varied organizations use technological gadgets to preserve important data. regimen has enacted different rules and regulations to preserve information in a more effective way. As per Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, government has supplemented information technology management for improved handling of information. To upload information resource management for important information officer (CIO) has come to the forefront as a key player in the organi zational context. Nowadays, CIO is responsible for managing information of almost every government as well as corporate organization. In the present arena, organizational functions had been divided under varied departments. Consequently, CIO has become one of the most important persons, who normally look after every departmental process within the organization. On the other hand, in allege to highlight the role and responsibility of the CIO, it suffer be claimed that through strategic governance a CIO can enhance the effectiveness of the organization. Apart from this, the responsibility of a CIO is to maintain the organizational structure, through which overall aptitude of the organization can be improved for current period as well as rising period1.In order to highlight the identity along with the roles and responsibilities of the selected CIO Alan Levine, it can be determined that he is the CIO of the Kennedy cracker bonbon Washington DC. Moreover, it is also acknowledged tha t throughout his life Alan Levine

The Octagon House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Octagon House - raise ExampleThe building is made of bricks, sandstone, and cold stone. The six-sided building has a bilaterally symmetrical wing that fits well with its angular lot (Lonely Planet, 2014). The building closely resembles the octagonal and circular buildings that prominently featured in England during the 1700s and the 1800s (Fodors, 2014). The building is a notable example of U.S. federal architecture. The building has chimneys and a furnace for heating water sits in the basement. It also has a central spiral staircase and the rooms are so arranged that they appear to be symmetrical while its roof is flat and surmounted by a cupola. The roof of the building is made of cedarwood and shingle and has a balustrade. Some of the rooms that are in the building are the treaty room, dine room, parlor, and kitchen. Today, the building is under use as a museum and hosts exhibits related to building design and architecture.Generally, the building is unsubdivided in design . It was designed differently from the traditional buildings that were common in Washington DC at the meter of its construction. The traditional expressive style at the time of its construction was Georgian. It is partly inspired by theFederal style architecture, creativity, and Greek interior style (AIA, 2014).