Sunday, July 28, 2019

I will upload the instruction Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I will upload the instruction - Coursework Example Our mentorship program led us to do some socially responsible work with the program focusing primarily on hand hygiene. Mentorship programs serve several purposes. Some mentorship programs are designed to develop new skills and nurture existing skill prowess. Additionally, mentorship programs play a variety of roles in introducing new nurses to the field. Mentorship programs can also be designed to build the confidence levels of mentees as well as offering the much needed guidance and direction to novice nurses. The mentor is usually the expert and his or her primary role is to give the nurses a new and exciting outlook on their career. Mentorship programs have been recurrently seen as definers of a mentees success in the field. Mentorship programs, for instance, focuses on several goals. The major goal of mentorship is to achieve the expected goals or anticipation from the mentorship program. For instance, if a mentorship program seeks to build on registered nurses confidence levels, the primary goal or objective for such a program would be more confident mentees. Other goals of mentorship include teaching, skill improvement, firsthand experience and establishing various role models for the nurses (Grossman, 2013). As such, mentorship also centers on creating solid foundations for the nurses, creating a better opportunity for them to derive satisfaction from their careers. The main objective of our mentorship project was to contribute to the society by helping them reduce cases and incidences of contracting ailments. The mentorship program was designed to enable mentees to mentor other children as well. This is part of the social responsibility of the hospital, proactive measures towards health restoration. The program was designed to reinforce the need for washing hands recurrently to avoid germs and bacteria that cause diseases. The project gave all nurses a chance to interact with the children and mentor them into achieving good health.

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