Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Few Weeks in High School Essay

High school is an enjoyable, but challenging part of life. From the first day of school to the 5th week of school I was confused, excited, and lost. My challenges are getting A’s in all of my classes and being one of the top students in my classes. My successful moments have been getting A’s on my History, English, Geometry, and Biology tests. My goal in AVID is to find which college would best suit me. Also, I would like to increase my public speaking skills. The transition from middle school to high school is a giant leap regarding the amount of work required and the quantity of responsibilities. First of all, from the first Day of high school to the 5th week, I was confused, excited, and lost. For example, I was excited because I wanted to meet new people and extend my leadership skills. In addition, I was confused because it was a whole different schedule and there was a variety of new topics that I had never heard about. Furthermore, I was lost because the school was enormous and there were a lot of new things to deal with. To conclude, during the first five weeks I still felt like it was summer so I didn’t have my act together which made a couple of things tough on me. Secondly, I have set up a couple of challenges and had a few successful moments. One of my challenges is getting A’s in all of my classes. Another challenge I havpre is being one of the top students in my classes. My successful moments have been getting A’s on my History, English, Geometry, and Biology tests. In conclusion I have challenged myself by setting up a few challenges that I must accomplish and I have had a couple successful moments so far in high school. My goal in AVID is to find which college would best suit me. Also, I would like to increase my public speaking skills. Even though I am in my first  year of high school planning ahead for my future is good because that way I can prepare for what is coming and I won’t have to do anything at the last minute. AVID also helps increase people public speaking skills which is a crucial aspect required for a lot of things that may occur in the future. Another thing AVID provides is community service, which gets you involved with the community. To finish off with, AVID is a great and important program if you want to succeed in high school and in the rest of your life. In conclusion, the transition from middle school to high school is a giant leap regarding the amount of work required and the quantity of responsibilities. From the first day of school to the 5th week of school I was confused, excited, and lost. My challenges are getting A’s in all of my classes and being one of the top students in my classes. My successful moments have been getting A’s on my History, English, Geometry, and Biology tests. My goal in AVID is to find which college would best suit me. Also, I would like to increase my public speaking skills. High school may seem hard with all the work, but It can be easy if you really try and put your mind to it.

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