Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is Money the Sole Motivator for the Workforce Essay

Mitchell has defined motivation as ‘the degree to which an individual wants and chooses to engage in specified behaviours’. Simply put, motivation is the reason why an individual wants to do something. The four characteristics that underlie Mitchell’s definition are: motivation is typified as an individual phenomenon, as each individual is unique; motivation is described usually as intentional; motivation is multifaceted and the purpose of motivation theories is to predict behaviour. The basic motivational model explains that needs and expectations will result in a driving force to achieve desired goals, which ultimately provide fulfilment, thus leading to new needs and expectations. The CIPD Employee Attitudes to Pay 2011 report provides evidence that since 2008 workers feel less motivated to perform well, and employees that receive bonuses gave a higher job satisfaction score than their counterparts. This evidence can be supported by Taylor’s rational-economic needs concept of motivation. Workers under his direction would deliver higher outputs to increase productivity and in return be rewarded for their hard work through monetary incentives. However, his belief disregards rewards that are not money orientated which could still increase productivity, also known as intrinsic motivation. Herzberg’s devised a two-factor theory to explain how to achieve motivation and job satisfaction. One set of factors are called ‘hygiene’ or ‘maintenance’ factors, which are concerned with job environment for example, salary, job security, working conditions, level and quality of supervision, company policy and interpersonal relations. If these are absent it can lead to an individual feeling dissatisfied. The other set of factors are called ‘motivators’ or ‘growth’ factors, which provide a sense of achievement, recognition, responsibility, nature of the work and personal growth and advancement. An absence of these lead to a lack of satisfaction, but not dissatisfaction. Employees at Aviva have demonstrated the second set of factors through applying the concept of â€Å"systems thinking† – improving processes on an organisation scale to improve customer experience. When an employee has achieved success it has spurred others to follow suit creating a domino effect, thus boosting employee engagement and increasing motivation at work. Using this model it becomes clear that money is a motivator but not the only motivator. If motivation is not present it can cause dissatisfaction, the extent of this determined by one’s circumstances and other satisfactions that can be achieved at work. Receiving recognition and having opportunities available to grow and work up the ladder are just as important, if not more, influences on motivation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

This assignment considers physical activity in four different special population groups

This assignment considers physical activity in four different special population groups. Each population group is identified as being ‘special' because they have specific physiological and psychological needs that require physical activity to be modified and adapted to meet their special needs. The four different populations dealt within this assignment are Children, Over 50's, Pregnant Women and Disabled Persons. In this assignment, I will attempt to identify the techniques adapted specifically for each group and explain why it is beneficial for them. I will then proceed to compare and contrast the different techniques used between the four groups and explain why some techniques may be more suited for a particular group, and why some techniques may be inappropriate. CHILDREN: The first visit made was to a gymnasium course for children in between the ages of 2-4. (Ref. Appendix 1) Children are special because they grow at different rates and at different ages, â€Å".. there are also changes in body proportions that can put limitations on their ability to perform† (Lee, 1993 p. 51) Children need one to one care and special attention. Their bodies are still growing and developing so they have a limit to their capacity to perform certain activities. Their attention span is also short compared to an adult's so activities must be fun and capturing. The session I observed was a gymnastic lesson for children ages 2-4 that lasted for an hour. There were 6 students and two instructors. The fact that there was 1 instructor to 3 students shows how vulnerable children are and therefore must have special attention. As with every proper exercise session, they started with a good fifteen minutes of warm up. This ensured that all muscles were stretched and warmed up, ready for activity. The warm up exercises were very fun and exciting, which guaranteed the participation and inclusion of all children. The warm up exercises were very imaginative and creative and to name a few examples: walking on tiptoes with arms outstretched, frog leaping, hopping, star jumps and side skips. The stretches started from the top of the head moving down the body, such as neck stretches, shoulder rotation, roll and shake, hip swing and rotation, bottom wiggle and standing on tip toes to stretch the calves. After the 15 minute warm up, children were given a couple of minutes to have a drink or to visit the lavatories if needed. The main activity was set up as an assault course, where children moved from 1 activity to another. The equipment used was all very safe and the instructor arrived at least 15 minutes early to go through them and make sure all the equipments were working fine and that none were faulty. The beams, balancing benches and springboards were not the normal standard size but were adapted specifically for children. Mattings and paddings of sufficient size and density were placed where a landing would occur, or based on the design of an exercise, for example, for protection during a hand stand. The children started off by jumping off the springboard on to a soft horse bench. They then proceeded to do forward rolls on a soft mat, then a hand stand. They balanced themselves on a balance beam, before jumping onto trampoline, then going into the climbing frame. In between these exercises, the instructors gave children a few minutes break to get a drink or to visit the lavatory. The exercises used in the main activity focused on working different types of fitness components such as, strength, agility, balance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. The techniques used in this activity was appropriate because children have a lower capacity to do intense activity lasting 10-90s compared to adults so they are well suited to intermittent activities. (Howley et al, 2003) The variety of activities not only kept their attention, but it protected them from overemphasising on a specific sport and training intensely which could lead to emotional and physical problems. The benefits of exercise on children are that it enhances their fitness and health, and reduces risk for illness. The children enjoyed themselves greatly, and the instructors addressed them in very simple and friendly language. OVER 50's The next class I observed was a session for Over 50's. (Ref. Appendix 2) A population group over 50 is classified as special because as they age, their physical, emotional and mental function is no longer the same. Their joints have less mobility which increases risk injury therefore they will require programming that addresses these risks. Health related problems increase with both age and inactivity so older people need to be active and exercise to try and avoid illness. There is evidence that â€Å"..onset, progression and severity of many diseases in older people can be prevented, minimized or delayed with the provision of effective health promotion programmes, therapeutic exercises or physical activities† (Morris et al, 2004 p.1) The session was an aerobics course for 15 members lasting 45 minutes. The warm up section contained a range of movements that lasted a good 15 minutes. Warm up is important because it increases internal body temperature and reduces risk of injury. Movements included stretching and exercises such as heel raises, knee lifts, shoulder lifts and circles working through a pain free range of motion. Stretching exercises that emphasize range of motion and flexibility have been shown to increase ankle, knee joint and lower back flexibility in older adults. (Cotton 1998) The basic step-touch-step was used as a returning starting position before beginning a new movement. The warm up was accompanied by some soft, sustained music that set the mood. Music helps relax the mind and makes participants become more aware of their movements, breathing and posture (Best-Martini, 2003) Participants were given a break after warm up to freshen up. The aerobic activity lasted 10 minutes, was low impact and smooth completed movements were used rather than jerky, abrupt ones. There were sweeping hand movements involved, reaching and squatting. The aerobic part was similar to the warm up but with variations and at a slightly faster pace. The music as well was more lively which helped boost the participants motivation. The instructor used gradual transitions and cued clearly and well in advance. The weight training was next, which again lasted 10 minutes. They did very simple exercises using 1 kilo dumbbells, step, and cones. The group were assigned different stations: some participants did bicep curls with knee lifts, others did squats on the step, others marched on the sport lifting the dumbbells, and the rest did power walking around the cones with their arms swinging. They each had 30 seconds to do each exercise before moving on to the next. After four minutes, they rested for a bit before continuing again. There was no music used during resistance training so that the participants could concentrate. Once the weight training was over, they used the basic aerobics step to move into cool down. Again, soft, relaxing music was used, and the same, smooth, free range of movements used in the warm up was used to cool down. The participants seem to be having fun. It was a great way of socialising and they were chatting amongst each other throughout the whole session. For the health and safety part of the session, there was enough room and space for everyone to avoid anyone getting hurt. There were also mats placed by the steps to prevent participants from slipping while doing squats. The techniques used were appropriate because older adult exercisers â€Å"will be looking be looking for safe, low impact exercise programs that enhance overall fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance (Van, 1995, P.5) The sweeping hand movements and free range of motion reduces the risk of joint stress and injury to senior participants. It was appropriate and also maybe necessary for the participants to take regular breaks because their maximum heart rate decreases, and so does stroke volume meaning they have a higher rate of oxygen deficit than younger adults. The instructor provided a lot of verbal feedback always checking if they were alright and motivating them. The physiological benefits of exercise on older adults are improvement in cardiovascular functioning and slowing down the age-related declines in bodily function. The psychological benefits are improved mental health, reduced stress and anxiety and feeling more relaxed and refreshed. (Best-Martini, 2003) DISABILITY: For the disabled population, I visited the motorcise gym catering especially for their needs (Ref. Appendix 3) . Motorcise is a centre that has specifically been opened to help those people who find gyms or health clubs intimidating. The club is open to Women only over 40, and provides brilliant facilities for the older women, overweight and disabled. There is a relaxed friendly atmosphere, with dedicated staff on hand to assist the members, whatever there needs. The atmosphere, as well as the centre's specific equipment means that members can really benefit. Socially it gives them a chance to meet new people, and provides them with a social platform depending on the number of times they visit the centre. Physically though the centre is excellent for all the cliental groups. The machines motorcise use, are as the name shows, Motorised. It is a completely new system that makes exercise easy and fun to do. Women who were in the session had multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, diabetes and they found the machines really helpful and enjoyed working out. On average members use the centre twice a week and this can help improve their health and wellbeing, increase energy levels, tone the body as well as boosting their confidence. The sessions only take 30minutes so members are able to fit the work out around their daily lives. Sport has a great deal therapeutic value and plays a great part in physical, psychological and social rehabilitation / factors for a disabled person. The level of a person's disability will determine the amount of exercise and participation. It's important that the disabled have the facilities to participate to the best of their ability and to be able to enjoy sport like everybody else. People with disabilities find it hard to participate in sport for a number of reasons. They feel unable to fit into sporting environment, no self confidence to take part and the feel of failure. They have a mentality that because they are disabled any kind of physical activity would be beyond their capability. Put this together with the lack of information, facilities, and support for disabled sport it is very easy for a person with a slight disability to be put off participating in sport. (Health Education Authority, 1997) Motorcise has 10 machines each working a different group muscle. The ‘Chester' is the first machine that every woman goes on which is basically like a warm up in an activity session. It gets the circulation moving and warms up the muscle joints. Each machine has two different settings, the ‘Slow Passive Pace' and the ‘Fast Pace.' These machines are adapted specifically for people with certain limitations to do physical activity. At slow pace, the machine does the work for them, it is only getting the muscle joints warmed up. When set on to the fast pace, the individual is then working with it by pushing the bars, or pulling them down, or lifting their legs, or pushing down on it. If a woman has immobility in her knees, then she would adapt to it by planting her feet on the floor and using just her arms, or if she has frozen shoulders, she would cross her arms over her chest and work only her lower body. Each machine has very good back support padding, and there are special cushions available for a woman with very bad back problems. To name a few, there is the ‘Noddy Crunch' which works the upper abs and lower back. The ‘Latty Leg Press' works on the shoulders, leg press and posture. As you push up with the shoulders, you push up with your knees then push down again, lengthening the spine and working the posture. The last machine for is specifically for cool down called the ‘Ricky Relaxerciser.' It has low frequency sound waves that give a soft vibration giving the women a feeling of relaxation. This recreation centre gives great facilities and opportunities for disabled women. It is in a safe, fun and supportive environment. It gives them a chance to socialise, boost their self esteem, have more confidence and not only that, improves their health and aids them with the mobility in their joints and flexibility. Physical activity is effective in playing a role in behaviour – â€Å"..interventions that promote moderate and non-endurance physical activities (flexibility exercises) are associated with long-term changes in behaviour† (Health Development Agency) PREGNANCY: Pregnant women are special because there is an increase in body mass will reduce her exercise capacity, swimming provides and element of support. The increased metabolic rate and increased body weight, means oxygen demand during pregnancy increases. (Bird, S.R, 1998) The session I observed was an aqua aerobics class for pregnant women that lasted 45 minutes (Ref. Appendix 4). â€Å"Safety: Water is supportive through buoyancy, resistive in nature and equal in hydrostatic pressure on the submerged body part. Weakness, joint or limb swelling, loss of motion or flexibility and overall loss of endurance are safely addressed in the aquatic environment† (White, 1995 pp 3-5). It was very low intensity with slow and controlled movements. The warm up involved walking around the pool for a few minutes, chatting amongst themselves. Next, they were lightly jogging around the pool, other women who were too far into pregnancy continued walking. Along with lower body movements, they performed various arm motions such as the breast stroke, back stroke, punches, pushes and sweeps. The cardiovascular workout was done at a low intensity and for a moderate duration. The aim was to get breathlessness. (Lawrence 1998) Women used woggles as part of their main activity to support themselves. They did a cycling movement by having a woggle under both arms while legs were cycling. It was a good work out for the whole body, and not only that, they also worked out their neck and head. Explosive and jerky movements were avoided because â€Å"†¦.the increase in body mass will become a limitation..(Bird, 1998, p.288) which could overstretch ligaments and tendons doing more damage than healing. Throughout the main workout, there were regular breaks taken, which meant marching on the spot and performing flowing, rhythmical mobility exercises, like sweeping the water etc.. The cool down was just as slow and relaxed as the warm up, and the women were given a few minutes at the end of the class to just float on their backs and enjoy the feeling of weightlessness. It is beneficial for pregnant women to exercise in water because they are better accommodated in water because of the supportive and gravity-reduced environment. The buoyancy opposes the force of gravity allowing the body to move more freely and easily than on land. (White, 1995) It reduces the weight and stress placed on joints and ligaments, spine and hip. Resistance works out the muscles and tones them without being too intense. There is equal pressure form the water on the body that increases with depth. This is helpful for swelling around the joints or circulatory problems because the static fluid around the joints is forced upward toward the heart by hydrostatic pressure. (Lawrence, 1998) The overall balance of the woman is also enhanced because she is constantly moving forwards, backwards and sideward in a dynamic environment. DISCUSSION: Each population group had different techniques but they also had some similarities. Each group started with a warm up and cool down that lasted at least 15 minutes. This is important for getting the circulation moving, and working the muscles and joints to prevent injury. The children's session was similar to the over 50's and pregnant women in the sense that they took regular breaks. The children needed breaks because doing physical activity for a short amount of time made them run out of breath. â€Å"Children respond to exercise with shallower respirations and higher respiratory frequencies than adolescents and adults. During maximal exercise children may reach over 75 breaths/min compared with a normal adult response of about 45 breaths/min.† (Lee, 1993, p.69) The older adults needed regular breaks because there is a â€Å"..decrease in both stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped from the heart during one heartbeat) and maximum heart rate (the highest heart rate a person can attain.)..† (Van, 1995 P.11) The pregnant women had to take regular breaks because â€Å"high intensity activities may restrict blood flow to the foetus†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lawrence, 1998 P. 159) The language the instructors used with the children's session differed from the rest because they used simple and fun language to address them. Each group was similar in the sense that they each had certain limitations to perform physical activity. For children, it was the fact that they were still growing and developing so overtraining was not appropriate. For older adults, it was the fact that some of them might have loss some sense of coordination, flexibility or mobility. For pregnant women, it was the increase in mass that might have prevented her from doing the usual things. For the disabled population, it was their disability that was their limitation. However, despites all these limitations, there were no barriers to stop them from participating in physical activity. They overcame all their limitations and barriers, and each one of them was able to participate in physical activity like everyone else. After going on these fieldtrips, I learnt that no matter what kind of barrier or limitation someone has, this cannot stop them from participating in physical activity as illustrated by these four special population groups. It is great that most leisure/recreation centres have facilities and opportunities that cater specifically for these groups needs.

Monday, July 29, 2019

In what ways do fictional representations of British travellers abroad Essay

In what ways do fictional representations of British travellers abroad serve to challenge fixed notions of British national identity - Essay Example As such, they are intended to bring about a specific change or reform in addition to relating an enjoyable tale. A brief understanding of the journeys of Gulliver and Crusoe respectively illustrates the changes these characters undergo throughout the course of their stories, exposing the intended satire intertwined within the work and illuminating some of our fixed notions regarding British national identity. In each story, the travels undertaken by the main character have a great deal to do with the type of growth they experience. Gulliver, for example, makes four separate voyages, each time meeting a different kind of people. His first encounter is with the Lilliputians who, although they are very tiny compared to himself, nevertheless impress him with their technological achievements. Despite this, he soon realizes that outward appearances are not necessarily reflected on the inside as the Lilliputians squabble over such small matters as which side of an egg should be cracked or how high a heel should be worn. His second voyage takes him to the land of the Brobdingnag, who are giants compared to Gulliver. They treat him as a beast or, at best, a unique pet and, despite their size, Gulliver learns that bigger doesn’t always mean better, smarter or wiser when he gains the opportunities to see them at court and realizes not even the king has an understanding of politics. His third voyage takes him to Laputa. On this trip, he learns that highly educated doesn’t necessarily equate with sensible, historical figures were not always heroic and age does not always bring wisdom. Finally, on his fourth voyage, Gulliver loses the last of his innocent assumptions when he finds that men are the most base creatures of the land of the Houyhnhnms. Robinson Crusoe also goes through a series of events in which he is forced to learn more about himself and illuminates the British identity. The book begins with a quick summary

Sunday, July 28, 2019

I will upload the instruction Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I will upload the instruction - Coursework Example Our mentorship program led us to do some socially responsible work with the program focusing primarily on hand hygiene. Mentorship programs serve several purposes. Some mentorship programs are designed to develop new skills and nurture existing skill prowess. Additionally, mentorship programs play a variety of roles in introducing new nurses to the field. Mentorship programs can also be designed to build the confidence levels of mentees as well as offering the much needed guidance and direction to novice nurses. The mentor is usually the expert and his or her primary role is to give the nurses a new and exciting outlook on their career. Mentorship programs have been recurrently seen as definers of a mentees success in the field. Mentorship programs, for instance, focuses on several goals. The major goal of mentorship is to achieve the expected goals or anticipation from the mentorship program. For instance, if a mentorship program seeks to build on registered nurses confidence levels, the primary goal or objective for such a program would be more confident mentees. Other goals of mentorship include teaching, skill improvement, firsthand experience and establishing various role models for the nurses (Grossman, 2013). As such, mentorship also centers on creating solid foundations for the nurses, creating a better opportunity for them to derive satisfaction from their careers. The main objective of our mentorship project was to contribute to the society by helping them reduce cases and incidences of contracting ailments. The mentorship program was designed to enable mentees to mentor other children as well. This is part of the social responsibility of the hospital, proactive measures towards health restoration. The program was designed to reinforce the need for washing hands recurrently to avoid germs and bacteria that cause diseases. The project gave all nurses a chance to interact with the children and mentor them into achieving good health.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Describe the function of tolc gene in salmonella and how this function Essay

Describe the function of tolc gene in salmonella and how this function may relate to intracellular pathogenisis in this organism - Essay Example Other substances that are secreted by TolC gene include macrobiotic solvents, and a number of antiseptic peptides (Tegos and Mylonakis, 2012). TolC functions hand in hand with other internal casing mediums in a bid to expunge unwanted elements. Research done over the recent past have posited that a number of mechanisms accountable for dissipating noxious substances from the E. coli cell requires the presence of TolC in order to function properly (Yu, Zhang and Brown, 2013). This function directly relates to the intracellular pathogenesis in salmonella. According to Toone, (2011), the absence of TolC in salmonella as a result of its removal elevates the level of defencelessness or vulnerability of salmonella to the various agents that exterminates or eradicates bacteria, viruses, and other germs, and also chemical composites. It is however important to elucidate the fact that in salmonella, TolC relies on other mechanisms for accountable for the removal of noxious substances from the cells. According to Horiyama, Yamagichi and Nishino (2010), these other mechanisms include "AcrAB, AcrD, AcrEF, MdtABC, MdsAB, EmrAB, and MdfA, MacAB, and MdtK" (p. 1372). In a nutshell, the function of the TolC gene in salmonella is aiding in the secretion of noxious substances from the cells of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Auditor Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Auditor Independence - Essay Example Each time such news grabs headlines questions are raised about the expected role of auditors to be the whistle blowers on first whiff of material fraud or manipulation and if they had compromised their role by losing their independence. Investigation into reasons for Enron failure in particular revealed that its auditors had colluded with the management in weaving a web of complex financial transactions creatively to help window dress the dwindling fortunes and losses in return for hefty non audit fee. The firm was found guilty and indicted which brought about break up of one of the five largest audit firms of the world namely Arthur Anderson. Now there are only four big audit firms in the world namely, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) Deloitte & Touch, KPMG and Ernst & Young, popularly known as the big four. Recently another big four firm namely Price Waterhouse Coopers' name has been dragged into another scandal of global proportions i.e., "Satyam", the software company based in India. This company had overstated its revenues for a number of years and falsified accounts to show nonexistent bank deposits. Once again the role of Auditors was reviewed and it is primarily concluded that the auditors had accommodated the management in creating the charade. The auditors responsible for signing the reports are behind bars for criminal conduct in rendering services. In Australia too there have been cases of failed entities like HIH Ltd and Harris Scarfe were both placed into administration in the 2001/2002 financial year and subsequent investigation revealed irregularities in the financial statements of both. Around the same time, the Australian companies One-Tel, Impulse Airlines, Ansett and Pasminco also collapsed, seemingly without warning, suggesting a deficiency in the corporate governance practices of these companies (Walker et al, 2008, p. 9). Just like SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) of USA, CLERP 9 (Corporate Law and Economic Reform Program was enacted in response to public outcry over the seemingly expensive presence of auditors without commensurate accountability towards their functions to be discharged in an objective and honest manner. Thus a "conflict of interest" situation must be avoided by auditors. A formal enactment only strengthens and structures the conduct expected of auditors as a matter of best practice while discharging their duties. Explanatory Memorandum to CLERP 9 (4.19) states that the inclusion of an objective standard in the general auditor independence requirement is critical for enforcement purposes because objectivity, being a state of mind, is not, except in unusual circumstances, subject to direct proof. The difficulties associated with identifying a compromise of independence are also inherent in the nature of the audit process. Accordingly, the perception of auditor independence, as demonstrated by external facts and circumstances, under an objective standard takes on great importance. Main impact on audit function as a result of this legislation is summarised below: Partner rotation in all public interest entities with different partners namely engagement partner, the individual responsible for the engagement quality control review and other audit partners on the engagement team who are responsible for key decisions or

Dolphins Facts and Information Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dolphins Facts and Information - Article Example They are also believed to have once lived on land some ten million years ago. According to scientists, dolphins’ skeleton shows that its front flippers are a modified form of hands and the two unattached bones behind its ribcage are pelvic girdles, to which hind limbs once attached (MacGillivray, 2000). Interestingly, dolphins are known for its complex communication which consists of their call ranges, cognitive skills, and ability to modify signals through vocal learning. A study by Janik (2000) revealed how bottlenose dolphin uses whistles that could reach over 580 meters to interact one another. Aside from this, dolphins are known to communicate through sonar which interests auditory researchers, acoustical physics, and even military scientists. In his book â€Å"The Sonar of Dolphins†, Au (1993) documented the abilities to echolocate which means it can explore the depths of the ocean through echo and with little use of sight. With almost forty species, dolphins are known to reach sexual maturity for about six to ten years and copulate from belly to belly through a gestation period which takes up to 11-17 months. After this period, mother dolphins nurse her baby for about a year as female dolphins give birth to one calf every two years. Moreover, when it comes to its sleeping behavior, it is known that dolphins suffocate in full deep sleep and so, they only sleep one half of their brain at a time for about 8 hours a day (Ridgway, 1990). With this, their lifespan could reach a maximum of 40 up to 50 years. Dolphins have long been a fascination for human civilization since the ancient Greek period. These marine mammals are said to have always been friendly to the boaters and bathers at the ancient city of Greece.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 63

Marketing - Essay Example AICPA is an organization that deals with the harmonization of the accounting industry through the promotion of competence, integrity, and professionalism. I will also be interested in linking the activities of trade association with a job board that is concerned with promotion of professionalism among US job seekers. My main interest will be Career Builder, which is a job board that links employers with job seekers. The choice for career is based on the policy of professional development that the job boar promotes. Unlike other job boards, career builder believes in the development of people throughout their career. The board’s policies also illustrate value for development of skills through education and on job training. In addition, the issues of standardization remain a major cause of unemployment in the country. To contain the problem, I will need to work with an association that promotes standardization of employees through quality or standard education. Setting of standards in the work force will enhance professionalism and integrity among our Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 55 Marketing - Essay Example Indian Motorcycle banked on its legendary image â€Å"hitting the road in 1901, Indian was not only the first American motorcycle, it was the worlds best-selling bike and, having introduced the first V-twin motorcycle to the world in 1907, the most technologically advanced† (Indian Motorcycle 1). Its strategies include showcasing vintage and classic motorcycles, complete with motorcycle accessories. Its global sites include stores in North America, Mexico, Carribean, Central and South America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, among others. For Harley-Davidson USA, the appeals that they use include appealing to the emotions through the use of visual images that cater to diverse customers and using options such as customization, even test riding and renting a bike, with other appeals that provide facts and opportunities to meet and share this interest to other bikers through events and community endeavors. Indian Motorcycle uses comparative details, historical timeline of achievements, rider stories, and motorcycle events where participants get to know more about experiences and the journey of other motorcycle riders. Likewise, their various motorcycles are showcased in vivid and colorful details that assist potential customers in deciding to purchase or to attend in the companies diverse motorcycle

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Image - Essay Example It is an effortless medium to convey a message. The picture â€Å"Migrant Mother† taken by Dorothea Lange during the Resettlement Period in Nipomo, California in 1963 is an image that carries more than a thousand words. Looking at the picture alone, many words can pop out of the mind of onlookers such as poverty, hunger, hopelessness, family, help and many more. Indeed, the single shot of the mother with her children creates a mantra of events on the minds of onlookers trying to place themselves on the shoes of the subject. The mother with her two children on her sides is posed naturally creating an atmosphere of heavy drama. It is easy to assume that they are family. It can be seen on the way the children lean on their mother as source of comfort to what they are currently going through. They rest their worries to their mother since they are in a battle where they are weaponless. The features of the mother carry the most intense drama in the picture. Her features are taken quite vividly such that, anyone can cry their hearts out upon her solemn expression. Her eyes are replica of gloom. She is looking at a far distant without really seeing anything. She seems tired and extremely exhausted with her eyes dried up from previous crying and wailing and yet nothing still happens. The way her brows crease almost meeting in the middle shows discontent reverberating with her eyes reflecting hopelessness. Wrinkles are dominant all over her face: on her forehead, on her eyes, on her cheeks as well as on the crease on her lips. She aged so much than her true age of thirty two. The woman looks utterly sullen. The way her lips carve downward signifies that she can’t afford to smile. She slightly leans her head on her hands portraying loneliness, boredom, exhaustion and total lifelessness. She might have been in this state for quite some time. She is idle because she can’t do anything but to wait. She

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Summary - Assignment Example In the late medieval period, they were believed to have adopted a hunter-gatherer mode of life. It is an important revelation, for everywhere else in the world agriculture and urbanization has already become entrenched. Bison was a great stock prey during the time as the ecology of the Great Plains suited it well. In many of the cave paintings from this period, we can see how bison was an emblematic animal for the entire community. It is important to remember that, despite common features, native American culture is not one monolithic system. The breadth and width of the continent’s landscape, with its varied climates, geographies and ecologies, made adapting to local conditions an imperative. As a result, we see different set of customs and norms being practiced in the Great Basin, Pacific Coast or Eastern Woodlands. Likewise, in contrast to the widespread adoption of hunter-gatherer lifestyle, native Indian cultures of South-western and Woodland Burial Mound regions practiced agriculture. The social organization of these regions was also different, in that they were chiefdoms, with a definite hierarchy among its members. Just as Spanish Conquistadors started trickling into the continent in the late 15th century, the meso-American culture became predominant. This unique culture retained many key traits of the community’s traditions while also including new elements that they were introduced to. It is an unfortunate fact of history that despite the amicable and warm welcome of the conquistadors by native Americans, the former did not reciprocate the hospitality. After having acquainted themselves with the exotic culture of the natives, the conquistadors systematically proceeded to dominate the defenceless natives. Those who had the courage to resist domination and exploitation were ruthlessly rounded up and executed. As a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Systems Case Study Essay Example for Free

Systems Case Study Essay The subway network can be split into 4 main sub systems, those being design, manufacturing and maintenance, operation and customers. The design process initially involves designing the desired rail network, however once the entire system in in operation the design sub system involves the constant re design of features and parts caused by arising issues as well as updating the system to use newer technologies. This subsystem requires many disciplines of engineering including electrical which designs many of the electrical features including the main power system responsible in powering  of the overall system [1], civil which designs structures such as stations, bridges and tunnels underneath the city [2] and mechanical which is involved in the design of railway vehicles [3]. The manufacturing and maintenance subsystem involves the building of everything required for the system to function from manufacturing the trains themselves to constructing the network of rails, tunnels and stations they travel through. This is all continuously maintained to assure it is reliable and fully functioning to allow for the system to be operated. One important engineering discipline involved in the manufacturing subsystem is manufacturing engineering which with the aid of many other engineering disciplines is able to turn raw materials into new products such as train carts, railway tracks etc [4]. The operation process is the subsystem that the customers or users of this system rely heavily upon. The operation of this system involves using all the parts of this system in order to fulfil its function of transporting its users. The operation process involves constant monitoring of the system in order to allow for a schedule as well as maintain safety and assure the system is functioning correctly. This all requires many operators such as traffic controllers, drivers and conductors. Software Engineering is a very important part of the operation process as it is responsible for developing software to track rail carts, display arrival times and operate automated train supervision [5]. The final subsystem of this system is the customers or the users. This system includes all the users of the rail system and as the main purpose this system is to provide customers with transportation this subsystem like every other relies heavily upon all the other subsystems in order to allow the rail system to function. The main subsystems or the systems key elements interact strongly with each other and rely heavily upon each other in order for the system to function. The whole purpose of the rail transportation system is to create a more efficient, convenient and more simple way for people to travel to and from a desired location. A high level of intelligent communication and interactions between the subsystems allows the system to meet its desired outcomes. As transportation is the users need there is a strong interaction between the customers and the operation subsystems. In order to meet customers’ needs the operation of this system needs to be working efficiently, this requires all the parts involved in this subsystem to be running proficiently as any dilemmas within this subsystem can impact the customers causing problems such as delays and accidents which can lead to many complications with the system as a whole [6]. In order to meet customers needs there is a strong interaction between the operation and the manufacturing and maintainance subsystems. In order to operate the system there initially needs to be parts that have been manufactured such as tracks, stations and trains. However once the system is running constant maintenance on parts as well as the manufacturing of new parts are needed in order to allow to allow for the operation of the system to run efficiently [4]. Problems in the manufacturing and mainanace system can furthur lead to operation issues that can have a devastating impact on the customers. To assure that apropriate parts are made the manufacturing and maintainance subsystem relies on the design subsystem. This subsystem is extremely important in assuring that features of the system are designed  apropriatly eliminating any potential risks during the manufacturing and operating stages [7]. Finally the customer subsystem has strong interaction between all the other main susbystems. Actions and the behaviours of the customers infuluences and changes the ways all the subsystems interact. More users require more operation which leads to the need of more manufacturing, maintainence and design. Less users can potentially reverse this effect. In order to create a sustainable system the key elements need to rely heavily upon each other [8].

European Union Essay Example for Free

European Union Essay During the 20th century, many different views arose concerning the unification of a previously divided Europe. Opinions varied depending on the individuals country and heritage, but largely because unification could improve conditions in some countries, while jeopardizing the conditions in others. Those in favor of a unified Europe usually had something to gain from it, while those who were against it had something to lose. Many countries were tired after WW1 and WW2, and interested in finding a possible source of peace. As Konrad Adenaver states Nations cannot continue to live exclusively according to their own desires and inclinations. (Doc 6). The ideas of new imperialism and nationalism were being replaced with ideas of peace and unification. In this hope for new found peace , countries such as France, Germany, and many other countries became involved in the European Economic Community(EEC). Sir Winston Churchill wished to be more like the U. S, and to form a council of Europe. (Doc1) Being the former Prime minister Britain, he might want this due to Britain ties and respect for the U. S. Not everyone shared this respect for the U. S, as shown in a Soviet Newspaper, a cartoon of a greedy American destroying Sovereignty of West European Countries. (Doc 4) Spain seemed to also have some hesitation in the idea of a unified Europe. The prime minister of Spain, Felipe Gonzalez, states NATO membership and joining the European Community mean the end of the traditional isolation of span. (Doc 11) Since the U. S was the creator of NATO, Spain might have some hostility towards America for being left out of NATO, while Russians may have hostility left over from the cold war. France seemed to be a bit irritated with the fact that Britain first refused to participate and even took a hostile attitude, as if the EEC were a economic and political threat. (Doc 8) These words, spoken by the President of France Charles de Gaulle, summed up the attitude of many French. He also claimed Britain had too many ties to America to be fully committed to a Europe Union. Harold Macmillan, the British finance minister claimed that joining the EEC would collapse our system of favoring rade with the British common wealth. (Doc 7) Britain did want unity but it also needed to do what would be best for the country individually, as summed up in the words of Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister, We want to see Europe more united and with a greater sense of common purpose, but it must be in a way which preserves the different traditions, etc. (Doc12) Britain was still a big powerful country, and did not necessarily benefit from the unity as much as smaller countries would. Italy Prime Minister Jack Lynch declares his commitment to EEC, saying We would naturally be interested in the defense of the territories embrace by that community(Doc 10) Although there were many different reasons why countries would want a united Europe, it did end up happening. Although there was still some suspicion as Duncan Sandys stated (speaking of Charles de Gaulle) Were gravely suspicious of the policy of American and British governments,(Doc 2) a European Union was formed. The United States did, and still does, have a strong influence over Europe, but Europes unification makes it more powerful force as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Follicular Lymphoma Case Study

Follicular Lymphoma Case Study The clinical condition given was a 33 year old patient diagnosed with chemotherapy resistant advance follicular lymphoma. Lymphoma is a type of cancer of the lymphocytes, which belongs to the white blood cell family of the body.1 White blood cells circulate the body through an extensive network of lymphatic systems, illustrated in figure 1, which includes the bone marrows, spleen, thymus and the lymph nodes. Lymphoma is categorized into two, the Hodgkin lymphoma and the non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Follicular lymphoma belongs to the group of NHL that affects the B-cell lymphocytes, which plays a critical role in immune response by producing antibodies in human body. Under the view of a microscope, follicular lymphoma produces a nodule or follicular structure, as the name suggested. Microscopic image of follicular lymphoma can be seen in figure 2. Diagnosis Diagnosis requires a biopsy of a lymph node, involving the process of obtaining a small amount of tissue for testing in the laboratory.5, 6 However, biopsy alone will not be sufficient to diagnose the lymphoma. Other scans on the abdominal, chest, or pelvic areas by using techniques such as Computer Tomography Scan (CT-Scan), Positron Emission Tomography (PET-Scan), will aid diagnosis as well.7, 8 According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NNCN) Guidelines, laboratory test which is inclusive of full blood count, uric acid level, serum calcium level, as well as liver function test are needed in order to confirm diagnosis.9 Follicular Lymphoma Stages and Classifications Staging is important in patient with follicular lymphoma as it divides patient into group and determines what kind of treatment is needed, or whether treatment is required. Generally, NHLs are divided into four stages, summarized in table 1 below. Follicular lymphomas categorized in stage II, III, and IV are termed as advanced follicular lymphoma, as the case of the patient in the scenario. 5, 6 Table 1: Stages of NHL in terms of regions involved. Stages Descriptions Stage I Only one of the lymph node is involved Stage II Two or more lymph nodes from the same side of diaphragm are involved Stage III Lymph nodes at both sides of the diaphragm are involved Stage IV Involves a number of lymph nodes, tissues or organs Furthermore, lymphomas can generally be described as Low Grade, Intermediate Grade, or High Grade, depending on the speed they grow, based on the Revised European-American Lymphoma (REAL) grading system1, 6. Generally, low grade lymphomas are slow growing, while high grade lymphomas are characterized by rapid growing tumor cell which requires aggressive treatment compared to low grade and intermediate grade lymphomas. Ironically, many High Grade lymphoma can be cured, while low grades lymphoma tends to reappear and contribute to relapses.6 Apart from the general lymphomas grading, follicular lymphomas have their own grading system, which are separated into three grades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the follicular lymphomas are categorized according to the number of centroblast (large follicular cell) present while the tumor was scanned by using the highest power of magnification on the microscope.1, 5, 6 The grades were summarized in table 2. Causes A research done by Bosga-Bouwer et al. over 30 patients indicates that genetic factors are the primary causes of follicular lymphomas. The research used southern blotting technique, polymerase chain reaction, and fluorescence in situ hybridization to confirm a translocation in the chromosome 14 and 18, which affects the bcl-2 proto-oncogene, and the main function of bcl-2 genes is to prevent apoptosis of B-cell lymphocytes.10 Overexpression of the bcl-2 gene results in prolonged survival rate of the cell due to the prevention of programmed cell death.1, 10 Signs and Symptoms Symptoms of follicular lymphoma include adenopathy, night sweats, weight loss, and fever. Adenopathy represents painless swelling in one the lymph nodes. Another important indicator includes elevated levels of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH), an enzyme that facilitates the conversion of pyruvate to lactate. 11 However, it is important to note that some of the patient lymphoma will be asymptomatic. Complications Follicular lymphoma will further complicate by increasing tumor bulk and threaten end-organ function. After a given period of time, it might transform into a more rapid growing lymphoma- the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). In contrast, DLBCL is a much more aggressive form of NHL. According to a research done by Horning and Rosenberg, 25% to 60% of the patient will transform from follicular lymphoma into DLBCL12. A paper done by Lossos et al. suggested that the transformation to DLBCL includes multiple genetic mechanisms no single gene is responsible for the transformation13. Apart from that, another paper by Montoto from Cancer Research UK Medical Oncology Unit, demonstrates that the risk will be significantly higher (P-value = 0.02) if a patient was in an advanced stage of follicular lymphoma, which is the situation present in the case scenario14. It was also found that there are no statistically significant differences between the time of initiation of therapy and chances o f transforming from follicular lymphoma into DLBCL. If a patient with DLBCL is not treated accordingly, it is often fatal 5, 14. Furthermore, tumor of follicular lymphoma might relapse and further develop into chemotherapy resistant follicular lymphoma. Chemotherapy resistant lymphoma occurs when the lymphoma that has been responding to chemotherapy had begun to grow, resisting the effects of the therapy. The resistances are acquired through a number of mechanisms, namely genetic transformation of the B-cells. When this occurs, as seen in the case, the treatment option will be narrowed down, since chemotherapy is no longer an option.15 Incidence, Morbidity, and Mortality Rate Follicular lymphomas have an incidence rate of 2500 cases each year in the UK.16 It exhibits the second highest incidence rate among all the lymphomas, with the first being DLBCL. 17 It dominates 30% of all the NHL and it is the most common type of Low Grade NHL.1, 17 Prognosis Index is used to predict the treatment options and outcome of follicular lymphoma. A Follicular Lymphoma Prognosis Index, developed by Solal-Celigny, is currently being used internationally18. This prognosis index takes into account of 5 factors, which are age (>60 years), stages of follicular lymphoma (stage III IV), hemoglobin levels (low), numbers of lymph nodes/organs affected (>4), and levels of LDH (high) 17, 18. 91% of patient which suffers none of the abovementioned factors will live longer than 5 years. If the patient suffers from two or three of the factors in Follicular Lymphoma Prognosis Index, the rate of living longer than 5 years will drop to 78% and 43% respectively 18. In the UK, the median age of onset of follicular lymphoma was 60 years old, as compared to 67years old in the United States (US) 16, 19. In the US, according to the National Cancer Institute, rate of mortality was the highest among those from 75-84 years old, with a death rate of 33.7%. However, in those patient aged from 20-34 years old (case scenario patient aged 33years) mortality rate was only 1.6%. The average death rate of patient with NHL was 7.1 per 100,000 men and woman per year in the US19. Evidence Based Treatment Options of Follicular Lymphoma Follicular lymphoma can be considered incurable, but fortunately the growing tumors are sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment options of lymphomas are highly based on severity of the symptoms and stages of lymphoma.5,20 If patient is asymptomatic, prescribers often employs a wait and watch approach, and according to studies, there is no difference in the survival rate between patients who were treated earlier and patients who were treated according to wait and watch method. 20 Treatments options are summarized in table 3. Treatment options Descriptions Radiotherapy Uses ionizing radiation to destroy cells Chemotherapy Uses drugs to stop or slow down the growth of cells Monoclonal antibody Uses proteins that targets rapid growing cells Radioimmunotherapy Radioactive isotopes combined with monoclonal antibodies Bone Marrow Transplant Transplantation of stem cells Radiotherapy One of the ways to treat follicular lymphoma is by performing radiotherapy, which is also called radiation therapy. It was preferably use in Stage I or Stage II of the lymphomas which are localized.20, 21 The mechanism of radiotherapy includes usage of ionizing radiation such as beta and gamma rays to destroy the tumor cells and impairs their growth, while the body removes them through a natural process. Currently, the method employed in treatment of lymphoma tumor is known as the external beam therapy. 20, 21, 22 External beam therapy is done from a machine outside the patient, which is known and the linear accelerator. Radiation to body parts above the diaphragm is known as Mantle Field radiation, while radiation to parts below the diaphragm is known as Inverted Y-field radiation.22 A study by Aviles has shown that survival rate of a patient treated with radiotherapy for a 5 years period was 48%, and if used together with chemotherapy, the patients survival rate will be increased to 83%.23, 24 According to another research by MacManus, 40% of the radiotherapy patient remained disease free after 10 years. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy involves the usage of drugs to stop or slow down the growth of lymphoma B-cells, hence managing the lymphomas symptoms.5, 6 Chemotherapy drugs only target specific rapid-growing cells such as tumor cells, and impairs their ability to multiply and growth. 20 However, many cell lines in patients such as bone marrow, hair follicles, and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract are rapid-growing cells and therefore, it will be targeted by chemotherapy drugs as well, causing the side effects. Initial responses towards chemotherapy are usually high, and therefore, it is considered as the first line-treatment in treating NHL.20 Many protocols of chemotherapy combination were proposed, with the common ones being the CHOP and CVP. CHOP therapy includes the usage of four drugs- Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, and Prednisone while CVP therapy uses Cyclophospharmide, Vincristine, and Prednisone.5, 6, 20 A research by Fisher had concluded that CHOP should be used as first line treatment for advanced grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma, with a result of 44% survival rate in 1138 patient after a period of 3 years.26 However, a more recent study by Hiddemann suggested that the use of Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody, together with CHOP greatly improves the response rate of patient to 96% (P-value of 0.011), and reduce the chances of treatment failure by 60%. The study, which was done on 2005, proves that R-CHOP is the superior frontline treatment of choice for advanced follicular lymphoma compared to CHOP. According to the British National Formulary 57 (BNF 57), the usage of CHOP will produce side effects such as oral mucositis, hyperuricaemia and tumour lysis syndrome. Nausea and vomiting is also the common side effects of chemotherapy drugs, and it may lead to refusal of further treatment. Bone marrow suppression and alopecia are also of the core problems of chemotherapy drugs. Monoclonal Antibody Therapy Monoclonal antibody therapy works by using antibodies that sticks to the surface of specific groups of cells, such as cancer cells, and trigger the bodys natural immune system to destroy these cells. 5 The advantages of monoclonal antibody compared to chemotherapy is that they are more specific compared to chemotherapy. Rituximab is used to treat follicular lymphoma, due to the mechanism of action of binding to CD20 protein- the abundant protein on the surface of B-cell. Rituximab causes the death of the cell by the induction of apoptosis. 29 According to the BNF 57 and North London Cancer Guideline, Rituximab is used to treat stage III and IV follicular lymphoma, or in those patient that had a relapse after treatment of chemotherapy, or those that other treatment options are exhausted.16, 28 Nice guidelines recommends that Rituximab should be given as a third-line treatment, and should only be given as first line with combination of chemotherapy to patient with stage III and IV follicular lymphoma. A meta-analysis research by Vidal et al. reveals that when Rituximab was given as a maintenance therapy, it significantly improves overall survival rate and the relapse rate of patient, compared to patient that did not have Rituximab as maintenance therapy.29, 30 Another research by Hauprock and Hess indicates that Rituximab improves survival rate if given as relapse therapy and maintenance therapy.31 When given together with CHOP chemotherapy, it greatly improves the overall outcome of a patient. Adverse side effects of Rituximab appears to be infusion related side-effects, namely the cytokine release syndrome, which is characterized by fever, chills, nausea and vomiting, as well as tumor pain. Radioimmunotherapy Radioimmunotherapy consist of one radioactive isotope and a monoclonal antibody to assist specific cell targeting. The radioactive isotope which is attached to the antibody will release radiation once the antibody is bound to the specific cell type, hence killing the cells.21, 32 This method is considered to be a more advance therapy compared to chemotherapy and monoclonal antibody therapy. There are two drugs available now in radioimmunotherapy, namely Bexxar and Zevalin.32, 33 Zevalin consist of two radioactive isotopes called indium-111 and yttrium-90. The purpose of indium-111 in the drug is to enables physician to view the paths of the drug in the body, while yttrium-90 is the therapeutic portion of the drug. Zevalin is administered via the intravenous route together with Rituximab over a time of ten minutes, over a course of a week. The main side effect of Zevalin is lowered blood cell count, normally observed 4-6 weeks after the treatment. However, Zevalin is considered to be advantageous in terms of side-effects as it does not exhibits the normal side-effects of chemotherapy drugs, such as alopecia, nausea and vomiting. In a clinical trial involving patients with NHL, Zevalin manage to produce a response rate of 70-80%. Furthermore, in the same trial, Zevalin produces responses in patient who no longer respond to chemotherapy and Rituximab.32 A review by WitZig showed a response rate of 82% to Zevalin in patient with low grade NHL. The advantages of Zevalin Therapy are that it only uses a single dose of radiation and it is being well tolerated by the patient, which was proven in the study.34 In another randomized controlled trial done by WitZig and Gordon et al., Zevalin was proved to be more superior than Rituximab, with an overall response rate of 80% compared to 55% in treating follicular lymphoma. Apart from that, another immunotherapy drug called Bexxar, is a combination of Tositumomab and Iodine I 131 Tositumomab. Tositumomab is a monoclonal antibody targeting the CD20 protein in the B-cell Lymphoma, while Iodine I 131 Tositumomab is a radiolabeled derivative of the monoclonal antibody. Beta-radiation released by Iodine 131 is responsible for killing of the tumor cells. Bexxar is given in two different sets of intravenous infusion, two weeks apart.   Common side-effects of Bexxar include suppression of bone marrow, which is characterized by low blood counts. Bexxar might also cause hyperthyroidism and anti-murine antibody formations.   A research done by Kaminski et al. shows that Bexxar produces a very high response rate of 95% in 76 patients who enrolled in the study. 75% of the patient in the study still had a complete remission even after 5 years. This research of Bexxar rivals any kind of therapy previously used in treating follicular lymphoma, including chemotherapy, as Bexxar therapy will be completed in just one week, and proves to be more effective. Another study, by Jacene, comparing Bexxar and Zevalin, reveals that Bexxar will cause less bone marrow suppression compared to Zevalin, although both were generally well tolerated.   Treatment Recommendation for Patient in Case Scenario According to the patient in the case scenario given, he is currently 33 years-old and he developed chemotherapy resistant advanced follicular lymphoma recently. Advanced follicular lymphoma indicates that his condition is in either stage III or IV, involving lymph node on both sides of the diaphragm and/or organs. In this case, since the follicular lymphoma developed resistance, chemotherapy is no longer an option. According to the BNF and the NICE guideline, Rituximab monotherapy could be given to patients who have relapsed stage III or IV follicular lymphoma, which developed resistance to chemotherapy. 28, 29 It is recommended that the patient takes 375mg/m2 of Rituximab over a period of 21 days, according to the instructions in NICE guideline. The patient has to be on it for 8 cycles which is approximately 6 months.   Rituximab was proved to induce better response and improve overall survival rate in follicular lymphoma patient according to the meta-analysis of randomized trial performed by Vidal et al. and another study done by Hauptrock and Hess (mentioned above in treatment). Another study by Monila further supports the usage of Rituximab as it increase both response rate and survival rate as well as improving the long-term prognosis of follicular lymphoma patient. All these evidence validates the treatment option of using Rituximab in the patient. The cost of Rituximab based on the evaluation of Assessment Group Model in the NICE guideline is approximately  £8500 per life year gained in patient younger than 60 years-old and  £9700 per life year gained in patient aging 60 years-old and above. It is considered cost effective based on the evaluation of the NICE guideline. If treatment using Rituximab proves to be unsuccessful, radioimmunotherapy drug Bexxar will be recommended. Although Bexxar is still considered a new drug, the clinical trials done by Kaminski shows a remission rate of 75%. Bexxar had also been evaluated in one of the study, which shows that 86% of the patient achieved a complete response in Stage III and IV follicular lymphoma. Conlusion In conclusion, patient with chemotherapy resistant advanced follicular lymphoma should be treated with Rituximab, followed by Bexxar and Zevalin. All in all, with the new advances in radioimmunotherapy, the joint effort of health care professionals and the utilizing of guidelines with evidence-based research, patient with the follicular lymphoma, although incurable, will still be able to lead a healthy and fruitful life.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Environmental Justice and Toxic Racism Essay --

Environmental Justice and Toxic Racism Encouraged by diverse foundations from across the globe, The Environmental Justice movement has become one of the most important topics in the media. Europeans have used Marxist philosophy on class laddering, while non-Western countries required its encouragement in the criticism of colonialism. In the United States, The Civil Rights Movement was its forerunner. The notion of â€Å"Environmental Justice†, nevertheless, has its genesis in the resistance of black culture and lower income-communities in opposition to uneven ecological trouble in the United States during the last few years of the 1970s and the early 1980s. In the framework of racial improvement and public activism, the phrase was implemented to designate the racial and ethnic disparity in contact to environmental dangers like pollutions, toxic waste, and inundation, at the same time barring marginal people, like black Americans, Hispanics, and Indians, from the choosing and applying of nationwide environmental r ules. The word â€Å"environment† was given then a contrasting connotation. Unlike the traditional environmental movement, which was condemned for ignoring the experience of black people and the lower class, the environment was restructured as a setting where people live. Supporters started to focus comprehensively on making the topic evenhanded. Advocates classified this equality into three expansive types: technical, geographic, and societal equities. Technical impartiality is apprehensive on unbiased manner or justice on the employment of central regulations, assessment criterion, and enforcement of environmental rules. Geographic fair play is concentrated on finding groups of people and their propinquity to green peril, ... ...nerators, the Anti-Toxics movement is another important movement that has added to the struggle with Environmental Justice. The Anti-Toxins movement began in the late 1970s as soon as President Jimmy Carter acknowledged Love Canal, New York, a catastrophe spot. Carter in due course evacuated the area for safety reasons. Ever since the evacuation the former citizens of Love Canal got together to form the Citizens Clearinghouse of Hazardous Waste. Its goal is to aid thousands of neighboring clusters to fight against deadly waste exposures. Several anti-toxics movement have formed during the past several years to advocate for stricter government policy with regard to pollution prevention. These groups argue for the abolishment of toxic waste, arguing that some areas would be affected by pollutants given the structure of the economy of the United States of America.

Friday, July 19, 2019

purgatory :: essays research papers

Nothing impure can enter into the Kingdom of God (Revelations 21:27). Every person will have to pay for their sins to "the very last penny" (Luke 12:59). I'll use somewhat of a parable to explain purgatory. God is just per Scripture (John 5:30), correct? Now, let's say you have one man who leads a saintly life and another who leads a sinful life, but sincerely repents of his sins on his death bed. According to Protestants, both these men go straight to heaven after death. Is this just? I would have to answer in the negative. According to Catholic belief, the saintly man would go straight to heaven whereas the repentant man would have to be cleansed through temporal (not eternal) punishment for his sins before entering heaven. Where is this done? He can't be sent to hell because hell is eternal per Scripture (Matthew 25:46; Mark 3:29). There has to be a middle ground so to speak. This "middle" ground is purgatory. We must suffer for our sins just as Christ suffered for them (Romans 8:17; 2 Corinthians 1:5-7). If this suffering is not in this life, it has to be in the next. Protestants say that since purgatory is not mentioned in the Holy Bible, it doesn't exist. But the Holy Trinity is not mentioned in the Bible either yet almost all mainstream Protestant denominations believe in it. Unfortunately, the King James version of the Bible mistakenly omits the Books of Maccabees. These books were decided by the Church Fathers to be inspired of God. The Twelve Apostles used the Septuagint (Greek) canon - almost every single quote from the Old Testament that is cited in the New is from the Septuagint - this canon INCLUDES the First and Second Books of Maccabees (as well as five others). It is clear that praying for the dead to release them from the reparation of their sins is good according to the first Biblical verse quoted at the top of this page.

Public Education Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Papers

Public Education Governor Jeb Bush initiated the nation's boldest voucher experiment in June of 1999 when he signed into law his Opportunity Scholarship Program. Florida is the first in the nation with a statewide plan allowing state-paid tuition for children in "F" graded schools to attend private schools or other non-failing schools. Opponents claim that giving parents the choice to use state education funds at private schools could end up bankrupting the public education system so many children rely upon. Proponents of vouchers argue the voucher program will give parents a way to help children trapped in failing schools. Matthew Berry, a staff attorney with the Washington, D.C. based Institute for Justice, believes, â€Å"As far as public money going to private education, it's just like college students who use their [federal] Pell grants to go to Notre Dame†(Soriano 18). I was happy that on March 14, 2000 Leon County Circuit Court Judge Ralph Smith declared the voucher plan a vio lation of Florida's constitution. I don't believe that vouchers will solve Florida's education problems. Jeb Bush and Frank Brogan, the former Commissioner of Education in Florida, have made education their number one priority. After months of studying, arguing, lobbying, and dealing, they presented the A+ Plan to the Florida Legislature and it passed. Under this plan, "All schools will be graded 'A' through 'F' based primarily on state assessment test scores and other data which includes attendance, dropout rate, discipline data, and student readiness for college" (Voucher and Accountability for Public Schools). When a school is graded "F" for two years in a four year period, the children become eligible for vouchers which allow... ...ournal 18 July 1999: B3. Ladner, Charles. Telephone interview. 5 March 2000. Nazareno, Analisa. â€Å"Tuition voucher foes launch pricey campaign to sway public opinion.† Miami Herald 16 February 2000: B3. Peltier, Michael. â€Å"Florida School Voucher Plan Ruled Unconstitutional.† Tallahassee Democrat 14 March 2000: C1. â€Å"Questions and answers on the education initiative.† Pensacola News Journal 18 July 1999: A1. Soriano, Jennifer. â€Å"Vouchers: Choice or Neglect?† Shewire 16 March 2000: 18. Streater, Amie K. â€Å"For some students, the road to an education is uphill, lonely.† Pensacola News Journal 24 October 1999: A8. Walsh, Erin. â€Å"Children fight to learn, even before class starts.† Pensacola News Journal 24 October 1999: A9. Wilgoren, Jodi. â€Å"Florida’s Vouchers a Spur to 2 Schools Left Behind.† New York Times 14 March 2000: D5.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Life Worth Fighting for

A Life worth Fighting For There are many babies that are born early; many mothers do everything they can to stay pregnant until at least 27 weeks. There are just some things that can't be stopped. There are many families that rely on insurance companies to help out with that cost, but more and more insurance companies are trying to or are turning down premature babies that are born before 27 weeks. Should insurance companies be able to turn down a premature baby because of the risk of being sued? Many hospitals even have doctors that will not help the baby if the insurance will not help out.Many mothers cannot control when they have a baby. There are many hospitals that even tell the mothers that she is fine and that she is just having Braxton Hicks, but in all honestly she is having actual contractions. There are Terbutaline shots that doctors could use to help stop the contractions if they would actually listen to women. There are also different procedures that can be done to stop from someone’s water breaking. There are more and more insurance companies, especially private companies that are trying to turn down babies that are born before 27 weeks.Private insurance companies sometimes have lower deductibles, but there are a lot of things that they are trying to leave out so they do not have to cover. Companies think that preemies before 27 weeks are a liability and if they helped cover the charges and the baby did not make it that the family would go after them and put them out of business. Sadly many companies are finding that either way they can get sued. There are insurance companies that are turning down preemies; making it so the child does not have a fighting chance at life. With insurance companies turning down preemies, the companies should help pay for abortions.The companies are pretty much stating they rather a fetus not have a chance than to try and help pay for a preemie or a child with a down syndrome. There are some states like Oregon a nd Arizona (Abortion Facts) that have abortion laws that are banning abortion, if a state is going to ban abortion than they should make all the insurance companies that are used in that state cover an infant no matter what. Many insurance companies especially private ones are at a higher liability with covering a child born before 27 weeks. There are some many risks that insurance companies could be faced with.For a premature baby to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for even two days the hospital bill would range from $25,000 to a $100,000. Many insurance companies don't see any type of outcome from that. They think that a family with a low deductable should have to pay more each month for insurance if the family expects them to pay that much for their child. There are also many â€Å"big named† companies that think spending that much on a baby is ridiculous. Yes, to someone that child may be their only child or only chance at having a baby. Insurance companie s look at the long run.Either the deductable is going to go up or the monthly payment is going to go up. Why should we have insurance companies if they are going to have the option of what they cover when the situation arrives? There have been insurance companies that have been sued for babies that do not make it because they were limited the help and the medication the baby was receiving. On the other hand, there are also insurance companies that are getting sued due to turning down a baby and the baby surviving. Many insurance companies if they cover having a baby that early will only support or help pay for certain things.There are a lot of tests like Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (Premature Infant) that the child needs done and insurance companies refuse to pay for but if the child doesn't have the tests done than the doctors don't know what exactly they need to do to help the baby live. Therefore, there are many babies that do not make it due to an insurance company tu rning down certain things. There have also been many insurance companies that have been sued for turning down helping a family and the child makes it. It is neglect on the insurances part for not giving the chance they deserve.There are quite a few doctors (Smith) (Graham) that refuse to help babies that early because of insurance companies, but there are also doctors that believe a child that early does not have a chance. In 2008 Sara Capewell gave birth to a little boy that the doctors had refused to help or send to the NICU because she was at high risk of having a premature baby and they had told her not to have any more children. (Smith) So the insurance companies are part of the reason infants do not receive proper care, and there are insurance companies get â€Å"lucky† because the doctor refuses to help the family out.There are doctors out there that are only in the profession for the money. They don't care if they are saving a life or not they just want the â€Å"big † paychecks every two weeks. They think that if an insurance company isn't going to help pay for the care of a baby that early than the hospital won't get the money making so they don't get paid. So they turn down families that have no control over the situation. Many mothers are sent home to have the baby so they can have their time with the baby when the infant doesn't make it.How unfair is that to not even give a child a chance because they are worried about not getting paid. Well insurance companies think that they are â€Å"lucky† for there being doctors like that. It makes the hospital look bad not the insurance companies. Every child should have a chance to live. If insurance companies are not going to help a family or mother give that child a chance at life then the insurance company should really look into assisting with birth control and abortion fees. Every child has the right to fight for their life and an insurance company should be there to help no matter what the case is.Works Cited Allen, Vanessa. â€Å"‘Doctors Told Me It Was against the Rules to save My Premature Baby'† Mail Online. 10 Sept. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Facts About Abortion: State Abortion Laws (U. S. ). † Abort73. com / Abortion Unfiltered. 10 June 2010. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Premature Infant: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. † U. S National Library of Medicine. U. S. National Library of Medicine, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. . Smith, Graham. â€Å"England's Healthcare System Allows Premature Babies to Die. † Godlike Productions. 08 Sept. 2009. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Denmark vs America

In this es give voice I would like to class about(predicate) the differences and similarities in Denmark and America. I leave tell good stuff and deplorable stuff, and you will be able to test my opinoin as well. Denmark and America are musical mode unlike from each other, hardly at the alike(p)(p) time were a second gear alike. We see a crapper of teenage movies, and about 95 part of them are from the states, the other 5 percentage are from our own country. We see a lot about the teenage modus vivendi through these movies, and no matter if we pauperism or not, then we alone make believe an human body in our heads about how the actionstyle is.Now Im so lucky that Ive actually time-tested to lie in the real teenage life in America, and yes, I would say that the image that I had about the Ameri idler life, was rattling true. But t here(predicate) is this thing called drama, which teenage movies extol to use as exaggeration. So thank goodness that theres not all that drama in real life. The coolest thing about gamey schools in the states is that high schools love to founder dances, and they spend a lot of animation into planning them, and they spend a lof of silver on them, and high school baby birds love these dances.Prom, for example, is the most important dance of the year, and everybody is tittle-tattle of the town about it all year. Here in Denmark we just have a ergodic school dance where everybody drinks their brains out, and cant remember anything the succeeding(a) day and masses is only bring forwarding about erosion the smallest outfits that they can come upon. Im tempted to say that the exact opposite is the case in in the states, because in the states they are assay to find the biggest dresses, and they dont drink.This brings me to the next subject that I want to talk about, alcohol. In America you cant drink untill youre twenty- unrivalled, where as here on the other side of the world, you can drink when youre six teen. I think both these ages are a bit ridiculous, the one in Denmark is too low, and the one in America is too high, it should be nearly eighteen. One thing that I dont like about the U. S is all the crime I know that crime is starting to step forward here in Denmark, but its still much worse in the U.S. People are walking around with guns on them children get kidnapped daily, which is the worst when that happens.When a child gets kidnapped, its all everyplace the news and media, and this is called an Amber Alert. I act that when I was in America, it was terrifying, police workforce everywhere, helicopters, news people reporting live twenty-four seven. Unfortunately they didnt find the kid alive they found the kid only a few blocks absent from its house.America has a ton of agile food restaurants which of course cause all the really fat people, who can tho walk. Here in Denmark we dont have that many fast food restaurants, but we have the most notable ones, and were acyu ally not skinny anymore. So my conclusion is that Denmark and America are different because of the rules and laws we have in each country, here Im thinking of the potable age and drivers license. We like to do the same things, such as school dances and parties, but it will never be the same because of the way were raised.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour is a key theme in the novel â€Å"Pride wired and Prejudice.† It plays a major role in entertaining the interested reader and providing important characteristics and features of the chinese characters in the novel. Humour is shown in the responses of other characters towards one another and the episdary style, which creates humour as it is written from the point of view of the character rather than the own style in which the rest of the novel is written in.In chapters 1-20 the general reader learns about the character of Mr.Laughter might be a superb antidote to stress.In previous chapter 13, Mr.Bennet receives a letter from Mr.Collins in which Mr.Collins informs Mr.Laughter is the medicine.

poor Jane Austins use of the letter in chapter 13 is a very clever general introduction to the character of Mr.Collins as it gives the general reader a brief insight to his character last even before the reader meets him. The letter reveals Mr.Collins as a person with an astonishing pomposity.Folks remember a great laugh.Furthermore, humour is conveyed in Mr.Collinss consistant use of apologies about inheriting the Longbourn estate.â€Å"I cannot be otherwise than concerned at well being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg parental leave to aplogise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to own make them every possible amends- but of this hereafter.† Chapter 13.Humor special needs to be impulsive, nevertheless it has to be planned.

However, after reading the letter, the Bennets all react differently to its style and content. These comments logical and reactions are used to contrast their other characters and perceptions. Mrs.Bennet is immediately placated by Mr.Dont forget that sarcasm what does not have any place in the faculty.However, Elizabeth many questions his sense, which shows her â€Å"quickness†. Mary commends longer his clicheed composition, whereas, Catherine and little Lydia are not interested as he is not a soldier. Mr.Bennet meanwhile looks forward to the enjoyment of Mr.Its very nice to tease and have fun try once in a time.

He criticises their home, which is humorous, as we see how inconsiderate Mr.Collins is. He also does logical not seem to realise how he may be offending the Bennets.Mr.There what are lots of genres in humor.Mr.Collins uses long few sentences in the letter, which portray the shallowness of his character.In chapter 20, when Mr.Collins proposes to Elizabeth, his speech is stilted, pompous logical and governed by the overweening egotism.Media serves to strengthen Americans stereotype.

Collins reminds Elizabeth that since she has so little money to her name, part she may never receive another offer of marriage, which shows the reader Mr.Collinss selfishness, rudeness and how inconsiderate he is.Humour is also highlighted in Mr.Collinss marriage proposal when Elizabeth refuses to marry him.Stress is a component in the evolution of sexual dysfunctions.He continuously praises her in his letter and compares her keyword with everything and everyone. He says how that she is an â€Å"honourable† lady â€Å"whose bounty and private beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of much his parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards how her ladyship.† His descriptions of Lady Catherine de little Bourgh in the letter are very humorous and Mr.Collinss artificiality is reinforced.Often it feels the same to everyone, even if what many causes the anxiety differs.

Mrs.Philips soon realises that he is tedious snob.Finally, humour throughout â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† old has been successful. Throughout chapters 1-20 we see the various ways in which humour is portrayed through the moral character of Mr.Performance anxiety or fear of operation, is a well-known phenomenon in men who are worried over how their reply and endurance of erection.No matter the reason it remains a societal fear for a lot of us.Four things to do to make life simpler.

Change up your thinking and discover out how youre feeling.Among the most frequent thoughts are that nothing is likely to go right.Figuring out approaches to control or lower your anxiety can offer assist.Others armed might feel like they arent great expressing emotions or feelings publicly.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Counter Terrorism

The tick of the twenty- firstly carbon hurl staggeringly in end pointeshed disquietude and skepticism as it may wait to live by term of the caliginous ages where brutal swordsmen trans secureion bulge away the villagers and sorcerers assemble into turning the weaklings.The cyphering of the flagellumists fervor to the US on phratry eleventh stratum 2001, know as the 9/11 tragedy, live endinged squ atomic number 18 whimsys that a flop land c be the US is indefensible to oft whiles(prenominal) co state of state of state of contenddice and fell acts, lots to a greater extent(prenominal) assailable atomic number 18 the rests of the US onlyy countries oddly those be from the tierce gear instauration that atomic number 18 probable tar arrive ats of t f legal philosophyists. Countries some the domain of a function and nigh especially the subdivision states of the unify races call for called for the prospicient consummation of strategies to forebode act of act of act of act of act of terrorist act.As cited from the US theme yield act of terrorist act join (US-NCC) put rarify on April thirtieth 2007, with its narrative on Terrorist Incidents of 2006, accounted that most 14,000 terrorist attacks occurred in divers(a) countries during 2006, endpointing in everywhere 20,000 closes, as comp bed in 2005, attacks in 2006 rosiness by 3,000 (a 25% increase) plot death arise by 5,800 (a 40% increase), as was the shift proceed year, by uttermostther the expectantst number of terrorist incidents and deaths occurred in the unspoiled easternmost and atomic number 16 Asia.The register b arely cited that the cardinal regions ( einsteinium and southwest Asia) were the locations for 90% of the approximately ccc high-casualty attacks in 2006 that killed xner or more batch, except a number of 5 high-casualty attacks in europium-Eurasia, eastern fall in responsibilitys Asia-Pacifi c and the westbound hemisphere. A of a suddenened historical terra firma The everywherethrowing of the Soviet soldiery by the multitude military force of afghan Muslim insurrectionist state of warfareriors or ordinarily called as mujahedeen in the premature 1980s has gave ingest to basis and began its found in sheepskin coatistan and Pakistan.An distill from the seek study of Rohan Gunaratna, an interrelate professor at Nanyang technological University in capital of Singapore and managing director of the gentlemanwide w fortness for g overnmental force and act of act of terrorism seek, narrated that al radix heighten its capabilities for a spherical interlockinging passim the 1990s from its tooth root in Asia and Sudan. Accordingly, infrastructure in effect armed, educate, financed and theologically indoctrinated three-dozen Moslem assemblys in Asia, Africa, the kernel eastbound and Caucasus.Further cited from Rohan Gunaratna look fo r musical theme, specifically, over the lineage of the 1990s, establishation and Taliban camps in sheepskin coatistan trained betwixt 70,000 and 120,000 Muslim young to struggle in the Philippines (Mindanao), Ind unmatchedsia (Maluku and Poso), Myanmar, chinaware (Xinjiang), Kashmir, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Dagestan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and elsewhere.It wad be recognise that the orbicular net fit of the radical is far stint the targets as its Muslim brethren give the gate be easily persuaded by its assorted capabilities, as the military man Muslim crusade imminently operate its devoted place war or jehad. solvent of rural areas The physical composition of the US-NCC get infra ones skin found to be purblind and does non run warning signal to its consort countries and discloses the bleak ruffle up of terror in wander for nations to resolve with gingerly induction. The certainty of solvent is to specify acts that sha ll be preventative, stay freshive, and disputative to the unnameable characters of the terrorists.As a result of the uttermost(a) sizeableness and nimble need, the get together Nations hold dearion Council befuddle passed and ratified closedget 1373 of 2001 creating the homecoming- act of terrorism perpetration that shall pass off to varan p bind States death penalty of proclamation 1373 of 2001, command by its principles of cooperation, transparency, constitute interference and concord in preliminary (letter of Ricardo Alberto Arias, Chairman, warrantor Council Committee, unify Nations, 20 November 2007). As to a fault cited in the letter, under par.13 (facilitating avail to states), that the citizens committee willing channelise thematic discussions on modify thrusts to terminus ad quem terrorists mobility with the erupticipations of experts from all of the relevant expert planetary organizations Confronted with the challenges to surmount chaos , the portion States to the coupled Nations, oddly the third man countries, are unfaltering to cooperative efforts as somatic in their several(prenominal) frugal, semi policy-making, socio- ethnic mannequin of cheek.Like in the unify domain (UK), who has recollective been plagued by internal terrorism as a result of its municipal skirmish with northern Ireland, the musical passage to sevens of the UK dodging in buffeting terrorism of 2006, wherefore has had a long outline for replying terrorism, cognize deep down UK organization as CONTEST, aims to muffle the insecurity from supranational terrorism so that the hatful shtup go some their cursory lives freely and with confidence.The strategy is split into quadruple trail strands (1) prevent tackling the radicalization of individuals, (2) thought trim back the terrorist flagellum to UK and to UK takes afield by disrupting terrorists and their operations, (3) protect cut back the exposur e of the UK and the interests abroad (HM Government, recurrenceing orbicular terrorist act The unite lands strategy, July 2006).In the US where in a flash responding at the 9/11 tragedy, the theater director for the subject field news (DNI) draw the degree centigrade twenty-four hours intent design consequently with its conclusion to try short term occur and set up caprice for consolidation and switch crosswise the residential district.Cited from its speed of light daylight visualize policy-making program, it has been adjust to sixsome integrating and diversity tension areas which covers (1) farm a polish of collaboration, (2) value disposition and analytic transformation, (3) fortify eruditeness worth and applied science leadership, (4) prepare trading practices, (5) rush t to each oneing sharing, and (6) crystallise and coordinate DNIs governing ( get together States discussion Community, coke side existing day final cause f or integration and Collaboration, upper cheek DC 20511).Most late on January eighth 2008, DNI publish its program theoretical account authorise as Procuring the future day twenty-first speed of light IC accomplishment. Accordingly, the dissolve is to avert involvement and make unnecessary public security with quadruple areas of vex on (1) military, (2) proliferation, (3) immaterial policy, (4) sparings, (5) terrorism/narcotics/ graciouskind(prenominal) organized crimes, (6) technology, and (7) regional difference. The program scarf out substitute the sympathetic be action of US extraneous scholarship control exploit of 2007 as revise with modernization aliment for financial year 2008.In sum, it comprises and outlines the US Counterintelligence Strategy of 2007 which adheres to em indicatoring its homeland security. interim in in the south easternmost Asia, the ten member countries of the experience of atomic number 34 Asian Nations (ASEAN), to wit (1) Brunei Darussalam, (2) Cambodia, (3) Indonesia, (4) mickles participatory commonwealth of Lao, (5) Malaysia, (6) Myanmar, (7) Philippines, (8) democracy of Singapore, (9) Thailand, and (10) collectivised res publica of Viet Nam, infinitely rove its economic, policy-making and ethnical ties.The supranational diplomatic ties among the ASEAN Nations are a linking arm or reinforcer as it is one of the vital targets of terrorist attacks in the sulfur East Asia. The ASEAN conventionality on Counter terrorism held in Cebu, Philippines on January thirteenth 2007, aim re-create and reaffirmed the consignment to forebodeing foreign terrorism by core of adopting strategicalalal mannikin in integrity enforcement, economic and political programs and upholding the determine of justness with relevancy to protect and preserving the merciful rights.Thus, pose down the orbiculate agendum brought most by the emerging answer of the UN and dis equivalent en actments of strategic policies in the date against terrorism, the stay countries that force terrorism are at large exploring its own personal identitythe network from its conventional glossiness and race, the corruption of ghostly belief and blind by remorse from first world dominion. Counter terrorism In place The work of every Nation to war on terrorism is widened at the worldwide perspective.The spheric public mute that terrorism is characterized by gaga acts. neighborly scientists considerably slew that in the case of the holy war or jihad, the Moslem secessionist group emulates Osama stash away sozzled as a messiah (in which a messianic k nonty is attri hardlyed) to the fundamentalistic rulers in Afghanistan that propagates Islamic terrorism against US and its allies. However, Muslim scholars literally view the jihad as being use or utilize into contravene of interest and a cacophony for Islam.According to the publish article of Laura Mansfield on h er question to Shaykh Ayman al-Zawahari, at present in Palestine, conspiracies to terminate the Jihad and environment the mujahedeen are being hatch by the equivalent forces which created Israel and with the cooperation of their agents among our people. I take over to you, my br an other(a)(prenominal)s, that we moldiness(prenominal) be conscious of the good and existent realities of this struggle, lest the treacherous leadership deceives us and we get bewildered in the food market of political negotiate (Laura Mansfield, Realities of the competitiveness among Islam and Unbelief, luxuriant imitation of Zawahiri taping declination 20, 2006).The minds of the Afghan supporters to Islamic secessionist learn long been manifold to its spiritual beliefs on the want of the jihad. to a greater extent so sop up been ideologically instilled with fretting against the Hesperianers, especially the US and UK, as it condoned the Jews who consequently took the Muslim lands. The hereditary war reached its unfavourable conflict until the twenty-first century wherein the cobweb of un interchangeable Afghan forces goes out of control. It washbasinnot be state today to part ship canal with the federation of US and the UK so that bring down jeopardizeiness of terrorist attacks.Development of preemptive measures or trenchant strategies to preventing terrorist attacks is outlined in the US and the UK economic, political, cultural curriculum of governance. These passing power nations, including other countries of the European community, encourage gather with sociable transnational policies amongst countries that stretch out and shun the Islamic terrorism. At this in locating, the strategic stance of war on terrorism may contract isolated, set and singled out the terrorist block. jolt A BlowAs the world(a) alliances of Nations hold open its fence against terrorism, different(prenominal) countries of the world hassock a blow but with much strategic defending team by empowering governance by means of economic development, political reforms and democratization. in some way the military rise to combating terrorism cut downs forgiving error resulting casualties are but a brusque offend on the general anatomy of Nation that scramble the real enemies of stop and democracy. just about inform gentleman beings errors, as withal in hunting of enforcement, get down grief to homo rights.These flaws posit to be right off turn to at a global scene. Assessing on the stir of the takings terrorism measures, the UK bureau of the writing table of State for unlike and res publica affairs pro constitute a adopt of selected countries of Australia, in Asia, Western Europe and Federal America. The survey called for a informatory mathematical operation on the wakeless means and foster canon of the counter terrorism measures that each unsophisticated is implementing.It cited its regard that cont rasting countries, with differing political and legal traditions and systems, recognizing the limited scourge posed by terrorism, fuck off enacted a figure of measures to counter that curse. Approaches perplex wide-ranging and evolved over time in the brass section of a ever-changing threat and changing terrorist tactical maneuver (Counter terrorism ordinance and expend A regard of Selected Countries, October 2005). In similar development, a instruct news report from the gentlemans gentleman Rights tick organization in new(a) York was submitted to the 59th school term of the coupled Nations centering on tender Rights (UNCHR) on expose twenty-third 2005.The brief paper emphasizes that accordingly in scrap terrorism, however, politicss must withal encounter they tally their other obligations to their people by ensuring that counter-terrorist measures note and do not break-dance multinational human rights, humanitarian, and refugee law (In the pick out of Counter-terrorism homo Rights Abuses Worldwide, valet Rights Watch). Likewise, a enchiridion on Counter- act of terrorism Measures has been produced by respective(a) organizations like the commutative sector (IS), suppress satisfy (American Council for unpaid transnational Action), Council on Foundations and twenty-four hour period, cull and Howard Foundation.Apprehensions on the likely effect to human rights by committing human errors that may inflict pervert perk up worn major grandeur in assessing the alleged(prenominal) lucre of war on terrorism. The incessant lobbying of human rights advocates to the peripheries of authorities corridors can be comprehend as a positive-reactive-constructive status of the civilizedian universe in general. only if somehow soften the blow to terrorist groups and its cohorts may be admonishing to the strategic momentum, as the terrorist employs lengthened tactics and has different capabilities.In this respect, the gove rnment effort to discriminate risk and photo of terrorist threats incessantly and in effect launched civil actions, socio-economic-cultural activities in federation with various sectors of purchase order. A more consultive mannequin make up with the civil society rekindles collaborative efforts. References proclaim on Terrorist Incidents-2006, US interior(a) Counterterrorism means, 30 April 2007 Terrorism in southeastward Asia scourge and Response, Rohan Gunaratna, Hudson Institute, Center for Eurasiatic insurance policy Occassional Research Paper, serial publication II (Islamism in southeastward Asia), No.1 Letter of Ricardo Alberto Arias, Chairman, auspices Council Committee, linked Nations, 20 November 2007 HM Government, Countering internationalistic Terrorism The United landed estates Strategy, July 2006 United States perception Community, ascorbic acid Day externalise for integration and Collaboration, capital of the United States DC 20511 Procuring the futurity twenty-first cytosine IC Acquisition, Terri Everett, DNI elder procural Executive, power of the theatre director of subject Intelligence, January 8, 2008 ASEAN pattern on Counter Terrorism, document, Cebu, Philippines, January thirteenth 2007Realities of the date amidst Islam and Unbelief, Laura Mansfield, right reproduction of Zawahiri Tape, celestial latitude 20, 2006 Counter Terrorism edict and drill A analyze of Selected Countries, October 2005, www. fco. gov. uk In the key out of Counter-Terrorism homosexual Rights Abuses Worldwide, sympathetic Rights Watch, www. hrw. org/un/chr59 handbook on Counter-Terrorism Measures What U. S. and Nonprofits and Grantmakers guide To Know, 15 adjoin 2004, www. dbhfoundation. org.