Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Promotion of Democracy and its Purpose in the United...

The United States prides itself on its democratic idealism and believes the every state should have the opportunity to experience the freedom democracy offers. Democracy, in term of American values, allows for the â€Å"right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness† . These are inalienable for everyone and those countries that withhold this must be change or reformed. The United States with other democratic countries has taken on the project of converting all non-democratic states into democratic governments. This process in motivated by the face, many believe democratic nation are better for the world than the latter. Unfortunately moving to such â€Å"perfect† model of government is not easy and sometimes close to an impossible†¦show more content†¦Condoleezza Rice believes, â€Å"weak and failing state serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the movement of criminals and terrorist, and the proliferation of he world’s most dangerous weapons.† . Failing states need to be changed because their existence is a detriment to the United State security. Non-democratic states are often portrayed as lacking the ability to conduct them in a manner, which is conducive to the international environment. Many people believe â€Å"democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of freedom and justice within states† . This determination is the main reason he United States believes promotion of the democratic ideals is important when making foreign policy. America has often taken on the task of promoting democracy across the global however; their tactics are different from state to state. Anthony Lake, author of â€Å"From Containment to Enlargement† proposes a comprehensive plan to use in the promotion of democracy. He believes â€Å"We contained global threat to market democracies, now we should seek to enlarge their reach† . This plan to spread democratic institutions is smart and a little complex. It must be taken step by step in its entirety. The United States needs to strengthen the community in which that it wishes to build this new governmental structure. An instable region could immediatelyShow MoreRelatedThe United Nations Security Council Essay1832 Words   |  8 Pagesinstitutions of international cooperation, the most noticeable ones are the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 1971 and the WTO in 2001. China has been recognized as an important state actor in regards to global governance. Nonetheless, China in many ways is different from these westerns powers, especially the United States, who has significantly influenced and shaped global governance since the late twenty century. 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