Friday, May 31, 2019

Electronic Product Code Project Essay -- Business Management Marketing

Electronic convergence Code ProjectTable of contentExecutive Overview3Stage 1 Determination of Scope and Objectives....4Stage 2 Systems Investigation and Feasibility.4Stage 3 Systems Analysis.7 UPC DFD (Legacy System)....9Stage 4 System Design.9Stage 5 Detail System Design.10EPC DFD (New System)14Stage 6 Implementation.. 14Stage 7 rebirth.15Stage 8 Evaluation and Maintenance...17Appendix A Cost Benefit Analysis Chart19References...................23 Executive OverviewAs a subatomic grocery chain we are currently struggling to maintain our revenue stream and profitability against the competitive threats of the global warehouse chains (Costco, Wal-Mart, etc). We continue to get ourselves behind the curve in this competitive situation. These larger retailers have been able to use their greater resources and economies of scale to not only beat us on cost but also industry innovation. According to the electronic periodical Baseline, Several dozen retailers and suppliers, inc luding Unilever, Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, and Wal-Mart have signed on to the next propagation UPC called the Electronic Product Code (EPC), (Mullin, 2002). With the implementation of this technology a customer will be able to virtually walk through a store, roll up all their groceries, and walk out without ever having to stop for a cashier or checkout procedure. The electronic retail chain Best Buy, which sells electronic devices on with household appliances, implemented this technology in many of its stores and has increased revenue, along with customer satisfaction due to always having proper stock on hand. We cogitate that this innovation will have a profound effect on our customer base, especially the highly desired, short attention span, and technically astute demographic of the 20-45 year olds. There are many other large retailers looking at this technology for the same reason (increased revenue) and studies show that smaller retailers would be involuntary to implement thi s same technology if initial installation costs decreased (2002). Our groc... ...illion USD 0.002 USDReduction in Unsaleables 3.0 jillion USD 0.001 USDReduction in Out-of-Stock 4.2 million USD 0.002 USDPoint of trade Efficiency 7.5 million USD 0.003 USDTotal savings at outlets 46.9 million USD 0.022 USDEstimated CostsAnnual Costs 9.7 million USD Tag Costs 0.0 million USD One-time Costs 96.6 million USD Integration Cost 7.8 million USD Reader Costs (including installation) 88.7 million USD It is assumed that all tags costs are carried by your supply chain partnersReferencesMullin, Eileen (September 5, 2002). Electronic Product Code, Baseline, Retrieved February, 17th 2004 from http//www.baselinemag.comEPC Global Website http// AARFID Incorporated Website http// htmlRFID News Website http// Journal Website http// Online Source Book http//

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Importance of Adequate Carbohydrate Consumption Essay -- Health Nu

The Importance of Adequate Carbohydrate Consumption Severely restricting carbohydrates is not wellnessy and offers little advantages in terms of fat loss. Consumers of low carbohydrate fruits are often deceived into believing all low carbohydrate products are better for their wellness. However, usually when a product claims to have a low bill of carbohydrates, it fails to mention the increase of fats and proteins the product gains to compensate for the lost carbohydrates. In reality low carbohydrate diets increase health risks and give dieters false hopes. Carbohydrates are significant in supplying energy to the organic structures needs. Through plenty of carbohydrates, especially for active people and athletes, the be is able to use its adequate amounts of energy efficiently. The brain and body prefer to use glucose, a product of the digestion of carbohydrates, as an energy source. Therefore, the severe reduction of carbohydrates has some(prenominal) negative effects on the body. By eating only protein and fats the body will go into starvation mode. In the absence of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates the body is forced to use stored blood sugar from the liver and muscles. This process results in an initial protein tissue loss and urinary loss of electrolytes. Protein tissues, muscles, are mostly composed of peeing consequently, the elimination of carbohydrates in the body causes the body to start to undergo a process known as ketosis. With this plumping amount of water loss, it appears that the body is rapidly losing an abundant amount of weight. Although appealing to the dieter, this rapid weight loss from diminish carbohydrates can pose a variety of health risks. Because of the decreased amount of carbohydrate... ...nd after intense physical activity, the body is able to maintain a balanced level of carbohydrate sources and perform better.The strict limitation of carbohydrates in a diet may appear to give the desired res ult of weight loss, but actually brings many health risks. Instead, carbohydrates help to reduce health risks, and also provide your body with key sources of energy. Not only are carbohydrates the main source of energy for the body, but they also create fiber which helps the bodys organs to function properly. The consumption of carbohydrates is important for normal functions of the body, but especially for the performance of an athlete. In order for maximum athletic performance, a large amount of carbohydrates must be consumed throughout the period of a workout. Overall the right amount of carbohydrates and exercise are necessary for a healthy diet.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

human nature Essay -- essays research papers

What is human nature? It is very simple. Human nature refers to the patterns of behavior that are typical of our species or our kind. Human undergoes win over as all humans grow up they nature seems to change the environment someone grow up in effects that persons nature. To fully determine human nature Dr. Marvin Harris takes us on trip to time, which makes sense because if we better understand our past and our origin we will better understand our very humanity and our nature. We will know more about who we are where we are from and such other questions that puzzle the human mind. As I mentioned before our environment has a great effect on our nature. For example a theory claimed that, the first humans were originated in Africa in the time frame of 115,00...

Homosexual Adoption Rights Essay -- Legal Issues, New Jersey, Foster C

unexampled Jerseys assertwide leavening legislation espouses a progressive stance on the matters of same-sex parenting and child care in the processes of acceptation and foster parenting. The Garden State allows for same-sex adoption allows private homosexuals to adopt and allows second parent same-sex adoption (Same-Sex Adoption Laws, n.d.). New Jersey has passed progressive laws and policies that prohibit variation charged against gay individuals in the adoption process (Sudol, 2010). New Jersey state law also bans discrimination against gay individuals in the foster parent process (2010). New Jersey Statutes Annotated 93-43 enables for any person to adopt permitted the said person(s) pass a background investigation and meet adoption criteria for eligibility(N.J.S.A. 93-43). Unmarried joint adoptive parents petitioning to adopt a child can do so because of N.J.S.A. 93-43. In re Adoption of two Children by H.N.R., 666 A.2d 535 (N.J. Super. 1995) permits second parent adoption this statute exercises the possibility for an individual to petition for shared rights of duress with a parent who already possesses legal parental custody of a child. Several states prohibit joint adoption due to unmarried status. This statute is favorable for unmarried parents seeking to adopt in New Jersey. This New Jersey statute provides for an overall tolerant atmosphere for queer individuals and couples looking to adopt or become foster parents.In summary, laws and policies regarding same-sex adoption vary from state to state. The three common forms of adoptive guardianship are individual (single) parent adoption, joint adoption, and second parent adoption. Firstly, the most traditional type of adoptive parents is the single parent adoption. T... ...loving individuals and couples are being denied the chance of giving orphans a loving home. The numbers of orphans increasing in foster care services are disproportionate to the number of foster parents willing to adopt them. T his fact alone without a shadow of a doubt calls to question the involvement federal government to edict law and policy to integrate the needs of same-sex parents and the growing orphan problem in the United States. The investigation of same-sex parents continues to produce evidence suggesting that children growing up in same-sex households report feeling more tolerant of other groups. The quality of parenting and family functioning are not inhibited by the parents sexual orientation. Lastly, children raised(a) by same-sex parents do not exhibit psychosocial and emotionally disruptive behaviors (Children Welfare Information Gateway, 2011).

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Shakespeare without all those Words :: essays research papers

After reading the chapter Shakespeare without all those Words, I have to deem with the arguments in it. Although I am no pro on Shakespeare or not even a repetitive reader of his works I persist to believe that what is said throughout the chapter to be true like many of the massive masterpieces of our era. The meanings get lost over time and through manipulation.In right aways monastic order everyone wants the gratification of something without investting the effort in to achieve it. The inexperienced reader Shakespeare may take many, many readings before it becomes clear. Were a straightaway society, we want the quickest, easiest way for everything and expect to get the same effect of the original Shakespearian readers.The section in the chapter where you speak of the sees becoming something unlike the written play or as far off the mark as possible, is true and bothersome. Writers and directors today want the notoriety that the name Shakespeare brings but then shames the p laywright itself. They put their own spin on it, to make it more appealing to the audience or less time consuming. In doing so your missing a great deal of the play and usually it ends up being the core of the story. Audiences walk away without a true understanding of Shakespeare but a twisted and misconstrued idea.The domain in which we live is all about theatrics, exaggerations, fabrications, as well as, entertainment. As you pointed on in the chapter the works of Franco Zeffirellis film version of The Taming of the Shrew was wholly 30% of actual Shakespeare leaving 70% for his own interpretation plus plenty of room for entertainment. Whats the point then? Why even bring its Shakespeare? Answer, they know the name will allure the audience to the play. That being said the people are their under the false pretense that their there for Shakespeare. Not the Shakespeare that has been twisted, turned, buttoned into the interpretation that feels its necessary to draw on the name of s omeone elses merits to allure an audience. Its okay for writers to use the name Shakespeare but when it comes to his works apparently many believe theyre not good enough to entertain.With all this being said I also agree that todays society is not the same as it was when Shakespeare was more prevalent. Todays population span is less people have more distractions and less room in their lifes for intellect.

Shakespeare without all those Words :: essays research papers

After reading the chapter Shakespeare without all(prenominal) those Words, I have to agree with the arguments in it. Although I am no pro on Shakespeare or not even a repetitive reader of his works I tend to believe that what is said end-to-end the chapter to be true like many of the great masterpieces of our era. The meanings get lost over time and through manipulation.In todays society everyone wants the gratification of something without putting the effort in to achieve it. The inexperienced reader Shakespeare may take many, many readings before it becomes clear. Were a Now society, we want the quickest, easiest way for everything and convey to get the same effect of the original Shakespearian readers.The section in the chapter where you speak of the plays becoming something unlike the written play or as further off the mark as possible, is true and bothersome. Writers and directors today want the notoriety that the name Shakespeare brings but then shames the playwright itsel f. They put their own spin on it, to make it more appealing to the audience or less time consuming. In doing so your missing a great deal of the play and usually it ends up being the core of the story. Audiences walk away without a true understanding of Shakespeare but a twisted and misconstrued idea.The world in which we live is all about theatrics, exaggerations, fabrications, as well as, entertainment. As you pointed on in the chapter the works of Franco Zeffirellis film version of The Taming of the Shrew was only 30% of actual Shakespeare difference 70% for his own interpretation plus plenty of room for entertainment. Whats the point then? Why even claim its Shakespeare? Answer, they know the name get out allure the audience to the play. That being said the people are their under the false pretense that their there for Shakespeare. Not the Shakespeare that has been twisted, turned, tied into the interpretation that feels its prerequisite to draw on the name of someone elses merits to allure an audience. Its okay for writers to use the name Shakespeare but when it comes to his works apparently many believe theyre not good enough to entertain.With all this being said I also agree that todays society is not the same as it was when Shakespeare was more prevalent. Todays population span is less people have more distractions and less room in their lifes for intellect.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Jose Aquino

Sure we have gone a very long means to back in the days Of Martin Luther King J. R. , Blacks/Minorities are not so bluntly discriminated but now in days its as if this upstart crap of subliminally resentful actions are being brought to this day and age. Examples like the recent tragedies regarding Mike Brown and Erick Gardner make my argument even more clear to understand and to prove. Of year there are a few people who believe that the actions the police officers took were necessary. Perhaps they might say, They asked for it, They Resisted arrest, they had it coming. Y to them that events such as the police killings are a nexus where white racial resentment and white supremacy are made to confront black/ minority pain, reasonable hurt, and the righteous anger. Why is it that the media has of all time showed the gang member as a Black or Hispanic male? These are subjects we should be asking ourselves and realize how that can be of import to some ones perception about a group of people and think about the repercussions all this can have to future generations. Just recently released to the everyday was data that disappointingly proves the Boston Police department has used racially biased policing.Researchers concluded that police targeted Blacks in 63. 3% of encounters, while Blacks make up less than a quarter of Bosons population. This racial disparity cannot be explained. They also found that Blacks were more likely than whites to be subjected to repeat police/civilian encounters and to be frisked or searched. The bottom line is that race was a significant factor driving the BEDS stop and frisk practices. Those on the opposing side would become silent to this information. These people who were randomly targeted ere minding there business and going about there day.solely because of this current view that society has emplace they were boxed in to this stereotypical box, atomic number 82 to them being victimized. How do we put an end to all of this? First we need to know our own conscious and unconscious feelings. Perhaps think about what stereotypes we whitethorn have and ways we might eliminate these believes or figure out why these ideas have been introduced and of course find the ROOT of this. But perhaps the or so important but most difficult is to educate ourselves well enough to hanged the way people think and work within the system so that new ideas and change can be accomplished.The simple fact is that racism both personal, institutional, and structural remains a force in American life. It impacts the lives of everyone, whites included because the issuing of tension , and shapes the broad material circumstances of minorities in countless negative ways. Yes, there are many ways in which weve made progress, and we should celebrate them. But just because we dont face the racism of the past doesnt mean weve solved the problem.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Gender Socialization Essay

Every child is born to a particular society which has its set of values, norms and belief system. The initiatory stage of culture of the child is the family to which he/she is born. As the child grows, he/she is introduced to the way life is lived and the role he or she is to play in the family and the society. When a child is born, the first question that anybody asks is is it a boy or a girl? . This is the beginning of gender socialization.From that point, the clothes the child wears, the kind of treatment that is given to the child and the things that ar expected of the child becomes distinguished. UNICEF defined gender socialization as a process of learning cultural roles according to ones sex, and provides examples of ways in which these are incorporated through parental and societal expectations from boys and girls ( VAWnet, 2004). Taking a queue from my life experience and from my knowledge of socialization, I will say that the traits I discern myself exhibiting are rubbed off on me as a result of my family socialization.At a very tender age, I grew to recognize my role in the family and how to relate with the elderly. My father taught me how to be a man and how to live the life of integrity and boldness, which he considered a necessity of any man. Furthermore, I grew up with an liking that some jobs were for ladies while some were for men. I was taught that men are strong and do not cave in to their emotions. I was taught how to be a fearless, game and decent young man and how it is my responsibility to look out for my family.Although I do not stay with my father and mother again, I still see some attributes of my father in me and sometimes when I do something, I smile and attribute that thing to what I learnt when I was growing up. Summarily, I recollect no matter how hard we try not to draw a line between both sexes, the fact is we all have our roles in the society. computer address http//new. vawnet. org/category/index_pages. php? category_id =813 Gender Socialization (2004). Retrieved on November 21, 2008.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Wa Student Duty of Care Policy

Memo for The Department of pedagogy and Training, westward Australia (DETWA) To All School Principals at bottom the DETWA. Subject A exceed TO HELP PARENTS UNDERSTAND, THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING, DUTY OF CARE POLICY FOR STUDENTS. Please find enc escaped a comminuted guide to helping your pargonnts / look atgivers netherstand the Duty of treat Policy for Students. This guide is an analysis of the insurance document noting the key points that are easily understood by parents.The report ordain also detail two scenarios providing examples of situations that can occur at any school and an action plan response to each scenario by following the indebtedness of cathexis policy guidelines. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 0 founding 2. 0 Background regarding the policy & Part 1 -Document Analysis 3. 0 Duty of Care explanation 4. 0 Reasonable Care explanation 5. 0 Key points to note 6. 0 Part 2 -Action Plans 7. 0 Scenario 1 & action plan response 8. 0 Scenario 2 & action plan response 9. 0 Conclusion / Personal Reflection 0. 0 References 1. 0 Introduction As parents, the Duty of Care policy is more than likely decidedly foreign. From here many questions, no doubt will arise? Why did the Western Australian government put this in place for their Department of Education and Training? What significance does this document shake towards my children, parents whitethorn also be cerebration? So many thoughts and questions hand over no doubt once or twice crossed a parents mind. I am sure some whitethorn not even be aware of this documents existence. 2. Background regarding the policy & Part 1 Document Analysis To answer these imminent questions above, the significance of this report is to reach out the Parents of Western Australian school-age childs attending primary and secondary schools, a further understanding. The Western Australian presidential term wrote the policy so that it would be implemented at heart the Department of Education WA and then handed down to all teachers. The document became effective on the 26/06/2007 and updated 02/08/2012. (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia (DETWA), 2012,1). As observe by the Department of Education and Training, Western Australia (2012,3) this policy was created to ensure that all teaching staff, non teaching staff and extends know their legal responsibilities in ensuring reasonable care occurred to maintain the safety and wellbeing of all students whilst in their care and avoid acts that may result in injury. This policy is not just limited to within the school grounds but also outside school grounds, excursions and activities that fall under the care and guidance of school teachers, regardless of where the occupation or lesson may occur. 3. 0 Duty of care explanationWhat is the Duty of Care? Newnham (2000, 2) describes the Duty of care as a legal concept that was put in place under the Common Law, and it is well established in education regulations . 4. 0 Reasonable Care explanation with key points to note What is Reasonable Care? The Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, (2012, 3) also describe reasonable care as a situation that will always vary according to the overall circumstances involved. instructors are to assess the reasonableness of the level of care needed by noting the following probabilities that can interfere or affect the outcome of care.These probabilities are * The school activity and its nature. * The environment upon which the activity will occur in, therefore the teacher must assess the risk, if any, involved. * Pre-existing medical conditions, like allergies, epilepsy, diabetes. * Ages and skills of the students. * Physical or Intellectual impairments & behavioural issues 5. 0 Key points to note There are some other key points that the Duty of Care policy would acknowledge. These include that a principal or teacher must ensure that all department employees must hold the necessary identi fication and qualifications required including non teaching staff.Also, volunteers and the like must also take in a working with children check card. The details of this policy and how this check can be completed is found via the following government website, http//www. checkwwc. wa. gov. au/checkwwc The importance of having such(prenominal) a policy is to protect both student and teacher and aver the teacher clear, concise guidelines on what duty of care is expected of teaching staff to reduce the chance of negligence and possible legal implications.A highly topical direct quote included below is from abstract, Newnham, (2000, 1) is particularly pertinent to this report and passing beneficial to take note The law is increasing affecting the practice of education. The most likely reason a teacher or school will formula legal action is in negligence where a student has been injured while under the schools protection. This may occur in a variety of settings.To satisfy the elements of the tort of negligence the student who becomes in law the plaintiff must prove that a duty of care was owed, that the duty was breached, by not maintaining the appropriate standard and that the injury was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of that breach of duty. It would be rare for a teacher to face criminal charges but it could happen if a teacher had an intention to harm or acted recklessly. (Newnham 2000, 1) The policy document also offers guidelines for parents and caregivers and their responsibilities for their children before and after school care judgment of conviction slots and whilst on school grounds.This will clearly advise the parent / caregiver the times for when their children will and will not be supervised and offer a guide as to whether the student is protected or not under the schools duty of care policy. 6. 0 Part 2 Action Plans Below are action plans that a teacher in the following scenarios could note and introduce to ensure that the teacher is consis tently adhering to the Western Australian Government and the Department of Education & Trainings, Duty of Care Policy. 7. 0 Scenario 1 & Action Plan A student is consistently interrupting other students during a screenroom lesson.In dealing with this students interruptions, the teacher sends the student out of the classroom for timeout. The teacher tells the student to wait outside the classroom door until asked to spend to the room. This reprimanded student is no longer in the teachers view. The scenario above notes that the teacher involved has not exercised her duty of care and could be seen to be derelict as the student was no longer in the teachers view. As per notes from Newnham, (2000,46) the teacher has a duty of care to ensure that they are providing adequate direction and no longer being in view is detrimental to this.The teacher was no doubt disappointed in the student and his associated behaviour but asking the student to leave for timeout could have been handled in a more appropriate way. As per the teachers duty of care policy (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, 2012, 3) the teacher needed to bring home the bacon a suitable disciplinary action that ensured the student remained in full view. Otherwise by no longer being in view, the student could have harmed or injured, himself and the teacher would possibly be held responsible for not following the act of reasonable care and therefore classed as being negligent.The teacher could have opted for a variety of disciplinary actions from as painless as giving the timeout punishment and asking the student to remain in the far corner of the classroom until notified or the teacher could have ph mavend the principals office and asked that the principal come and escort the student to the office to remain in timeout whilst in a supervised environment. 8. 0 Scenario 2 & Action Plan A premiere year student teacher accompanies a inadvertence teacher out on duty at lunch time.While o n playground duty, an incident occurs that requires the supervising teacher to accompany a student to the administration block, which is not within the supervision area. The supervising teacher asks the student teacher to remain on duty for her as she tends to the dilemma. This would mean the student teacher would be the only teacher supervising the designated play area at this time. Firstly Newhman, (2000, 49) notes that if the incident was indeed severe enough, ensure that the nature of the incident was documented.Other details that would need to be included in the incident report would be with who was present at the time in the events leading up to and when taking place. This will ensure that if further issue is raised, the teacher can be at ease that they have completed the right steps to ensure that negligence did not take place. Secondly, under the Duty of Care policy (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, 2012, 3) the teacher should have clarified with the student teacher if they were comfortable to be left to undertake the primary care of the rest students and be given the right to refuse.If refused, the student teacher would have been best to escort the student to the administration block or even more so the student teacher could have quickly alerted another teacher to come and assist the situation at hand and escort the student or coup detat the supervisory role. 9. 0Conclusion & Personal Reflection Whilst reading through the DETWA Duty of Care Policy for Students, I was certainly not aware of the importance of one office of the policy document.The component I was not aware of was that as a teacher, I should be ensuring that any student teacher, non teaching staff or volunteer who may assist in my classroom, has the right to refuse the role of undertaking primary care of the students. If I had to leave the classroom or area where the class was being conducted, I must first ask this pertinent question of Are you comfortable if I leave the room for said period of time? This question was simply was not something that I gave much thought to.When I thought about this more, I realised it actually is park courtesy, to simply, ask first and then I will ensure the level of comfort of the other person helping is ascertained. I know that this element of the Duty of Care policy will be something I personally will take on board and remember to use within my classroom. In summary, the Western Australian Governments, Duty of Care policy is undoubtedly a particularly crucial document. Its a crucial document that all Western Australian Teachers who are employed within the Department of Education & Training, need to follow. As I ecome a teacher, this policy is simply another tool that I as a teacher, must concur with and abide by at all times, whilst the students are under my care. A Students safety is one of the most respected trusts that a caregiver / parent will ask of me as their childs teacher. To ensure that I do no t lose that vital trust placed in me, it will be essential that I follow these set guidelines from this document. I should also consistently using common sense, adhere to school policy and I then should never have to be concerned with the legalities of negligence and that my students should always be cared for well. Word count 1744) 10. 0 References The Government of Western Australia, (2012) Department of Education & Training Duty of Care for Students. Western Australia Retrieved from http//det. wa. edu. au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policies-framework/policies/duty-of-care-for-students Department of child protection, (2008) Working with children check Retrieved from http//www. checkwwc. wa. gov. au/checkwwc Newnham, Helen (2000) When is a teacher or school liable in negligence? Australian Journal of Teacher Education Vol. 25 Iss. 1, Article 5. Available at http//ro. ecu. edu. au/ajte/vol25/iss1/5

Friday, May 24, 2019

Paradise Vacation Case

Key Decisions * Should Leduc agree to Air Indias offer? * Whats the companys competitive strategy for 2008/2009? * How to serve to FunTours expansion and aggressive pricing strategy? SWOT abridgment Paradise holds strong buyer power which enables it to bargain for lower scathe and discount. As grocery leader and Quebec company, Paradise can promote itself through reminding customer about company hisotry to strength their preference and loyalty . The weakness lands at that Quebec is the only mart in Canada the collapse of one location give damage the entire business.The threat mainly lands at pricing competition from FunTours. Competitive Analysis and Consumer Analysis Because Paradise has its main market in Quebec, Benoix is the main competitor. However, the biggest threat comes from FunTours expansion currently. The competitive wages of FunTours is its low pricing strategy. Travelling is has an elastic demand. With expenditure world the most important determination, FunTours strategy could drive Paradise out of the market. This strategy targets at mid and base component of the market. It creates threat to the said(prenominal) segments for Paradise, which represent 90% of the tax receipts.Nonetheless, Quebec is a brandmark new market where FunTours does non have supplier connections or customer loyalty yet. FunTours serves no premium market where 10% of the revenue enhancement comes from for Paradise. Therefore, Paradise can utilize its bargain power with its suppliers to ask for lower prices, also lower its retail price to keep customers from switching to new brand, and herald to strengthen brand loyalty. Segment Focus Conclusion paper Low price Lower price than FunTours offers Mid Best value Lower price than FunTours offers, and special promotion with higher value. superior Luxury service Lower price to prevent customer from downgrading to Mid segment. Keep agents as partial distributors for bump services. Recommendation Base and Mid pack age will be sell through lucre solely Premium package will be sold through both agent and internet by 50/50 at the same time lowering wholesale price by 5%, and asking Benoix Air for 5% discount on the line of achievement. Implementation Plan Paradise will reject the offer from Air India. We will stay with the professional segments of consumers, and lower price to stop FunTours from ntering the market at the same time, keep the package un channelised to ensure customer experiences use promotional strategy to re-enforce brand name and loyalty. Product Travel package provides both service and product. Paradise includes 3 packages targeting at base, mid and premium market. toll (See Exhibit 4 for detail) We will be using jimmy-based pricing strategy. We will set lower retail price to stop FunTours from entering the market, and to provide lowest price for Base segment, opera hat value for Mid, and both luxury service and low price for Premium segment. retail Base 89 Mid 134 Premi um 193( promoter) 178 (Internet) Wholesale 88 132 176 maneuver Markdowns Seasonal discount, coupons. Markdowns. Place Indirect Distribution -100% of base and mid, 50% of premium package through internet distributor -50% of premium package through stumble agents with 10% commission Exclusive Distribution Distribute through good reputation internet distributors only for the purpose of keeping professional brand image, and high-end hold up agents to keep Premium customer privileged. Promotion Objective To re-enforce the brand image as a local and experienced travel operator who always serve to Quebec travellers needs beyond expectation. Reminder Advertising TV advertising and internet ad to re-enforce the brand image. Sales promotion (1)Price promotion is mentioned above at Price section. (2)Loyalty points-collection program to encourage repurchase and creates loyalty (3)Contests to win trips in order to increase consumer involvements and personal feelings. Expected Results See Exhibit 4 secondary 5//Recommendation for income statement.Appendixes Decision criteria * Provide short-term viability * Provide long-term sustainability selection Evaluation * Cost cutting through partnership with Benoix and cost structure change to start a price war with FunTours. * Setting pricing strategy as price war and cutting cost through vertical integration. * make do its packages through Internet distributors exclusively. * Offering packages to more remote and less developed destinations. Base and Mid package will be sold through internet solely Premium package will be sold through both agent and internet by 50/50 at the same time lowering wholesale price by 5% and asking Benoix Air for 5% discount on the flight. Alternative 1, comparing all new(prenominal) 4, gets the least revenue (32,540,428). Although it is feasible in short-term and might drive FunTour out of the market, it does not concern with the obsolete of travel agents. Giving the negative revenue for the base segment (see Exhibt 2), it is not long-term sustainable.Moreover, even if the competitor is eventually driven out the market, Paradise will have to raise the price once more in order to get back on its previous profitability Paradise runs into the risk that the customers will feel cheated and uncomfortable with the raising price, and thus charge to other operators. For Alternative 2, although leasing private airline will decrease the variable cost and increase revenue (71,192,907), Paradise runs into the risk of heavy responsibility for flight issues, decrease of flight destination and time flexibility, and high fixed cost, which will eventually be added to the price of the package.In addition to those, same problem with Alternative 1, it does not concern with the obsolete with travel agents. Thus, this alternative is not sustainable in the long-run. For Alternative 3, it addresses the problem of high agent cost, and the obsolete of agent distributor. 5% of revenue is ass umed from using internet to reach broader customer base with lower retail price. However, the price is still higher for than FunTours offer (e. g. $93 vs. $90) therefore provides FunTours the discover to take away market share. It is short-term viable but not sustainable.Alternative 4 increases market variety but turns away from the main market (top 5), which is providing 89% of Paradises package sale. It equals to giving up a bigger pie for a tiny one. (Exhibit 2) The recommendation ranks the 3rd place in the 5 alternatives quantitatively. However, it provides both short-term viability and long-term sustainability. Lowering the price from utilizing the buyer power on Benoix Air gives Paradise the ability to win over FunTours price-wise in the short-run, and keep price low in the long-run.Internet distributor addresses the obsolete of travel agents. By offering both agents and internet distributor for premium market helps sustain our competitive advantage on luxury customers. Exhi bit 1 Marketing Share, Value and Growth of Canada and Paradise Vacation for 2007 and 2008 PR Market Setments National PR Canada Quebec PR Quebec Base Mid Premium Percentage 100. 00% 7. 80% 20. 00% 39. 00% 60% 30% 10% 2007 6,400,000 499,200 1,280,000 499,200 299,520 149,760 49,920 2008 4. 0% growth 6,694,400 522,163 1,338,880 522,163 313,298 156,649 52,216 Exhibit 2 Alternative 4 Market Share, Value and Growth for 2007 and 2008 National Paradise Canada Other destinations other than top5 8% 11% 2007 512,000,000 54,912,000 After 25% of expected growth 640,000,000 68,640,000 Exhibit 3 Income Statement for Alternative 1 and 2 (2008) Alternative 1 i Alternative 2iv Base Mid Premium Base Mid PremiumTotal Revenue 313,297,920 156,648,960 52,216,320 313,297,920 156,648,960 52,216,320 Agent Internet Agent Internet Agent Internet Agent Internet Agent Internet Agent Internet Industry Total Sales 72% 28% 72% 28% 72% 28% 72% 28% 72% 28% 72% 28% 225,574,502 87,723,418 112,787,251 43 ,861,709 37,595,750 14,620,570 225,574,502 87,723,418 112,787,251 43,861,709 37,595,750 14,620,570 Retail price 90. 00ii 82. 64 135. 00 123. 95 180. 00 165. 27 90. 00 82. 64 135. 00 123. 95 180. 0 165. 27 Commission 8. 18iii 0. 82 12. 27 1. 23 16. 36 1. 64 8. 18 0. 82 12. 27 1. 23 16. 36 1. 64 Wholesale price 81. 82 81. 82 122. 73 122. 73 163. 64 163. 64 81. 82 81. 82 122. 73 122. 73 163. 64 163. 64 costs of sales Airline 40 40 40 40 40 40 30v 30 30 30 30 30 Hotel 40 40 50 50 60 60 40 40 50 50 60 60 Contribution 1. 82 1. 82 49. 90 49. 90 63. 64 63. 64 11. 82 11. 82 49. 90 49. 90 73. 64 73. 64 SG&A 9. 00 8. 26 13. 0 12. 40 18. 00 16. 53 9. 00 8. 26 13. 50 12. 40 18. 00 16. 53 EBITDA (7. 18) (6. 44) 36. 40 37. 50 45. 64 47. 11 2. 82 3. 56 36. 40 37. 50 55. 64 57. 11 Earning function (8%) (8%) 27% 30% 25% 29% 3. 13% 4. 30% 26. 96% 30. 26% 30. 91% 34. 55% Earning (18,000,390) (6,840,346) 30,410,785 13,271,102 9,531,852 4,167,425 7,063,444 3,775,013 30,410,785 13,271,102 11 ,620,505 5,052,058 Total 32,540,428 71,192,907 i. Assume during price war, market share does not changeii.Retail price drops 10% for distributor of agent wholesale price will shift according to retail price and commission change (Wholesale=Retail/(1+10% commission) internet retail price change according to wholesale and commission (Internet=wholesale*(1+1% commission). iii. Commission for agent will increase to 10% internet stays the same as 1%. iv All assumptions from Alternative 1 holdv Airline price decreases 25% from$40 Exhibit 4 Income Statement for Alternative 3 and Recommendation (2008) Alternative 3vi Alternative 5 Recommendation ix Base Mid Premium Base Mid Premium 48,271,360vii 328,962,816 164,481,408 54,827,136 334,445,530 169,964,122 43,861,709 Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Agent Internet Segment Percentage 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 328,962,816 164,481,408 54,827,136 334,445,530 169,964,122 21,930,854 21,930,854 Retail price 93. 53 141. 30 187 . 05 88. 85 134. 23 193. 534xi 177. 70 Wholesale price 92. 6 139. 9 185. 2 87. 97xii 132. 905 175. 94 175. 94 costs of sales Airline 40 40 40 38 38 38 38 Hotel 40 50 60 40 50 60 60 Contribution 12. 6 49. 9 85. 2 9. 7 49. 9 77. 94 77. 94 SG&A 8. 42 12. 72 16. 83 8. 00 12. 08 19. 35 15. 99 EBITDA 4. 18 37. 18 68. 37 1. 97 37. 82 58. 5866 61. 95 Earning contribution 4. 47% 26. 32% 36. 55% 2. 22% 28. 17% 30. 27% 34. 86% Earning 14,711,841 43,283,583 20,038,677 7,428,695 47,885,482 6,638,907 7,645,225 Total 78,034,101 69,598,308 vi Because that internet distributor can reach more customer, 5% growth on expected revenue (2008) is assumedvii Total revenue afterwards 5% assumed growthviiiWith internet distributor, SG&A decrease by 10% from before, for agent, it stays the same ix. % revenue growth is assumed same from Alternative 3 due to the use of internet distributor. Premium market as luxury will decrease due to the upcoming recession, it is assumed that Premium segment will decr ease to 8%, Base and Mid will increase by 1% each. X From bargaining with Benoix Air, a 5% discount is expected. xi 10% commission on agent is provided. Xii Taking 5% off wholesale price

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Factors to be considered when planning to fill a vacancy and carry out an interview Essay

The purpose of recruitment is too attract the best candidates for the business, and to then pick the most suitable. To commit convinced(predicate) that the best person is picked forgiving resources lead substantiate to make sure that they ar clear about* What the billet entails* What qualities are required to do the art?* What rewards are mandatory to retain and propel employees.If the wrong person is recruited and then finds the job too boring or difficult, then the business will not get the best out of its Human resources Department.It will also mean additional costs for the governing because if the employee leaves because they are unsuitable they would have wasted money on training and will have advertise for their replacement.When filling a vacuum a number of things have to be considered. Before even thinking about filling the job nothingness the ecesis needs to execute out a job analysis. The job analysis is a study of what the job entails. It contains skills, tr aining and tasks that are needed to carry out the job.The reason why the organisation needs to recruit to fill the vacancy is a very classical aspect to consider, because the person in the job before whitethorn have been unhappy. To prevent this from happening again managers can set up exit interviews with the previous employee to see if they are able to change the job.Are records of Past Employees available?Records of past employees would also be a good thing for any organisation to have because then the business whitethorn be able to hire someone who has worked for them before this would save induction and training costs.Whether or not the organisation recruits internally or externally is an important factor to consider. If the organisation recruits internally* Savings can be made, and individuals with inside knowledge of how the business operates will need slight time for induction and shorter periods of training.* The organisation is unlikely to be disrupted by someone who is used to working there.* Internal promotion acts will act as a motivator to former(a) members of staff within the organisation.* From the organisations point of view, they will be able to asses the strengths and weaknesses of an insider, however there is always a risk attached to hiring an alien who may only prove to be good on paper.The disadvantages to recruiting internally are that* You will have to replace the person who has been promoted.* An insider may be less likely to make criticisms of the business to get the organisation working in a more effective way.* Promotion of one person is an organisation may upset another.Has the appropriate Recruitment documentation been drawn up?Recruitment documentation is another important aspect this includes the job description, person specification, advertisements and interview sheets. frolic DescriptionPurposeThe job description needs to include the job title, responsibilities and a simple description of the role and duties of the employ ee within the organisation.To make sure that the job description is up-to-date a job analysis should be carried out.The Job Description has a number of uses* It tells the candidates for a job what is expected of them.* It helps personnel officers to equal the job description with the candidate.* The Job Description can be used as a gauge to see whether or not the employee is doing the job properly, by comparing their activities with the job description.* Arguments about what the employee has to do can be settled by looking at the job description.The job description is a subject matter of communication between the organisation and candidate to maximise relevance of potential applicants.Person SpecificationThe purpose of a person specification is to outline the vitrine of applicant the business is looking for.The person specification also gives potential applicants the chance to match themselves against the specification.The organisation needs to know the type of person they are lo oking for this can be set out in the person specification.The person specification sets out the mental and physical attributes, which will be needed for the job.A person specification is used so the prospective candidates know what qualities they should have and what is expected from them.It can also be called upon in an interview event where the employer can match the candidate to the person specification and the position.AdvertisementJob advertisements are an important aspect to the recruitment process. An organisation is able to advertise job vacancies to a selected audience through their job advertisements.Advertisements must reach the good deal who have the qualities needed to fill the vacancy.The nature of the advert will depend on* The target audience managers, supervisors, retail assistants etc.* Where the advert will be placed on a notice board in a topical anesthetic or national newspaper, etc.A good job advertisement will provide prospective candidates with informati on and will also discourage people who are not qualified for the vacancy.The way in which the vacancy is advertised will be different is the job is being advertised internally or externally.If the job is being advertised internally it will be most likely to be advertised on the staff notice board or in the jobs bulletin, however if the job is being advertised externally it is more likely to be advertised in a newspaper.Interview Assessment bring inIn an interview assessment form the areas for evaluation are usually* Physical appearance and deportment Does the candidate have the right image desirable to the advertised post?* Attainments What experience and qualifications that they have meet the needs of the post.* General Intelligence* Special Aptitudes What skills does the candidate have which relates to the job for example foreign languages or knowledge in the latest software package.* Personality/dispositionAnother factor of recruitment, which needs to be considered, is the statute, which affects it. If the organisation does not comply with the set legislation then the individual responsible will be taken to court or the industrial tribunal. To avoid legal action an organisation will make sure that the recruitment criteria are made clear and that any terms of employment are made obvious to the candidate.The organisation needs to make sure that its company policy and practice comply with the relevant legislation.A number of the laws affecting the recruitment process are* Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1958This deals with an obligation on firms of more than twenty employees to employ disabled people up to at least three per cent of the workforce.* Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 84This deals with the prohibition era placed upon job advertisers to discriminate against women in advertising or conditions of service.* Race Relations Act 1980 and 1982This is the outlawing of discrimination against employees because of their race, colour or ethnic origin.A fter the vacancy has been filled, the Human Resources department needs to be sure that they leave enough time for vetting and background checks if the job requires this for example any jobs involving children. If this is not dealt with effectively the organisation will be in the position of having an empty vacancy until they are completed.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

ICT implementation report

1. Range of dataThis is my data, which offers all the different cars and the details slightly them. The table is set out in and sorted by the specifications of the cars and besides includes their damages.2. Creating nightspot sheet3. customer details of order sheetThis is the top commence of my order sheet, which be the customers details and the company logo on the top right hand side of the page.4. Setting up combo boxesI afford created combo boxes so that customers can choose what they wish from my data of cars. Each combo-box category has 5 cars and an empty space left encase the customer chooses not to choose a car from a certain category. This selection is link up to the carrel neighboring to it as each car has a preset scrap and the outcome is what makes the cell named cars change to what is selected in the combo box.5. SpinnersThe quantity is done using spinners. As the customer selects the type of car they prefer the outlay mechanically comes up in the charge c ell and they can change the quantity up to 6 cars for each which is highly unlikely. As the quantity spot changes the price is multiplied by the number in the quantity cell.6. TotalsAfter these processes be done the total price is calculated by manifolding the quantity chosen with the price of the car.7. LookupsColumn F uses a VLOOKUP in order to find what car has been chosen by the customer. This is done by linking it with Column C and this column shows a number which is the number of the car chosen on the combo-box and the number in the combo-box is the number which the cars are set as in the Data sheet. Hence displaying the selected car.There is also a VLOOKUPS done for the price which also works in the same way.8. Tick box and IF direction for Online DiscountThis is the online discount tick box which is linked to the cell next to it as you can see above. As the box is ticked and un-ticked the cell next to it will change to TRUE or FALSE this modify me to create an IF statem ent formula that links to this cell in order to roll discount or not.This IF statement is intentional to give a 15% discount if B25 displays TRUE and if not then 0 will be shown.9. Delivery YES, nobuttons and IF statementAs shown in step 8 the Buttons are linked to the cell next to them. However this time the cell C28 will display either 1 or 2 which represent YES or NO. From this the IF statement in I24 can be done. If cell C28 is displaying 1 then a 6.99 charge will be put on the totals if number 2 is being displayed then cell I24 will come up as blank as there is no Delivery charge.10. Tick box and IF statement Claims Bonus DiscountThis is the Claims Bonus discount tick box which is linked to the cell next to it as you can see above. As the box is ticked and un-ticked the cell next to it will change to TRUE or FALSE this enable me to create an IF statement formula that links to this cell in order to give discount or not.11. Sub-TotalThis is a sum formula which adds all the pri ces which are displayed in the selected columns.12. Working out vat%Simply input the percentage I wanted as my VAT into cell H26. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the VAT in cell I26.13. Working out discount price.Simply input the percentage I wanted to discount into cell H25. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the discount in cell I25.14. Working out Claims bonus Discount priceSimply input the percentage I wanted to discount into cell H27. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the discount in cell I27.15. Grand-TotalThis is a sum formula up to now is more complex because it is subtracting discounts and adding different prices. This formula automatically alters and changes agree to what is displayed in the cells above it.16. append MacrosThese macros are recorded to copy the details of the chosen car from each row and insert them on to the invoice sheet. They are also set to change the font option and insert a new row so that cars which are chosen do not alternate each other so that the user can select more then one car or extra.17. Go to Invoice & Go to coiffureThese macros have been set up so that the user can toggle between the two sheets without any hassle. They are both very simple macros designed so that the user can change or add anything they want to their receipt.18. Print MacroThis has been created in order to present the user with a mug menu once it is selected or gull as soon as it is pressed, so that they can select their marking option or directly print the receipt.19. Logos, company details and pictureThis print scheme shows the company logo and the colour scheme which is matching throughout the project and the picture in order to make the project more attractive. Part of the logo is the company details that are merged with it.20. Invoice number and date.Located below the logo, this is one of the essentials for the receipt, however there is no formula or calendar option used so the date has to be manually changed every day and the invoice number every time the invoice is being saved and printed.21. Order detailsThese details are automatically pasted from the order sheet using the Add Macros. Therefore the titles are set in that order according to the data sheet and the font has been set to be changed as part of the processes of the add macro.22. Customer details on the invoice.These formulas simply display the information/details which the end-user would fill out at the top of the order sheet.23. Calculation formulas on invoiceThe print screen above shows all the formulas used I order to calculate the grand total. These are the same formulas used as the order sheet which I have explained in detail, however these have different cell references and copy the if statements from the order s heet so that the customers order is transferred correctly and so I do not have to repeat the process again.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Coke & Pepsi Learn to Compete in India

The governmental environment in India has proven to be critical to company performance for both(prenominal)(prenominal) PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. There were specific aspects of the political environment in India that played key determinations in both companies difficulties. India is a nation with a strong belief in loyalty and devotion to their finish and Indian products. The government promoted the consumption of local anaesthetic products rather than that of foreign products. The Indian government in any case has very strict trade policies which created many entry barriers for both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola.The stern rules and regulations of their government did not allow either company to freely promote their products. Typically, foreign investment denotes that foreigners take a somewhat active role in management as part of their investment and typically works both ways. India practices a more controlled foreign investment environment. Both companies should have make extensive re search on Indias political environment before attempting to enter their market.Due to the trade barriers established by the Indian government Coca-Colas starting time entry into Indias market was not achieverful. Coca-Colas starting time entry into India was in 1958 that they existed in 1978 after the Indian government asked them to reveal their formula. Coca-Cola refused and resolved to shut down. PepsiCo entered the market during Coca-Colas 16 years of exile, in 1989. Both companies face major controversy when the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), an environmental policy-orientated non-governmental arranging (NGO) announced the results of a study.The study found that soft drinks sold in India, including those make by both companies, contained a cocktail of pesticides at concentrations far higher than considered tolerable by national authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO). CSE had established a formidable reputation for accurate data-gathering and sharp analysis. They tested numerous brand aerated drinks sampled from different parts of India, which included 28 Coke brands and 29 more from Pepsi. During the crisis with contaminated water in India, Pepsi and Coca-Cola were both under fire with the consumers and government.Politicians made it exceptionally difficult for both companies to redeem themselves with the facts they had, but Coca-Cola seemed to have a more difficult come-back than Pepsi. Indias market is enormous in terms of creation and geography. Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola were able to reposition themselves in Indias market and gain some success. In response to the sheer scale of operations in India both companies produced promotional activities that aligned with sporting events and festivals in India.This gave customers the opportunity to take advantage of special sales and contests that encouraged the purchase and continued consumption of both products. Coca-Cola also changed their pricing policy by reducing their prices by up to 25 percent. Coca-Cola offers a wide range of products to the customers and is always looking to innovate and come up with innovations. PepsiCo also offers different varieties of products ranging from carbonated to noncarbonated soft drinks, offered in a variety of different sizes.PepsiCo also, like Coca-Cola, had to adapt to the pricing barriers in India in launch to survive, by making their products pricing more sensitive to Indias economy. Both companies participated in TV campaigns to promote brand awareness and PepsiCo strategy was using celebrities in the introduction of any new product. Coca-Cola had a different approach by dividing the Indian market into two different youth categories they were able to focus on an all-encompassing theme. Global localization is a policy that both companies have implemented successfully.It includes the ability to provide shoppers with information in their native language and currency. PepsiCo gained success in this area by forming jo int ventures with two local partners of India upon initial entry to their market. To continue the adaption of Pepsi they renamed the product in India to conform to foreign collaboration rules. And the strongest worldwide localization strategy that PepsiCo implemented was sponsoring world famous Indian athletes. PepsiCo growth has been guided by PepsiCos global vision of Performance with Purpose.This centre that while businesses maximize shareholder value, they have a responsibility to all the stakeholders, including the communities in which they operate, the consumers they serve and the environment whose resources they use. PepsiCo achieved a significant milestone, by becoming the first business in the PepsiCo system to achieve Positive Water Balance (PWB) it replenishes more water than it consumes in its manufacturing operations. Coca-Cola, on their second go round, joined forces with local snack vendors and participated in special promotions of Indias cultural events.There are many lessons to be taken away from bot PepsiCo and Coca-Colas experience with India. PepsiCo should have learned that it is effective to keep with local tastes and to impart attention to market trends. Also, they should take into account that celebrity advertising has a favorable appeal. Coca-Cola should have learned that it is imperative to pay attention and proceed with caution when it comes to deals made with the government. They should also have realized the importance of maintaining a good relationship with foreign governments.Coca-Cola should recognize the significance of investing in quality products as well as the crucial effects of advertisement to the entry of a new market. Although, both companies has their share of success deep down India it is my belief that Pepsi has the ability to withstand longevity in their success. The reason I think PepsiCo over Coca-Cola is that Pepsi entered the Indian market on a much unwrap foot. Also in was genius of PepsiCo to enter a j oint venture in launching into the bottled water industry. Coca-Cola as well had to branch out into another(prenominal) products to stay current to the market needs in India.Most recently Coca-Cola has decided to enter the growing Indian market for energy drinks, forecasted to grow to $370 billion in 2013 from less than half that in 2003. The competition in this market is fierce with established firms including Red Bull and Sobe. With its new brand Burn, Coke initially targeted resource distribution channels such as pubs, bars, and gyms rather than large retail outlets such as supermarkets. I understand the target market concept but I believe this strategy approach limits the new product exposure to the public. These distribution limitations could result in the potential loss of market share.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Case Study of the Life of Ar. Phillip Chang

From Kuching, Sarawak, Ar. Phillip Chang is a good know patterner for its distinction. He has been practising in his house United Consultant located in East Malaysia, ( Kuching, Sarawak ) for many an separate(prenominal) octogenarianish ages. His primary and secondary school has been d hotshot ane of the celebrated missional school in Kuching which is ST. doubting Thomas male child junior and advanced school. After completing high school 2 old ages ahead than normal Malayan pupils, he acquire the chance to analyze at Australia for 2 old ages and finish 2 old ages of Australian high school. This is chiefly because he went to school before than other Malaysians, at the age of 5 alternatively of age of 7 which is the normal age to get fine-tune schooling. This is be placements the chief ground he was able to hold the pick of class in NSW matric Certificate. His instruction in the Sydney Boys High was funded by the Government at that cultivate.Mr. Phillip started to detect hi s involvement and endowment in art, pulling and originative chases during his high school instruction. He joined a few art competitions and about(predicate) monopoly the competition in his class. This started to light the fire within himself of passion and endowment in art where its lead him to prosecute computer architecture. Before that his initial program was to take technology class nevertheless he opt for Architecture due to the ground that he wanted to be distinguishable from other meridian Asiatic pupils in Sydney whereby they all taking for technology class. Even though his determination to take architecture class might non be the finding to be an useer al nonpareil it is the impulse to be different from his equals who went for technology class. It inclineed out that he neer regretted that determination.This been said, it do impact a individual believe housed on what they learn. Before even stepping into Architecture, Mr.Phillip has been a smart pupil and at the same clip world an artistic pupil, and he take to travel for the more artistic way in his personal modality of construing the possibleness of ARTISTIC which how such END USER react to such SPACE . He has developed this idea of himself when he started to graduated from Malayan high school and complete it at the NSW Matriculation, at Sydney Boys High. He ten dollar billds to be more optimistic in amidst both different civilization of both different state.Analyzing Architecture in Sydney University during Mr.Phillips yearss were non an easy undertaking. It was hard and ambitious as during those yearss, the architecture pupil had to take 14 topics and they had to go through each and every topic or else were being laboured to reiterate the whole semester once more. During his 2nd twelvemonth, things tend to turned into his worst incubus as he took 18 compulsory topic and it was a tough clip for Mr.Phillip. At the same clip, he was combat-ready in pupil political relations, particular ly among the a huge pupil and this really took a batch of his central point and concentration from his surveies, but he was smart. He started to work smart and intermix in with the society. whistle wad is the result of this class, why is it being so tough for Asiatic pupils to corp up to the foreign criterion. He was presuming and researching all those stuff boulder clay he found that different reactions leads to different humanity demeanor. This course of study was being design for the international pupil and you, as an Asiatic, your cognition is much school but theres something particular about Asiatic, Asiatic works harder in to accomplish something which they pursue. This is when he get down to acquire interested in human demeanor and had use them as one of the chief foundation of his design. Basically his Architecture life during university was rather alone to state from others, he dint analyze much on planing, but he study more on building and more ingenious side of arc hitecture. He studied psychological science during his university clip anyways. This is why he has ever this fortunate regulation, built for the oddment user would apprize and non for the aesthetic value for public to appreciate.Mr. Philip has ever live up to the motive of understanding the site context and human behaviour & A reaction is his chief bring out of design. By making so, he study the bulk human reaction towards a super C. As Malayan chinaware friendly relationship park was built in a adjoin of a residential context and confronting the chief route, Mr. Philip Chang took this chance to make a unstable circulation towards the way base of what he had m personaltain on environing user. Therefore, cardinal chief entryway was built to carry through the common behaviour of the environing user. The west site of the entryway, ( CHINA GATEWAY ) was layd at that place on the X Axis because of the surrounding of residential context. The community in Kuching, Sarawak pre fer walking to a topographic point if its in the rundle of a walking distance of 15 20 proceedingss. This shows that Mr. Phillip full fill the normal human behaviour of Kuching s Community as the West entryway is the closely appropriate for walking distance travel. This are the importance of understanding the user demands and behaviour, the terminal user particular has ever play a giving function in your design. One designer do non plan based on their premise, but one designer design based on the theory they produce from research. As for the north site of the entryway, ( Malaysian GATEWAY ) , is another chief entryway which confronting the chief route. Traveling back to the normal human behaviour of Kuchings community, if they were to go by vehicle to one topographic point, it should be seen clearly from far. This enable them to place the topographic point they heading to and at the same clip, Kuchings community tends to be lazy in a fact where if one topographic point is non clearly pictured in their head, they find it difficult to acquire to that topographic point, and so they would be given to non travel to that topographic point. The scheme of this is to make a chief entryway confronting the chief route so mundane people base on ballss by and would detect this topographic point and ease up on happening their ways towards the topographic point.For climatical status, Mr.Phillip ever uses site context as the foundation of his design. One edifice does non merely landed on someplace kindred an UFO. It must ever intermix in with the site context and no base entirely by itself. This is to give the populace the vision and feelings of credence. For illustration the Malaysia China Friendship park. The site before was a abandon empty piece of land a little residential vicinity park being intersect by a minor route in amongst. This is the climatic status of the site, and as for the sun way, the China park would be exposed to inordinate sunshine during the afternoon and eventide which is when the flier hr of people coming in. This is normally the chief job of a site contextual design where in Malaysia, Sun plays a large factor impacting your site. It is because of the geometrical place Malaysia is at, which is under tropical clime.This in consequence, the tea marquee been built to shelter the user during afternoon, serve as a assemblage or meeting point where activities could keep during the afternoon. This is slew of a homocentric arrangement design where an axis of ten and y meet and make a homocentric infinite in the in-between moving like an vacuity to pull the user towards is, and it is moreover enhanced by the climatic factor which happens in Malaysia is the high exposure of sunshine and besides shelter from rain. The tea marquee been built in a manner that, theres non much of an gaps and the roof were being design in a big overarm to shadow the user from sunshine. As for the other side, it is non extremely affected by he sun light issues, but it is affected by the pollution from the chief route. Noise coming from the vehicle and air pollution is one of the chief factor. Landscaping and flora being done to cut down the air pollution, and it has been setback in to cut down the noise pollution, moving as a buffer zone in between the chief route and the park.The ground the marquee of the 7 cultural group being built in a really unfastened mode is because it does non exposed to inordinate sunshine, and it is located on the east side of the park. This once more blends in with the site context, because of it is located at Kuching Sarawak, the population are extremely from the ethnics group, so the terminal user would be attracted to this park.Socio Culture has ever being one of the chief design theory of Mr. Philip. This friendly relationship park was being proposed to honor the relationship betweenChina and Malaysia. The diagram to a higher place shows the harmoniousness of both civilization being unite in to one component which being tied by the south China sea. The layout was built behind a strong theory of the Admiral Zheng He from China coming to Malaysia to offer friendly relationship and peace until today. This at the same clip creates an past experience ambiance to the user when they was on the site. It is one of the design theory where the terminal user could really appreciate more about the site and non merely blind sightly see the infinite without any understanding of the site, for illustration the history, the intent, and etc.Basically, the West side of the park represent China, Admiral Zheng He comes from China and in order to acquire to Malaysia, he has to go through the south China sea which is the connexion between two state. So as you could see above, the Tea Pavilion powerfully represent China with Chinese ain unique architecture which are the detailing on the decorations and oriental Chinese architecture. Like most of Chinese architecture civilization, one time the user enter, they would be greet by a broad unfastened infinite ( courtyard ) to stand for the magnificence of Chinese architecture. Follow up by the singularity of Chinese architecture which is the tea marquee. After Admiral Zheng He crosses the south China sea, he reached Malaysia and being greeted by the assorted civilization of Malaysia, which would be represent by the 13 provinces of Malaysia. Follow up by a Pavilion which represent the 7 cultural groups of Sarawak unite together as one to steer Sarawak, as this park was built in Kuching, Sarawak.The whole theory behind this once more is the diverseness of civilization between China and Malaysia, and how different diverseness of civilization find peace within two wholly assorted civilization. The park symbolically re-pesent the theory of both state, and the architecture of both state strongly heighten as grounds of both civilization unites together as one. This is why socio-culture plays an of import portion as a theory where it does non merely affairs about how the terminal user would experience, but it is besides about the site context blending at the same clip creates an ambiance for the terminal user to see and this would be in consequence of the terminal user really knows more about the site, therefore he to the full understand the theory behind the whole design.The treatment was an architect design must non ever be merely aesthetically presentable but the thought and construct based on theory being produce by an designer must be able to back up the whole design. Do non plan for aesthetically ocular comfort for the populace and stop user, but design to intermix in with the populace and the terminal user. This conclude the decision of, every designer have their ain design based on their ain theory produced based on the research they did, but in order to hold that design proved is practical and success is non of import. The procedure of acquiring to the design, that is what matters most, because in th e terminal of a twenty-four hours, one designer are planing for a community of public and end user. Architects parentage are non merely planing edifices and infinite, their day-to-day responsibility has ever been determining our female parent Earth and turn it into a better topographic point for humanity from past, towards the current and future to populate in.REFRENCES Ivy Jong/Pertubuhan arkitek Malaysia ( 2011, family ) .Intersection.hypertext transfer protocol // Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia. ( n.d. ) .PAM directory.Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol // id=288c982a-8c33-4e7d-8664-edfbb9b216ec

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Iron Crowned Chapter 2

I travel to my bedroom as soon as etiquette allowed, collapsing onto the bed the moment I entered. Dorian had followed me in, and I tossed an subsection everyplace my eyes, groaning.Do you turn over that display helped win us over with Ranelle or scared her dour?I felt Dorian sit on the bed beside me. Hard to say. At the very least, I dont think itll turn her king against us. Were too terrifying and unstable.I smiled and uncovered my face, looking into those green and specie eyes. If only that reputation would spread to every i else. I heard a rumor the H oneysuckle stain major power join with Katrice. Honestly, how anyone could call their kingdom that and keep a straight face is beyond me.Dorian leaned over me, lightly brushing hair from my face and trailing his fingers on my cheekbone. Its kinda humply, actually. Almost tropical. I mean, its no barren wasteland of a desert kingdom, except its not half bad.I was so utilise to his jibes about my kingdom that there was o r so something comforting about them. His fingers ran crop up to my neck and were soon replaced by his lips. Honestly, Im not worried about this Honeysuckle place. Its other potential allies worrying me. Hey, stop. His lips had spark offd megabucks to my collarbone, and his hand was starting to lift my shirt. I wriggled away. I dont aim time.He spend a penny up his head, arching an forehead in surprise. You have some place to be?yea, actually. I sighed. I have a employment back in Tuc countersign. Besides, Im filthy.Dorian was undeterred and returned to trying to get my shirt off. Ill help bathe you.I swatted his hand away but then pulled him over so that I could put my arms near him and hold him against me. I knew he penuryed more than cuddling, but I didnt have the energy. Considering his fastidious nature, I was surprised he consented to resting his head on my chest, seeing as how dirty and ragged the shirt was. no villainy, but Ill take valet de chambre showers any da y over some servant lugging water up to a tub.You cant leave without talking to Ranelle, he pointed out. And you cant see her like this.I grimaced and ran my hand over his splendiferous hair. Damn it. He was right. I was static bad at this queen thing, but I knew adequate about nobility customs to know that if I really did want the Linden Kings help, I would affect to look and sound good. So oftentimes to do. Never enough time. All so wearying.Dorian lifted his head and looked back d proclaim at me. Was it bad?He was referring to hold water nights battle. Its ever bad. Im relieve not okay with people fighting and dying for me. Especially over one insult. The living suffered from this warfare too. I often had refugees coming to me for food and shelter.Their kingdoms at stake, he tell. Their homes. And that was more than an insult. Letting it pass would stain the thorn Land look weak like prey. It would make you open to invasion, which is the same as surrendering to Katric e. Your people dont want that. They have to fight. that why do yours fight?Dorian looked at me like that was a looney question. Because I tell them to.I left the conversation at that and called for a servant to fill the tub in the chamber adjacent to my bedroom. It was a tedious task I dislike reservation them do, though Dorian would no doubt argue it was their duty to. The magic Id inherited from my tyrant father gave me figure over storm elements, so I could have summoned water straight to the tub, rather than making my servants grab it up one bucket at a time. The Thorn Land was so dry, however, that pulling that much water magically would both dry out the castles air even more and possibly land surrounding vegetation.The servants had their admit entrance to the bath chamber, and as soon as we heard them hauling and displace water, Dorian grinned and pulled me back to the bed. See? he said. Now we have time.I stopped protesting. And as our robes came off and I felt the heat of his lips, I had to admit to myself that I wasnt averse to sex, not really. This war really did put our lives constantly at risk, and he had worried about me. Having me here, merging physically, seemed to reassure him that I truly was all right. And I took comfort in it too, being with this man Id fallen in love with against all reason. Id once feared and hated the gentry and it had taken me a long time to trust Dorian. elicit was surprisingly tame for us this time. Usually, we found ourselves caught up in bad, kinky sex, sex that was a plunk for of power and control I both loved and felt dirty about. Now, I sat on top of him, wrapping my legs around his hips as I drew him inside me. A sigh of contentment escaped his lips, his eyes closing as I began to slowly move my body and ride him. A moment later, his eyes opened and held mine with an expression of such affection and lust that a deject ran through me.It always amazed me that he found me so desirable. Id seen his past lovers sexy, voluptuous women with curves and cleavage redolent of classic Hollywood starlets. My bodys build was lean and athletic from all the activity I did, my breasts pretty nicely shaped though big(a)ly porn star quality. Yet, since wed officially become a couple these last some months, he had never looked at some other woman. It was me he watched, his gaze hungry even at the most unromantic times.I incr informalityd my pace, tilting forward and rocking us so that more of my body rubbed against his, legal transfer me closer to orgasm. I came shortly thereafter, my lips parting without a sound as a sweet transfer wracked my body, and every nerve in my skin seemed to ignite. I leaned forward, kissing him, letting his tongue explore my utter as his fingers stroked my nipples.The door to the bath chamber suddenly opened, and I jerked my head up as a servant peered in. Your Majesty? The bath is ready. Her words were bland, and she disappeared as actively as shed come. My being naked on top of Dorian hadnt seemed like any big deal to her and probably, it wasnt. The gentry had much looser sexual mores than humans, human race displays being very common. It probably would have been weirder for her if she hadnt found her monarchs immediately press release at it upon my return.This sexual ease wasnt something Id picked up, and Dorian knew it. No, no, he said, feeling me slow down in my shock. The hands cupping my breasts moved down to my hips. Lets finish this.Dragging my eyes from the door, I turned my attention back to him and found my arousal returning. He rolled me over, not holding anything back now that Id come. He pushed his body into mine, thrusting as hard and fast as he could. Moments later, his body shuddered, his fingers digging in where he gripped my arms. I loved notice it happen, loved watching this smug, confident king lose his control between my thighs. When he finished, I gave him another long, lingering kiss and then slid over to l ie beside him.He exhaled in contentment, regarding me again with that mix of aridity and love. He wouldnt say it, but I knew he always secretly hoped that somehow, some way, our lovemaking would entrust in me getting pregnant. I had explained to him a hundred times how birth control pills worked, but the gentry had difficulty with conception, making them obsessed with having children. Dorian claimed he wanted a child just for the involvement of having one with me, but the prophecy about my firstborn son appropriateing humanity had always been alluring. Obviously, I wasnt in favor of that idea hence my emphasis on contraceptives. Dorian had ostensibly let go of that dream for my sake, but there were days I suspected he wouldnt mind fathering such a conqueror. As it was, our alliance already made us dangerous. He loved me, I was authorized, but he also craved power. Our united kingdoms put us in a good position to conquer others, if we chose.It was difficult leaving him, but the re was too much to be done. I retreated to the bath, washout both sex and battle off of me. Life and closing. The tub was only big enough for one, but Dorian seemed perfectly capable watching me and lounging in the afterglow. He was little excited about my cupboard choice. As queen, I had a clo put together filled with elaborate dresses, dresses he loved seeing me in. As a human shaman, Id also made sure it was stocked with human clothes. He looked at my jeans and armoured combat vehicle top with dismay.Ranelle would be more impressed with a dress, he said. Especially one that showed your lovely cleavage.I rolled my eyes. We were back in my bedroom, and I was loading myself up with weapons charmed jewelry and an iron athame, along with a satchel containing a gun, a wand, and a silver athame. Youd be more impressed with that. And anyway, itd be a waste now.Not true. He got up from the bed, tacit naked, and gently pushed me against the wall, cautious of the athames sharp blade. Im ready again.I could see that he was, and honestly, I probably could have gone back to bed too. Whether that was from lust or a reluctance to fulfill my impending tasks, it was hard to say.Later, I told him, brushing a kiss against his lips.He regarded me suspiciously. Later means a lot of things with you. An hour. A day.I smiled and kissed him again. Not more than a day. I reconsidered. Maybe deuce. I laughed at the face this earned me. Ill see what I can do. Now get some clothes on in advance the women around here are driven into a frenzy.He gave me a mournful look. Im afraid thatll happen with or without clothes, my dear.When we finally managed to part, I headed off toward Ranelles room, my post-sex good irritability fading. A little air magic left me with only semi-wet hair by the time I reached her. Once admitted, I found her writing a letter at her rooms desk. sightedness me, she leapt up and curtsied.Your Majesty.I motioned her down and took a nearby chair. No take aim . I just wanted to have a quick chat before I returned to the human world. Her face twitched a little at this, but embassador training quickly moved her past how strange she probably found that. The ease with which I jumped worlds wasnt recipe for gentry. Im sorry for the grisly display this morning. And that I havent been around much during your visit.Youre at war, Your Majesty. These things happen. Besides, King Dorian has been quite hospitable in your absence.I hid a smile. Ranelle was hardly in a frenzy, but it was clear Dorian had charmed her, as he did so many women. Im glad. Were you writing your king?She nodded. I wanted to take him my report right away, although Ill be leaving later today.Magic filled the Otherworld and the gentry, and there were those among them with the power to quicken messages. A magical e-mail, of sorts. It allowed gossip to spread fast and meant her letter would get back to her homeland before she did. I eyed it on the desk.What will you tell him? She hesitated. May I be blunt, Your Majesty?Of course, I said, smiling. Im human. Er, half human.I empathize with you. I beneathstand your grievance and know King Damos will too. She was carefully skirting the explicit details of Leith raping me. except tragic as your situation is well, it is your situation. I dont believe its one we should risk the lives of our people for begging your pardon, Your Majesty. Delivering bad news obviously made her uneasy. My father, honorifically referred to as Storm King, had been cognize for his power and cruelty. I wasnt as ruthless, but Id had my share of frightening shows of power as well.No offense taken, I assured her. But if I may also be blunt, your king is in a precarious situation. Hes growing old. His power will eventually fade. Your kingdom will be open for others to move in on.Ranelle went perfectly still. The lands of the Otherworld bound themselves to those with enough power to claim them. Are you threatening us, Your Majesty? s he asked quietly.No. I have no interest in another kingdom especially one so far away. Distance was relative in the Otherworld, but the Linden Land did take a office longer to get to compared to some of the kingdoms nearer to me, like the Rowan Land and Dorians Oak Land.Perhaps not, she said uncertainly. But its no secret King Dorian has wanted to expand his territory. Thats why he took you as a consort, right?Now I stiffened. No. Thats not it at all. Neither of us have interest in your land. But your neighbors or people within the land itself probably do. From what Ive heard, Damos would like his young lady to inherit.Ranelle nodded slowly. Inheritance was by power here, not by blood but most monarchs still longed for family succession, if they were well-disposed enough to have children at all. I gave Ranelle a penetrating smile.Her control of the land depends on her own power, of course. But if Damos helped us now, we could certainly help later against any usurpers hoping to claim the Linden Land.Assassination, outright war. The methods were less important than my meaning. Ranelle lieed silent, no doubt turning this over in her mind. Was a promise like that outlay committing their armies to? Unclear. But it was certainly worth bringing to her king.And, I added casually, shifting us from that dangerous topic, Id be happy to negotiate very favorable trade agreements with your king.By which I meant my staff would negotiate it. I hated economics and the politics of trade. But, my kingdom had literally and figuratively become a hot commodity. My shaping it in Arizonas image had created harsh conditions but also brought along tons of copper deposits. Copper was the chief metallic element in a world that couldnt work with iron.Ranelle nodded again. I understand. Ill bring this to his attention.Good. I rose from my chair. Im sorry I have to go now, but definitely let anyone here know if you need anything else. And send my greetings to Damos.Ranelle told me she would, and I left her, feeling rather pleased with myself. I disliked these sort of diplomatic talks almost as much as economic ones, mostly because I didnt think I was very adept. But that one had gone well, and even if the Linden Land didnt join us, I felt certain Dorian had been right they wouldnt fight against us either.I was walking toward the castles exit, intending to go to the nearest gate back to the human world, when I passed a certain hallway. I hesitated, staring down it as I waged a moral war. Then, grimacing, I altered my destination and turned the corner. The room I sought was easy to find because two guards stood outside of it. Both were Dorians soldiers, chosen because if anyone was going to father the heir to Storm Kings legacy, they wanted it to be their own lord. And everyone knew I was the mother he wanted, not the rooms occupant.One of the guards knocked and then opened the door slightly. The queen is here.I didnt need permission to enter any room in my own castle but still waited for a response. Come in.I entered and found Jasmine sitting cross-legged on her bed, attempting some kind of embroidery. Seeing me, she irritably tossed it aside. This is the stupidest thing ever. I wish the shining ones had more fun things to do. I wish I could go horseback riding.That last part was spoken with a knowing tone, and I ignored it. Jasmine was under house arrest, and I wasnt about to allow an activity that might let her slip her guards. I picked up the green velvet shed been working on and studied her stitches.Goldfish? I asked.Daffodils she exclaimed.I hastily set it down. Really, considering the loose iron chains she wore on her wrists to stunt magic use, it was impressive that she could sew at all.Im going back to Tucson, I said. I wanted to check on you.She shrugged. Im fine.Despite her young age, Jasmine had wanted and still did want, I suspected to be the mother of Storm Kings heir. The prophecy hadnt been specific. It simply said h is daughters first son would be the conqueror. That made it a race between the two of us except I wasnt playing. Her constrained stay here ensured she wasnt either. Shed hated me for this initially but had grown more civil after the war started. She considered Leiths actions an insult to our family. It was bizarre logic, but seeing as it had stopped her temper tantrums, I welcomed it.Do you need anything? I asked. A stupid question to ask someone who wanted freedom.She pointed to the iPod lying beside her. It needs charging again. It always needed charging. Normal battery life aside, the Otherworld interfered with electronics. Books or magazines or something. Id kill for a TV.I smiled. That one was out of my reach. Sometimes I would too when Im here.Howd it go with that Linden lady? Is she going to help us beat up Katrice? Jasmines moping face suddenly turned fierce. She had powers similar to mine, and while not as strong, they could still cause a lot of damage. If Id let her loos e, Jasmine would probably march right over to the Rowan Land and try to bring the castle down.I dont know. Im not getting my hopes up.Jasmines gray eyes turned calculating, making her seem wiser than her fifteen years should be capable of. As long as you and Dorian stay together, youre the badasses around here especially you. Surprisingly, there was no sneer as she said this. But youve gotta make sure Maiwenn doesnt join Katrice. You know shes thinking about it.Yes, despite her often pouty and childish attitude, Jasmine was smart. Youre right, I said. But thinking and doing are two different things. You said it yourself Dorian and I are badasses. I dont think shes going to want to mess with us.There was something comfortable about being able to have a discussion with someone not using the gentrys formal language construction.Probably not. But shes scared to death youre going to have our fathers heir. Jasmine eyed me carefully. You havent changed your mind, have you? You and Dorian certainly do it enough.Thats none of your business, I said, query if that servant had already talked about what shed seen in bed.Tell that to Dorian. He brags about it all the time.I groaned, knowing it was true. Well, regardless, Im not having kids anytime soon.You should, Jasmine said. Or let me. Katrice would totally back off.And then Maiwenn really would come after us. Maiwenn govern the Willow Land and was very much against Storm Kings prophecy coming true. She also had a few other reasons for not liking my alliance with Dorian or rather, her associates did.Yeah, said Jasmine. But you could still squawk her ass.I rose and scooped up the iPod, putting it in my satchel. Lets stick to one ass-kicking at a time.An clownish silence fell. How odd that wed just had a civil conversation. Id grown up an only child, sometimes need I had a sister. The one Id ended up with was hardly what Id expected, but maybe I should be grateful for even this.Well, I said at last. Ill see you soon. She nodded and picked up the velvet, scowling at it as though it had given her personal offense. I was almost at the door when she suddenly said, Eugenie?I glanced back. Yeah?Will you bring me some Twinkies?I smiled. Sure.She didnt look up from her embroidery, but I was almost certain she smiled too.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Defects of Education in India

EDUCATION in its broadest, general sense is the pith by which the aims and habits of a group of people lives on from 1 generation to the next. Education as a science cannot be separated from the educational traditions that existed before. Adults trained the young of their society in the knowledge and skills they would charter to master and eventu on the wholey pass on. In pre-literate societies this was achieved orally and through imitation and story-telling etc . Oral voice communication create into written symbols and letters.Schooling in this sense was already in place in Egypt between 3000 and 500BC The gurukula placement was the old-fashioned system of education. A gurukula is a type of school in India, residential in nature, with shishyas biography in proximity to the guru, often within the same house. In a gurukul, shishyas reside together as equals, irrespective of their social standing, ingest from the guru and help the guru in his day-to-day life. They did not acc ept fees ONLY ASMALL GURUDAKSHINA WHICH may NOT BE MONETARY. INDIA S ANCIENT GURUKUL SYSTEM IS WORTH EMULATING BY ALL INTERESTED IN IMPARTING EDUCATION.THE GURUKUL SYSTEMBRINGS A SENSE OF RESPECT AND COMMITMENT FROM THE TEACHERS AND THE STUDENTS Nalanda and Takshishila universities were the oldest university-system of education in the world. Indian education suffered a huge blow as Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the establishment of the British empire. the British so cleverly played their cards that even after fifty years of freedom we still continue to exist in a state of stupor, unable unwilling to extricate ourselves from one of the greatest hypnoses woven over a whole nation.Indian curriculum is criticized for being based on rote encyclopaedism. Our present day education system gives no chance to creativity. It is marks , grades and competition all the way . It should inculcate good values in the minds of students. Emphasis should also be given on physical and vocational development. Teaching of ethics should be coordinated in the curriculum right from kindergarden through high school. Children should be allowed to choose their own subjects acc. to their interests. They must be make to interact with each different in groups and express their views on various topics.Instead of taking notes from voluminous books , teachers etc they must be made to get information by themselves and share it with the descriptor. This will help them to develop good analytical skills and inform habits . Children must have practical experience . They can be taken on trips to museums, labs, etc where they can learn by interacting with experienced people. Education is to gain and share knowledge. Sharing with out(p) communication is impossible. English should not be banned at the primary level as it remains the global language. Learning hindi, the national language and the state language helps in internal communication.The system of Education i n India should focus on learning and not exams. Unfortunately Education has become a lucrative business destroying the real purpose of itself. The badly quality of education in govt schools have given a thrust to the the rise of commercial teach classes all over India. Students today hardly think of being a teacher due to slight perk many who are hardly passionate about engineering and medicine are study just for the sake of getting a fat salary and package along with it. Middle class parents pay what is demanded by the coaching classes, this has alarmingly turned out to b an industry in our nation.statistically 25% of the Indian population is illiterate, only 7% of the population that goes to school manage to graduate and 15% manage to make it to high school. 80% of schools are managed by the Govt. , private schools are expensive and out of reach for the poor Another reason for poor quality of education is the poor quality of teachers in disposal schools . Government schools a re unable to attract good quality teachers due to inadequate teaching facilities and low salaries. To improve the quality of education , the government needs to spend more money from its coffers on education.The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual total of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient in government schools. A common feature in all government schools is the poor quality of education, with weak al-Qaida and inadequate pedagogic attention. Conclusion School teachers SHOULD BE PAID high SALARIES and, every care is to be taken that these teachers keep on upgrading. The government should realize that these are the people who shape their future generations. all told over India the syllabus must be same, because partiality occurs between students. . Frankly it would be foolhardy to suppose that a syllabus consisting a bit of maths bit of science, arts and literatu re is a unflagging way to educate whole of India. Our present day system of education can be revamped and changes incorporated by getting a group of experienced teachers from various parts of our country. The task is best through by them and not by a bunch of politicians who do not have any training in education. Hope to see the Indian system of education reach its zenith like it did in ancient times

Friday, May 17, 2019

Choosing a Career in the Medical Field Essay

A man who has never gone to school may buy from a freight car but if he has a university education, he may steal the intact railroad. Theodore Roosevelt (Graduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates, 2012). Education is something one could say gives you a better understanding of the world. Without Education in this daytime and time you may find a melodic line but a c arer is much harder to obtain. Although the job market and economy are still suffering quite a bit and there are worries of whether or not you will find employment after college, it is thought to be the best extract for obtaining a great condole wither. Choosing what to go to school for after graduation can seem ch each(prenominal)enging. The aesculapian exam vault of heaven is rapidly bristleing career force theater that is increasing in demand every year, with higher enduring demands and growing technology. As long as we are here, the demand for aesculapian field careers will offer to b e here as forbearings need to be taken care of by medical examination personnel.The medical field has many careers to choose from and is not solely limited to nurses and doctors. Some examples of the career choices in the medical field are a Registered Nurse (RN), a license Vocational Nurse (LVN), a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), a Medical avail, and a Certified nurse Assistant. The growth in these careers all have grown in the last several years and is expect to continuously grow oer the next four years, with some fields having more drastic growth than others. Registered Nursing jobs are expected to grow by 23% between the years of 2006-2016, with just an associates item in this field. Registered Nurses assess incoming patients symptoms and the severity of them. They can alike offer advice on care to stay healthy as well as administer some forms of treatment or care.They are often overseen or supervised by Physicians. LVNs and LPNs are expected to grow approximately 14% fro m 2006-2016. The schooling on average for a career as a LVN or LPN is anywhere from 10-16 months. The duties or tasks in this field involve taking care of sick or injured persons in many different facilities. They are often supervised by Registered Nurses (O* profits ONLINE, 2011).Medical Assistant jobs are expected to have a 35% increase over the next ten years. Programs to puzzle a Medical Assistant can range from eight months to receiving an associates degree in medical assisting. Medical Assistants can work in the clinical part of a medical field or the administrative part. They are often supervised by Physicians but can also be supervised by medical office managers as well as registered nurses.Clinical duties in medical assisting may include but not be limited to taking vitals, getting a patients past medical history, assisting a physician in treatment, and drawing blood. Administrative duties in medical can include medical billing and coding, checking patients in and scheduli ng patient appointments to general secretarial duties (O*NET ONLINE, 2011). Certified Nursing Assistant Programs are expected to gain 265,000 jobs over the next 10 years. A certified nursing assistants daily duties can include bathing a patient, to dressing and feeding a patient, changing a patients bedding to even moving a patient to or from their bed. Certified Nursing Assistants are supervised by Registered Nurses and Physicians. Most Certified Medical Assistant programs range from 8-12 weeks and require no licensing or board certification (Lang, 2009).The medical career field is a very desirable field with continuous growth, short periods of training or school and also may have benefits with agonistical wages. betterment in technology continues almost daily in the medical field keeping patients healthy and quick longer. This increases the demand for health care and in turn increases the demand for qualified employees. As long as there are advancements in technology the medica l field will continue to grow in technology and continue to have a demand for employment. With a steady career in the medical field you may have a better chance at benefits and may also be offered some kind of retirement or 401k plan. Average salaries in the medical field may also be something that is more desirable than the minimum wage employment that you may find without a college degree or trained education.The average median salaries for health care field careers can average from 28,860 p.a. for a medical assistant to an LPN or LVN making an average of 40, 380 per year. Certified nursing assistants bump off an average of 24,010 a year and a Nurse makes an average of 64,690 a year (US Bureau of comminute Statistics,2012). Choosing a career in the medical field can be beneficial to your career future(a) and your retirement future.There is not only job stability that is offered there are also competitive wages and benefit packages with full time position within reach. The adva ncement in technologies that are proceed can help guarantee continuous job growth in the medical field industry. health careers can also be a rewarding career field, when helping patients with a problem or illness they cannot overcome on their own you may have a feeling of self-accomplishment or fulfilment in your career. Find a job you like and you add five days to every week. H. capital of Mississippi Brown, J.R (H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes-BrainyQuote, 2012).ReferencesGraduation Quotes, Commencement Sayings, Advice For Graduates.(2012).The Quote Garden. Retrieved from http// H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes-BrainyQuote.(2012). BrainyQuote. Retrieved from http// Lang, Janell.(2009). Academic inquisition Premier. The outlook in the health sciences. New Directions For Community Colleges, (146), 53-62. O*NET OnLine.(2011).O*NET. Retrieved from http// US Bureau of grate Statistics. (2012). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved from http//