Sunday, May 19, 2019

Iron Crowned Chapter 2

I travel to my bedroom as soon as etiquette allowed, collapsing onto the bed the moment I entered. Dorian had followed me in, and I tossed an subsection everyplace my eyes, groaning.Do you turn over that display helped win us over with Ranelle or scared her dour?I felt Dorian sit on the bed beside me. Hard to say. At the very least, I dont think itll turn her king against us. Were too terrifying and unstable.I smiled and uncovered my face, looking into those green and specie eyes. If only that reputation would spread to every i else. I heard a rumor the H oneysuckle stain major power join with Katrice. Honestly, how anyone could call their kingdom that and keep a straight face is beyond me.Dorian leaned over me, lightly brushing hair from my face and trailing his fingers on my cheekbone. Its kinda humply, actually. Almost tropical. I mean, its no barren wasteland of a desert kingdom, except its not half bad.I was so utilise to his jibes about my kingdom that there was o r so something comforting about them. His fingers ran crop up to my neck and were soon replaced by his lips. Honestly, Im not worried about this Honeysuckle place. Its other potential allies worrying me. Hey, stop. His lips had spark offd megabucks to my collarbone, and his hand was starting to lift my shirt. I wriggled away. I dont aim time.He spend a penny up his head, arching an forehead in surprise. You have some place to be?yea, actually. I sighed. I have a employment back in Tuc countersign. Besides, Im filthy.Dorian was undeterred and returned to trying to get my shirt off. Ill help bathe you.I swatted his hand away but then pulled him over so that I could put my arms near him and hold him against me. I knew he penuryed more than cuddling, but I didnt have the energy. Considering his fastidious nature, I was surprised he consented to resting his head on my chest, seeing as how dirty and ragged the shirt was. no villainy, but Ill take valet de chambre showers any da y over some servant lugging water up to a tub.You cant leave without talking to Ranelle, he pointed out. And you cant see her like this.I grimaced and ran my hand over his splendiferous hair. Damn it. He was right. I was static bad at this queen thing, but I knew adequate about nobility customs to know that if I really did want the Linden Kings help, I would affect to look and sound good. So oftentimes to do. Never enough time. All so wearying.Dorian lifted his head and looked back d proclaim at me. Was it bad?He was referring to hold water nights battle. Its ever bad. Im relieve not okay with people fighting and dying for me. Especially over one insult. The living suffered from this warfare too. I often had refugees coming to me for food and shelter.Their kingdoms at stake, he tell. Their homes. And that was more than an insult. Letting it pass would stain the thorn Land look weak like prey. It would make you open to invasion, which is the same as surrendering to Katric e. Your people dont want that. They have to fight. that why do yours fight?Dorian looked at me like that was a looney question. Because I tell them to.I left the conversation at that and called for a servant to fill the tub in the chamber adjacent to my bedroom. It was a tedious task I dislike reservation them do, though Dorian would no doubt argue it was their duty to. The magic Id inherited from my tyrant father gave me figure over storm elements, so I could have summoned water straight to the tub, rather than making my servants grab it up one bucket at a time. The Thorn Land was so dry, however, that pulling that much water magically would both dry out the castles air even more and possibly land surrounding vegetation.The servants had their admit entrance to the bath chamber, and as soon as we heard them hauling and displace water, Dorian grinned and pulled me back to the bed. See? he said. Now we have time.I stopped protesting. And as our robes came off and I felt the heat of his lips, I had to admit to myself that I wasnt averse to sex, not really. This war really did put our lives constantly at risk, and he had worried about me. Having me here, merging physically, seemed to reassure him that I truly was all right. And I took comfort in it too, being with this man Id fallen in love with against all reason. Id once feared and hated the gentry and it had taken me a long time to trust Dorian. elicit was surprisingly tame for us this time. Usually, we found ourselves caught up in bad, kinky sex, sex that was a plunk for of power and control I both loved and felt dirty about. Now, I sat on top of him, wrapping my legs around his hips as I drew him inside me. A sigh of contentment escaped his lips, his eyes closing as I began to slowly move my body and ride him. A moment later, his eyes opened and held mine with an expression of such affection and lust that a deject ran through me.It always amazed me that he found me so desirable. Id seen his past lovers sexy, voluptuous women with curves and cleavage redolent of classic Hollywood starlets. My bodys build was lean and athletic from all the activity I did, my breasts pretty nicely shaped though big(a)ly porn star quality. Yet, since wed officially become a couple these last some months, he had never looked at some other woman. It was me he watched, his gaze hungry even at the most unromantic times.I incr informalityd my pace, tilting forward and rocking us so that more of my body rubbed against his, legal transfer me closer to orgasm. I came shortly thereafter, my lips parting without a sound as a sweet transfer wracked my body, and every nerve in my skin seemed to ignite. I leaned forward, kissing him, letting his tongue explore my utter as his fingers stroked my nipples.The door to the bath chamber suddenly opened, and I jerked my head up as a servant peered in. Your Majesty? The bath is ready. Her words were bland, and she disappeared as actively as shed come. My being naked on top of Dorian hadnt seemed like any big deal to her and probably, it wasnt. The gentry had much looser sexual mores than humans, human race displays being very common. It probably would have been weirder for her if she hadnt found her monarchs immediately press release at it upon my return.This sexual ease wasnt something Id picked up, and Dorian knew it. No, no, he said, feeling me slow down in my shock. The hands cupping my breasts moved down to my hips. Lets finish this.Dragging my eyes from the door, I turned my attention back to him and found my arousal returning. He rolled me over, not holding anything back now that Id come. He pushed his body into mine, thrusting as hard and fast as he could. Moments later, his body shuddered, his fingers digging in where he gripped my arms. I loved notice it happen, loved watching this smug, confident king lose his control between my thighs. When he finished, I gave him another long, lingering kiss and then slid over to l ie beside him.He exhaled in contentment, regarding me again with that mix of aridity and love. He wouldnt say it, but I knew he always secretly hoped that somehow, some way, our lovemaking would entrust in me getting pregnant. I had explained to him a hundred times how birth control pills worked, but the gentry had difficulty with conception, making them obsessed with having children. Dorian claimed he wanted a child just for the involvement of having one with me, but the prophecy about my firstborn son appropriateing humanity had always been alluring. Obviously, I wasnt in favor of that idea hence my emphasis on contraceptives. Dorian had ostensibly let go of that dream for my sake, but there were days I suspected he wouldnt mind fathering such a conqueror. As it was, our alliance already made us dangerous. He loved me, I was authorized, but he also craved power. Our united kingdoms put us in a good position to conquer others, if we chose.It was difficult leaving him, but the re was too much to be done. I retreated to the bath, washout both sex and battle off of me. Life and closing. The tub was only big enough for one, but Dorian seemed perfectly capable watching me and lounging in the afterglow. He was little excited about my cupboard choice. As queen, I had a clo put together filled with elaborate dresses, dresses he loved seeing me in. As a human shaman, Id also made sure it was stocked with human clothes. He looked at my jeans and armoured combat vehicle top with dismay.Ranelle would be more impressed with a dress, he said. Especially one that showed your lovely cleavage.I rolled my eyes. We were back in my bedroom, and I was loading myself up with weapons charmed jewelry and an iron athame, along with a satchel containing a gun, a wand, and a silver athame. Youd be more impressed with that. And anyway, itd be a waste now.Not true. He got up from the bed, tacit naked, and gently pushed me against the wall, cautious of the athames sharp blade. Im ready again.I could see that he was, and honestly, I probably could have gone back to bed too. Whether that was from lust or a reluctance to fulfill my impending tasks, it was hard to say.Later, I told him, brushing a kiss against his lips.He regarded me suspiciously. Later means a lot of things with you. An hour. A day.I smiled and kissed him again. Not more than a day. I reconsidered. Maybe deuce. I laughed at the face this earned me. Ill see what I can do. Now get some clothes on in advance the women around here are driven into a frenzy.He gave me a mournful look. Im afraid thatll happen with or without clothes, my dear.When we finally managed to part, I headed off toward Ranelles room, my post-sex good irritability fading. A little air magic left me with only semi-wet hair by the time I reached her. Once admitted, I found her writing a letter at her rooms desk. sightedness me, she leapt up and curtsied.Your Majesty.I motioned her down and took a nearby chair. No take aim . I just wanted to have a quick chat before I returned to the human world. Her face twitched a little at this, but embassador training quickly moved her past how strange she probably found that. The ease with which I jumped worlds wasnt recipe for gentry. Im sorry for the grisly display this morning. And that I havent been around much during your visit.Youre at war, Your Majesty. These things happen. Besides, King Dorian has been quite hospitable in your absence.I hid a smile. Ranelle was hardly in a frenzy, but it was clear Dorian had charmed her, as he did so many women. Im glad. Were you writing your king?She nodded. I wanted to take him my report right away, although Ill be leaving later today.Magic filled the Otherworld and the gentry, and there were those among them with the power to quicken messages. A magical e-mail, of sorts. It allowed gossip to spread fast and meant her letter would get back to her homeland before she did. I eyed it on the desk.What will you tell him? She hesitated. May I be blunt, Your Majesty?Of course, I said, smiling. Im human. Er, half human.I empathize with you. I beneathstand your grievance and know King Damos will too. She was carefully skirting the explicit details of Leith raping me. except tragic as your situation is well, it is your situation. I dont believe its one we should risk the lives of our people for begging your pardon, Your Majesty. Delivering bad news obviously made her uneasy. My father, honorifically referred to as Storm King, had been cognize for his power and cruelty. I wasnt as ruthless, but Id had my share of frightening shows of power as well.No offense taken, I assured her. But if I may also be blunt, your king is in a precarious situation. Hes growing old. His power will eventually fade. Your kingdom will be open for others to move in on.Ranelle went perfectly still. The lands of the Otherworld bound themselves to those with enough power to claim them. Are you threatening us, Your Majesty? s he asked quietly.No. I have no interest in another kingdom especially one so far away. Distance was relative in the Otherworld, but the Linden Land did take a office longer to get to compared to some of the kingdoms nearer to me, like the Rowan Land and Dorians Oak Land.Perhaps not, she said uncertainly. But its no secret King Dorian has wanted to expand his territory. Thats why he took you as a consort, right?Now I stiffened. No. Thats not it at all. Neither of us have interest in your land. But your neighbors or people within the land itself probably do. From what Ive heard, Damos would like his young lady to inherit.Ranelle nodded slowly. Inheritance was by power here, not by blood but most monarchs still longed for family succession, if they were well-disposed enough to have children at all. I gave Ranelle a penetrating smile.Her control of the land depends on her own power, of course. But if Damos helped us now, we could certainly help later against any usurpers hoping to claim the Linden Land.Assassination, outright war. The methods were less important than my meaning. Ranelle lieed silent, no doubt turning this over in her mind. Was a promise like that outlay committing their armies to? Unclear. But it was certainly worth bringing to her king.And, I added casually, shifting us from that dangerous topic, Id be happy to negotiate very favorable trade agreements with your king.By which I meant my staff would negotiate it. I hated economics and the politics of trade. But, my kingdom had literally and figuratively become a hot commodity. My shaping it in Arizonas image had created harsh conditions but also brought along tons of copper deposits. Copper was the chief metallic element in a world that couldnt work with iron.Ranelle nodded again. I understand. Ill bring this to his attention.Good. I rose from my chair. Im sorry I have to go now, but definitely let anyone here know if you need anything else. And send my greetings to Damos.Ranelle told me she would, and I left her, feeling rather pleased with myself. I disliked these sort of diplomatic talks almost as much as economic ones, mostly because I didnt think I was very adept. But that one had gone well, and even if the Linden Land didnt join us, I felt certain Dorian had been right they wouldnt fight against us either.I was walking toward the castles exit, intending to go to the nearest gate back to the human world, when I passed a certain hallway. I hesitated, staring down it as I waged a moral war. Then, grimacing, I altered my destination and turned the corner. The room I sought was easy to find because two guards stood outside of it. Both were Dorians soldiers, chosen because if anyone was going to father the heir to Storm Kings legacy, they wanted it to be their own lord. And everyone knew I was the mother he wanted, not the rooms occupant.One of the guards knocked and then opened the door slightly. The queen is here.I didnt need permission to enter any room in my own castle but still waited for a response. Come in.I entered and found Jasmine sitting cross-legged on her bed, attempting some kind of embroidery. Seeing me, she irritably tossed it aside. This is the stupidest thing ever. I wish the shining ones had more fun things to do. I wish I could go horseback riding.That last part was spoken with a knowing tone, and I ignored it. Jasmine was under house arrest, and I wasnt about to allow an activity that might let her slip her guards. I picked up the green velvet shed been working on and studied her stitches.Goldfish? I asked.Daffodils she exclaimed.I hastily set it down. Really, considering the loose iron chains she wore on her wrists to stunt magic use, it was impressive that she could sew at all.Im going back to Tucson, I said. I wanted to check on you.She shrugged. Im fine.Despite her young age, Jasmine had wanted and still did want, I suspected to be the mother of Storm Kings heir. The prophecy hadnt been specific. It simply said h is daughters first son would be the conqueror. That made it a race between the two of us except I wasnt playing. Her constrained stay here ensured she wasnt either. Shed hated me for this initially but had grown more civil after the war started. She considered Leiths actions an insult to our family. It was bizarre logic, but seeing as it had stopped her temper tantrums, I welcomed it.Do you need anything? I asked. A stupid question to ask someone who wanted freedom.She pointed to the iPod lying beside her. It needs charging again. It always needed charging. Normal battery life aside, the Otherworld interfered with electronics. Books or magazines or something. Id kill for a TV.I smiled. That one was out of my reach. Sometimes I would too when Im here.Howd it go with that Linden lady? Is she going to help us beat up Katrice? Jasmines moping face suddenly turned fierce. She had powers similar to mine, and while not as strong, they could still cause a lot of damage. If Id let her loos e, Jasmine would probably march right over to the Rowan Land and try to bring the castle down.I dont know. Im not getting my hopes up.Jasmines gray eyes turned calculating, making her seem wiser than her fifteen years should be capable of. As long as you and Dorian stay together, youre the badasses around here especially you. Surprisingly, there was no sneer as she said this. But youve gotta make sure Maiwenn doesnt join Katrice. You know shes thinking about it.Yes, despite her often pouty and childish attitude, Jasmine was smart. Youre right, I said. But thinking and doing are two different things. You said it yourself Dorian and I are badasses. I dont think shes going to want to mess with us.There was something comfortable about being able to have a discussion with someone not using the gentrys formal language construction.Probably not. But shes scared to death youre going to have our fathers heir. Jasmine eyed me carefully. You havent changed your mind, have you? You and Dorian certainly do it enough.Thats none of your business, I said, query if that servant had already talked about what shed seen in bed.Tell that to Dorian. He brags about it all the time.I groaned, knowing it was true. Well, regardless, Im not having kids anytime soon.You should, Jasmine said. Or let me. Katrice would totally back off.And then Maiwenn really would come after us. Maiwenn govern the Willow Land and was very much against Storm Kings prophecy coming true. She also had a few other reasons for not liking my alliance with Dorian or rather, her associates did.Yeah, said Jasmine. But you could still squawk her ass.I rose and scooped up the iPod, putting it in my satchel. Lets stick to one ass-kicking at a time.An clownish silence fell. How odd that wed just had a civil conversation. Id grown up an only child, sometimes need I had a sister. The one Id ended up with was hardly what Id expected, but maybe I should be grateful for even this.Well, I said at last. Ill see you soon. She nodded and picked up the velvet, scowling at it as though it had given her personal offense. I was almost at the door when she suddenly said, Eugenie?I glanced back. Yeah?Will you bring me some Twinkies?I smiled. Sure.She didnt look up from her embroidery, but I was almost certain she smiled too.

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