Monday, October 21, 2019

Utopian Society Essay

Utopian Society Essay Utopian Society Essay Utopian Society Every economy throughout the world has a combination of a command or market economy. However as shown in our history to create a utopia you cannot use purely a market or a command society. In order to make a Utopian Society, a community and its government must have a perfect combination of command and market economies. In the perfect society, there are certain economic factors such as freedom, growth, stability, equality, and efficiency that are needed to create a utopia. In a utopian society the freedom and growth would come from the market system because it to shows that it is more of a constant and has proven to work far better for all market economies than command economies. Hong Kong the most free city in the world has only a 3.4% unemployment rate and their GDP per capita is $52,300. Also, in Uzbekistan one of the least free countries in the world had an estimated 5% unemployment rate in 2011, that’s 1.4% higher than Hong Kong's unemployment rate. Uzbekistan’s GDP per capita is also $3,600, that’s $48,700 less than Hong Kong’s $52,300. Thus people who work for their own benefit rather than their countries have a higher incentive to work harder and have a higher economic growth rate, therefore a utopian society should take both freedom and growth from a market economy. In a utopian society the equality, stability, and efficiency would come from the command economy because the government is in control and decides how the businesses are going to work and who will work. In these types of economies the government decides what is fair, therefore there is no time consuming debates like there usually are in a market economy when dealing with business owners and consumers about prices of product or pay. India has a budget of $169.4 billion, $328.7 billion less than Australia’s $498.1 billion which causes the government to push idea of equity better and more efficiently. Also, India’s GDP real growth rate is 6.5% which is 2.9% higher than Australia's 3.6%, confirming that command economies are more efficient and effective than market economies. In the past the country of Germany under the command of Adolf Hitler had once reached a 0% unemployment rate. Command economies are also very efficient because they chose to handle their resources to th e best of their abilities. Central planners decide where and what the resources are used, creating the least amount of wasted resources possible. For example, in World War 2 Russia’s command economy was able to build their army and weapons quickly with

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