Saturday, August 10, 2019

Role of the Father in a Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Role of the Father in a Family - Essay Example He was happier than ever when Paul born. He used to say me that it was his dream to see his grandchildren. As he is on the deathbed, all I wanted to say him is that "Father I love you, and thank you for all that what you did for us". And this was what I did. I went to him and I said "Father I love you, and thanks for all that what you did for me". At this time we have different types of families in the society. Single career, dual career, married, unmarried and homosexuals. But all these families comprises of children, mother and father. although single mothers are also considered to be a family but actual definition of family isn't completed without father. This shows the importance of father. As father is the root of the family. Or we can say a nuclear of the family. As few years back, father's role in family was confined to the one who go out and earn money and mother had to stay at home to take care of children. Fathers usually were not concerned about children's bringing up. Religiously it's appreciated that fathers should pay proper attention to their families and they should never abandoned them just to their mothers. As it's said in Bible: "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse." (Mal 4:5-6) One frequently finds thoughts like the following, which are those of Stephen Pasquier: "We should consider our fathers like gods on earth, who were given to us not only to transmit life to us and conserve it, but also to sanctify us by a wise instruction."But now we can see that this traditional father's role is changed. Mother's are in the work force same as fathers, so both of them divided the tasks equally. Fathers are becoming more involved in child care and family as compare to their own fathers. Different schools are offering home classes to boys as well. So that they should face less difficulty in future while dealing with their own kids. Mothers today are giving space to their husband's so that they can give some proper time to their families. They are sacrificing their time with friends to their families. But father's own upbringing also matters in it. If he got a caring father who understands that mother alone cannot take care of family as well as her career. Then of course he can bring up a good family. But if he thinks that his masculinity is affected becau se of spending time with his children then it can be the other way. Dr. Lawson says what you might guess: "The father's role in the drama between the borderline mother and her child is crucial in determining the outcome for the child." p.178 In regards to a father's duty, President Benson also taught us that: Those in the Book of Mormon who were taught nothing concerning the Lord but only concerning worldly knowledge became a cunning and wicked people (see Mosiah 24:5, 7). All truths are not of the same value. The saving truths of salvation are of greatest worth. These truths the

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