Sunday, August 18, 2019

Developing Communication Essay -- Interpersonal Communication

Communication skills are vital to the manager’s success. A manager must be an effective communicator to lead people. Assessing your communication skills is the key to your success; nevertheless, most people fail to recognize the role communication plays. When assessing your communication abilities, it is essential to review your interpersonal communication skills. Interpersonal skills are the most crucial skill that is needed to be an effective manager. Interpersonal communication skills are a ‘type of supportive communication that is the key to empowering people and motivating others to become more effective and efficient employees† (South University Online, 2011, p. 1). Supportive communication is beneficial in communicating both â€Å"honestly and accurately, it can preserve or enhance your personal, and professional relationships while providing information and resolving issues with your counterparts† (South University Online, p.1). In this essay, I will us the eight principles of supportive communication (problem oriented, congruence, descriptive, validates, specific, conjunctive, owned, and supportive listening) to reflect how a conversation with my daughter was impacted by my communication style. Synopsis of the Conversation My 13-year-old daughter was attending a friend birthday party. When she came into the den to let me know that she was leaving with her friend and parent, I must have given a strange look or appeared to look angry. She wanted to know why I was looking at her like that. I responded by pointing out that I felt her outfit was inappropriate to wear because it was too short and revealing for her age. She should choose another outfit to wear. My daughter pointed out that she had borrowed from one of her frie... ...(2005) states that good listeners are more likely perceived to be skillful communicator. Conclusion I choose the conversation with my daughter to explore the eight principles of supportive communication. Some may fell that with children that communication must be handled differently. On my job I supervise, college students. I often view other supervisors communicating different with students than adult. I have taken management classes over the year and I feel that the most effective manager will make self-analysis and seek ways to over come defensiveness and disconfirmation. The eight principle of supportive communication are an excellent place to start and beneficial to you whereas you can communicate effectively with anyone. My conversation with my daughter would not have not been as positive as it where if I was not already knowledge and seeking improvement.

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