Saturday, December 28, 2019

Biology Through the Eyes of Faith - 2357 Words

Biology through the Eyes of Faith Richard T. Wright This is an awesome book. It describes the outlook of biology not only through the eyes of faith, but from a Christian theistic point of view. In Biology through the Eyes of Faith, it explains the difference between a scientist’s perception of nature oppose to a Christian’s perception. Scientists say the world evolved which conflicts with the theistic view, which says the world came about through the creator God. In chapter 1, Professor Wright speaks of the living world having many things to amaze us. Once nature catches out attention we realize that biology as a whole affects human life. Yet, many people still debate where life originated. He introduces two worldviews between the Natives†¦show more content†¦Richard also speaks of four interpretive frameworks for relating science and scripture. Concordism says that the Bible contains information about nature that harmonizes with scientific reasoning. Substitutionism suggests if the Bible doesn’t agree with scientific truth it should be substituted for the scientific reasoning. Compartmentalism says science and scripture should be kept apart because they are two different things. Complementarism says that science and scripture complement each other. In chapter 6, Richard opens up with ultimate origins. He suggests that the theistic view should be considered in the work of scientists to probe the origin of life in the distant past. Richard speaks of Pasteur’s demolition of the spontaneous generation theory, which created a problem for those who saw the world from a naturalistic perspective. Pasteur stood on God being the creator as the only alternative. There seemed to be a battle between scientific reasoning and the theistic view. Yet, scientific reasoning involves faith as well. Some of the major problems with scientific views are: questions of oxygen being present in the atmosphere; the lack of geological evidence for the primordial soup of organic compounds or protocells; the high degree of investigator interference in prebiotic simulation experiments; and difficulties in imagining the jump from biopolymers and protocells to the first living and reproducing cell. Scientists Thaxton, Bradley, and Olsen states a distinct ionShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Between Faith and Science805 Words   |  4 PagesIn today’s world there is an ongoing debate between faith and science. The extraordinary advances of science have sometimes led to the belief that it is capable of answering by itself all of mans questions and resolving all his problems. Some have concluded that by now there is no longer any need for God. It has been said that one must choose between faith and science: either one embraces one or believes in the other. 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