Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Corporation Law case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Corporation Law bailiwick study - Essay ExampleThe main issue is if the sell of stocks and the responsibility of the directors. Its nesassry to tell a hardly a(prenominal) words about dealing with outsiders. Also the secante question deals with the difficulty of outsider trading.Express assurance4In the consideration of a Co, actual authority will be conferred by the Co const or, in its absence in accordance with the replaceable rules of the CA. In general, in the parapraxis of any Co with more than 1 D, authority is vested in the Board collectively - s 198A Any act lying outside the authority of the Ds or the Board can be performed by the members in general meeting - s 198A(2)Implied authority of Co officersThe Board may appoint someone as Managing Director (must be one of their own piece - replaceable rule s 201J), conferring on that person the powers of the Board - s 198C(1). According to the articles concerning duties of directors one of theliste either managing directo r is obliged to act in good assurance in the best interests of the corp and to apply powers for a proper purpose - s 181.5In this case the managing director havent acted in the best iint of the play along because the board of directors had rejected the contract. So mister Lam is responsible for comensation the losses to the company. Also he have to imply responsibility of information stipulation about the information given on the new project because he promised the increase in productivity of about 100%. The justness prohibits insider trading. Generally, Ds do not owe a fiduciary duty to individual sholdersPercival v Wright 1902 2 Ch 421 - shareholders offered to sell shares to directors - directors already negotiating to sell shares at much(prenominal) higher price scarce did not inform sholders - court held no fiduciary duty to shareholders,... The second question concerns different articles of the corporate law. There is some information about the corporations law. The m ain issue is if the selling of stocks and the responsibility of the directors. Its nesassry to tell a few words about dealing with outsiders. Also the seconde question deals with the problem of outsider trading.According to the articles concerning duties of directors one of theliste every managing director is obliged to act in good faith in the best interests of the corp and to use powers for a proper purpose - s 181.5In this case the managing director havent acted in the best iint of the company because the board of directors had rejected the contract. So mister Lam is responsible for comensation the losses to the company.Also he have to take responsibility of information given about the information given on the new project because he promised the increase in productivity of about 100%. The law prohibits insider trading.Percival v Wright 1902 2 Ch 421 - shareholders offered to sell shares to directors - directors already negotiating to sell shares at much higher price but did not i nform sholders - court held no fiduciary duty to shareholders, and so they could not recover.Primary barricade in s 1043A(1) - insider may not purchase or sell shares in Co or get anyone to do that for him.

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