Thursday, March 12, 2020

An Interview with an Entertainment Manager The Way Corporate Laws Work. A Report

An Interview with an Entertainment Manager The Way Corporate Laws Work. A Report Introduction: Business and Technology Seize the Power There can be no possible doubt that technologies rule the modern world, and that business is one of the most efficient ways to take one’s place under the sun.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on An Interview with an Entertainment Manager: The Way Corporate Laws Work. A specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the present-day world, the role of social networking and modern leadership theories cannot be overestimated – with efficient management and a good use of social network, one is likely to reach the peak of his/her business career. Taking a closer look at the way business works and learning more about its mechanisms can help understand the way business theories can be applied into practice. One can possibly see the best way to handle a company and to succeed in the fast-changing world, learning about the typical mistakes that managers make to void them in future. As for the business field which is most preferable to consider, it seems that the sphere of entertainment is the most popular at present, which makes it a perfect target for further exploration. Analyzing an interview with a leader in the field of entertainment, one will be able to see the mechanism of the XXI century business and see what practices are the most efficient. The Social Impact of Technology: When Media Rules the World The impact of social media on the modern world is truly huge. Since social networking is one of the key means to learn more about a specific product, people rely much on online reviews, which can both pose quite a threat to a certain company and contribute to its success.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Facebook as the ultimate evil plan: people and their opinions According to what the interviewee claimed, social networks such as Facebook and the like pose a considerable threat to the development of business. When socializing online, the interviewee claimed, people can easily post negative comments about the company and its production without being detected, which can dent the customers’ confidence in the quality of the services. Indeed, the concerns raised by the interviewed can be easily understood – there are certain pieces of evidence which show that people do post negative reviews about certain services which they have tried and which have not met their standards and expectations. Although one might think that a humble opinion of a certain user will definitely sink in the avalanche of other more engaging news and hardly anyone will ever notice the negative review; yet there are proofs that negative product reviews in blogospheres and social networks have considerable impact on people’s idea of a company: â€Å"An employer’s business reputation can be damaged by negative c omments by individuals on their own social networking pages, or, more problematically, because of the issue of anonymity on those specifically formed networking groups† (Pickard, 2008, 68). Therefore, it seems that social networking can be easily used against entrepreneurs and their business, causing considerable drops in the company revenues. Counterarguments: about the rights to speak openly Indeed, if considering the positive aspects of social networking, one must admit that it can work for the benefit of business and even promote the products of a certain company with tremendous success.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on An Interview with an Entertainment Manager: The Way Corporate Laws Work. A specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, if using the social networking wisely and think of the effect it can produce, one is likely to reinvent people’s perceptions of a certain company. As Hartley (2010) exp lains, Social networking is the game changer for business. If you own or run a business of any kind, whether it’s a solo consulting practice or a worldwide enterprise employing thousands or workers, social networking is quickly becoming a key connection point between your business and your customers. (Hartley, 2010, 1) Therefore, the negative effects of the social networking can be easily questioned; and, even though there are certain factors that can harm an enterprise, they can be easily counterpointed by the numerous positive effects. Therefore, the idea expressed by the interviewed can be considered only partially valid. For a company which is going to stand firm on its feet, it is necessary to take into account not only the threatening factors, but also the issues which the given company can make a good use of to become even more successful. Business and Professional Practice: Concerning the Managerial Issues It goes without saying that team management is one of those pi llars which corporate management stands on; the key principle of successful company leadership and an excellent way to bring the members of the company together, team management helps to make the working process flawless clockwork (Altfeld, 2010). Thus, learning more about the advantages of working in a team and managing a team of employees rather than the work of individuals, one can possibly reach another stage of business enlightenment. Bound by the same chains: motivation and team building As the interviewee claimed, the idea of team management is the only possible way a company can work; once all employees work for the sake of the customer’s satisfaction, success is just around the corner.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, as Margerison (2002) says, the success of a company depends on the â€Å"overall team management contribution† (Margerison, 2002, 10). The reverse side of team management: when togetherness fails Thus, it is reasonable to suggest that the management by objectives can be used together with team management. According to what James (2003) claims, the given approach can help reach the company’s key goals without putting the employees under the pressure of team work. Conclusion: There Is Still a Long Way to Go Therefore, it is clear that at certain point, the conventional approach does not prove as efficient as it could. Unlike one might have thought, numerous social media which have become a part and parcel of the modern life can be both a huge benefit and at the same time a great disaster for the image of a company, depending on the information posed in blogs and social networks. Likewise, the idea of team management might seem somewhat redundant and not necessari ly suitable for all types of staff, since one might simply dislike all sorts of team-sprit-building activities, yet it does bring results to the company, increasing its revenues and making the people working there more devoted to the company. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that the given results can be easily questioned when being used in a certain environment with very specific elements that do not fall under the conventional standards. Hence comes the ambiguity of the given decisions and the conclusion that the situational management must be the ultimate and the most appropriate way to handle the company business, as well as the relationships among the staff. Once choosing the right track is not enough – as time goes, the company must change. Reference List Altfeld, H.-H. (2010). Commercial aircraft projects: managing the development of  highly complex products. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. Hartley, D. (2010). 10 steps to successful social networking for bu siness. Alexandra, VA: American Society for Training Development. James, D. (2003). Team and personal development. Canterbury: Global Professional Publishing. Margerison, C. J. (2002). Team leadership. Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning. Pickard, M. (2008). Facilities management legal update 2008: Special report. Cambridge, UK: Workplace Law Publishing.

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