Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychologists and Psychiatrist

Psychology is a fascinating subject that carries a lot room for interpretation. Psychology being a relatively new scientific arena continues to grow due to exploring of experts into studies of the mind and behaviors directed by the brain. Psychologists and Psychiatrist continue to discover new methods of therapy to treat psychological disorders. Cognitive therapy is the fastest growing and most extensively studied form of psychotherapy in America. † Cognitive therapy emphasis focuses on present thinking problems.The website I chose is: www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html. I chose this website because it contains an article about Dr. Aaron Beck, who is the founder of cognitive therapy. Dr. Beck’s perception of psychological difficulties lies within â€Å"thinking problems. † Unlike behavioristic, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and trait theorists, cognitive theorists believe that psychological problems lie within current tho ughts. Disorders are a result of a patients desire to relish in self-deprecating thoughts.This article explains how Dr. Beck discovered cognitive therapy and decided to leave Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic approach behind. Dr. Beck attended the Philadelphia institute in 1958. There he begin to conquer his fears of blood and pain due to a staph infection from surgery on his broken arm developed due to his mothers overprotective behavior which caused him to restrict his activities as he also developed a phobia of getting hurt. Dr. Beck conquered his fears by teaching himself to recondition his thoughts.Dr. Beck’s cognitive therapy intent is to correct distorted thinking patterns by challenging patients to explore positive and beneficial thoughts. â€Å"He encourages patients to test their perceptions of themselves and others, as if they were scientists testing hypotheses. † The idea of cognitive therapy is to help patients to first realize their how their thoughts can be self-deprecating and then he aims to condition their present thoughts to new thinking. Dr. Beck is methodical about his cognitive therapy. First Dr.Beck listens to the patient and then he asks questions to help them conquer irrational thinking. There are some behaviorist psychologists who appose Dr. Beck’s cognitive theory. These critics feel that thought can not be measured objectively. One Dr. Klein’s position is that cognitive therapy is just a morale booster, and not the therapeutic solutions it promises. My overall evaluation of this website is how well rounded the information covered the subject. It provided an in depth analysis of the cognitive theory; how it was conceived, who will benefit most from it, and the methodology used.I find it fascinating that a person can perform psych therapy on themselves just by simple reconditioning their thoughts. Sometimes I find myself obsessing over small things, and now I can practice to condition myself to refrain from obsessive thoughts. I would really like to learn more about the methodology used to treat cognitively and more details about the results shown with patients. I plan on conducting more research on cognitive theory to find other cognitive theorists and their methodologies.This article has taught me more about myself and how I can improve my relationships by positive thinking. This article has shown me how to identify certain thoughts that I would prefer to refrain from thinking, and how to correct them. | Definitions Deprecate means to deplore something, depreciate means to belittle something or to treat it as unimportant. However, self-deprecating, in the sense ‘disparaging oneself', ‘modestly understating one's own abilities' has become firmly established, although some people deprecate this usage.Berate to rebuke or scold angrily and at length. Prosaic commonplace or dull; unimaginative Precept a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct, an inj unction as to moral conduct Pragmatist a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc Works Cited Goode, E. â€Å"A Pragmatic Man and His No-Nonsense Therapy. † www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html 11 Jan. 2000.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Igneous rocks: Diorite Essay

Diorite is an igneous rock formed from the partial melting of the crust caused from by basaltic magma from the mantle. It is associated with batholiths, dikes and stocks usually around volcanic arcs. Its volcanic equivalent is andesite which is formed from strombolian type volcanoes. DISCUSSION Physical properties: Diorite is a phaneritic rock that is speckled black and white/grey with a very variable colour index of between 40 and 90 over short distances. The rock has an equigranular or porphyritic texture and has a generally coarse grain size but can be pegmatitic. Phenocrysts of feldspar and horneblende can be found in the porphyritic variety. The equigranular and porphyritic varieties may vary in texture between each other within a few centimetres. A foliated appearance can develop from the roughly parallel alignment of the minerals. The rock has an intermediate composition between plagioclase feldspar (oligoclase or andesine) and amphibole (usually hornblende) with various other minor minerals like pyroxene, biotite. Quartz and alkali feldspar may also be present. When the amount of quartz increases, the rock is named quartz diorite. The rock grades into granodiorite as the amount of quartz and alkali feldspar increases. Alkali feldspar increase. Some common accessory minerals are apatite, titanite and various iron oxides. Xenoliths from the partially melted margins of the magma chamber are common. Origin: Diorite usually forms along with granite in continental crust above  subduction zones.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Role of the Gods in the Odyssey

Religion has always been an important part of culture, in present times and even dating back to the times of the Trojan War and before. No matter what religion a person practices or believes in the role of the certain gods believed in has always been important. In three separate pieces we have read we have seen the importance of the gods, or God, play a key role in the development of the literature. In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, the gods are key in Odysseus’ return to Ithaca after twenty years. Whether it is helping Odysseus or delaying him, they play a major role in the development of the story.In Psalm 139, the scripture passage taken from the Bible, God is a very obvious factor. Even in the poem by William Owen â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† God again plays a major role once we dive deeper than the words are saying. The role of the gods, or singular God in Catholicism, plays a key role, sometimes unspoken, part. In The Odyssey we see in the first book three m ajor gods that make an immediate impact on Odysseus’ journey home. Zeus, Athena, and Poseidon all are important in their own way in either helping Odysseus or trying to stop him.Zeus, king of the gods, is characterized as a mediator between Athena and Poseidon, the former helping Odysseus and the latter trying to stop him from reaching home. Athena does all she can to help out the mortal Odysseus, even appearing to him and his son Telemachus in disguise to point them in the right direction. Poseidon, however, hates Odysseus for blinding his son and tries his hardest on multiple occasions to kill Odysseus and his men. Zeus, for being king of the gods, does not have the most important religious role in this epic poem.He is mostly seen as a babysitter between Athena and Poseidon, allowing Athena to help Odysseus but at the same time punishing the people who help out Odysseus. At one point, after Poseidon voiced his anger, he turns a Phaeacian ship to stone right when it returns because they helped Odysseus return home. His only involvement with Odysseus seems to be when he is trying to please both Athena and Zeus. Athena is a very key character in this poem. She takes a liking to the human Odysseus because of the intelligence and cunning that he naturally has. She personally gets involve in the lives of Telemachus and Odysseus by coming hem in disguise and helping them throughout their separate journeys. The grey-eyed goddess, as she is referred to many times, is responsible for setting Telemachus on the path to find out more about his father, and gives him the courage to stand up to the suitors who have invaded his father’s house. The goddess is seen helping Odysseus in almost every book, most notably the last four where she gives him strength when fighting the suitors, helping Odysseus and Telemachus reach Laertes’ house peacefully, and even makes the suitor’s parents forget about their children’s deaths and restores peace to Ithaca.Athena makes the homecoming of Odysseus a happy one, helping him and his family time and time again so that they are reunited. Poseidon, god of the sea, holds a nasty grudge against Odysseus throughout the story. Odysseus, after the famous â€Å"Nobody† trick, foolishly tells the Cyclopes Polyphemus his name as he is sailing away after blinding him. Poseidon, who is Polyphemus’ father, is outraged that a mortal blinded his son, and take it upon himself to make sure Odysseus never gets back home. Poseidon causes storms to break Odysseus’ boats and kill his men, while wrecking havoc on Odysseus just about every chance he gets.He goes so far that he asks Zeus to sink the Phaeacians ship, a race of people who adore Poseidon. Poseidon holds a major grudge against Odysseus, however he cannot stop him from reaching home. In the Christian scripture passage Psalm 139; taken from the Bible, we see that God has many of the same characteristics on the gods in The Ody ssey. It is described in the scripture passage that God has a perfect knowledge of all of us, which draws the comparison to the gods of Ancient Greece. God knows everything there is to know about us and what we are doing; he is all seeing and all powerful.Much like the gods of Ancient Greece sitting high above everyone on Mount Olympus, they see everything that is happening below them. Another powerful comparison is the unseen god factor. God always sees us, as humans though we never see him, much like when Odysseus and Telemachus see Athena; she is always disguised, never showing her true form. Zeus never appears, he sends his messages in forms of eagles, as signs to be interrupted by humans, much like God uses miracles to show his presence and existence. We are presented with two separate pieces of literature that have very similar comparisons in religion.Wilfred Owen’s famous poem â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† actually makes no mention of religion in it, but it is obv ious to see that whatever god you pray to has no part in wars and stopping the death and violence. It brings us to ask ourselves the question of why would any god let these atrocities happen? British citizens not fighting in World War 1 thought that these men were dying heroic deaths, but Owen gives us an insight into how badly these men suffered when they went off to war. The gruesome deaths, the never ending violence and having to watch a comrade die are just a few of the horrible things that are seen in this poem.It leads us to belive that war is not worth it, in any sense, and that a sensible god would not allow it. Odysseus, after ten years of fighting the Trojans and seeing many of his close friends die, then had to suffer for an additional ten years. The men in World War 1 signed up for their own premature deaths, and there was no religious power to stop these cruel actions. All three of these pieces give us significant insight on our Common Core questions. However, it ties i n most importantly to our understanding of what it means to be human.Most obvious in all three pieces we see the â€Å"human† aspects of our lives, the fact that we can die while gods or God cannot. We are not as powerful as gods or God, we cannot control our fate, and it is already written out for us by whomever we pray to in each respective religion. We must make the most of the time and life we are given because we do not have a long time on this planet. To be human means that we must be able to recognize our own abilities, our own strengthens and weaknesses, and know that there is a higher power controlling our fate.

Friday, September 27, 2019

President Nelson Mandela was seen by people from various political, Research Paper

President Nelson Mandela was seen by people from various political, economic, social, religious, cultural, ethnic and racial bac - Research Paper Example The legislation led to the fleeing of Africans from the rural areas where they owned farms to the towns to find jobs1. Nelson Mandela a black leader of ANC led to the end of the oppression and discrimination of the black, the colored people, and Indians in 1994. Mandela became the president of South Africa under the party in the same year, and since then, ANC has ruled the country up to date (Mandela, Van, and Bouma 30)2. Background Nelson Mandela led the black people in the country to opposing apartheid from 1948 to 1994 when he was sworn in as the head of state. Mandela became a leader of ANC in 1948 when the government introduced the segregation of the citizens based on race and color. The racial classes that the Afrikaner government included whites, blacks, colored, and Indians. The colored people were the non-white and non-Indian such as the Italians (Claasens and Cousins 67). The whites were considered respectable and greater than all other races3. Mandela and other members of ANC struggled to negotiate with the government to end racial discrimination and oppression. The oppression that the black people underwent included serving the Dutch at low or no cost, being hindered from accessing education, and being blocked from leadership positions (Muiui 79). Mandela underwent several imprisonments as an ANC leader with the last one ending in 1990. The leader’s defeat of apartheid in South Afric

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Synthesis Organizational Designs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Synthesis Organizational Designs - Assignment Example Managers together with members work hand in hand in defining the organization’s requirements then form systems for meeting the particular requirements sufficiently. The enhancer offers an assurance that a methodical process is adhered to and facilitates creative reasoning. Today, we find that many organizations have been influenced seriously by the control and command structure of the early military organizations. However, most of them have started adopting the design of bureaucracy whereby duty and power or authority is in form of hierarchical arrangement (Kolb, 2008). Nevertheless, we find that the same fundamental organizational model is believed to be good for any organization, whether it is a church, school, fraternity, business, and government. It is easily predictable, reasonable and familiar. It is only when there exist close similarities in the desired results, methods together with a culture that the fundamental form a single organization be employed or applied to th e other (Jurow and Susan, 2004). Corporate governance is one of the central or core points that the articles talk about. Looking through the explanations and descriptions given as regards corporate governance, we can deduce that the most common or general description that is given is that it involves market and regulatory mechanisms, as well as the relationships and responsibilities between the management of the organization, the shareholders, the board members and some other stakeholders, as well as the objectives for which the organization is run (Schein, 2006). In the readings, we are told that it is fundamental that there is a degree of confidence that linked to a corporation that is believed to have good corporate governance. In addition, the presence of a dynamic group of independent managers or directors on the board brings about immense contribution towards making sure that there is buoyancy in the market.

Consumer behaviour and organic food purchases Essay

Consumer behaviour and organic food purchases - Essay Example Present scenario is marked by an increasing requirement as well as craving for organic food by the consumers. This is so because they find organic food qualifying their parameters of quality and safety. Also the agricultural principles and practices of organic food are not harmful for the environment. The graph of this requirement may touch new heights in the future. Not all the countries have a uniform and same picture regarding the nature, standard and figure of production ,yet there is a remarkable swell in the number of organic farms in all European Union (EU) Member States since the 1992 reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP) However, in total just under 2 per cent of all agricultural area is devoted to organic farming, on more than 1 per cent of all agricultural holding (Hau and Joaris, 2000) .Study reveals that (Hau and Joaris, 2000).Producers provide two causes behind this growing inclination towards organic farming. The first impetus was given by the embracement of t he 1992 Mac Sharry reform that maintained the 'principle of decoupling' that formed the disassociation between market price and income support. EC Regulation 2078/92 administers it thereby compensating those farmers who are dedicated to agricultural means that are least unhealthy for the environment and are practicing moderate and mild agriculture not severe one. Council regulation 2078/92 brought into practice some agri-environmental ways that will boost up the sustention and conservation of organic farming. One such way is financially assisting organic farmers by paying up if they suffer any income failure during the conversion. The second reason accounting for the increasing interest in organic farming is situated in financial context-bigger financial benefits of the farmers in a saturated agricultural market. The production of organic food has seemed to have formed a distinct and important part of market. Small farmers, mostly conventional, who are unable to extract large gains in agricultural productions dominated by progressive technologies, are specially inclined toward organic food production (Shifferstein and Oude Ophius, 1998). So for the causes that are environmental and ethical both there is a certain political enthusiasm and appeal to raise the percentage of organic food production. Some agricultural catastrophes as pig plagues, mad cow disease and the foot and mouth disease acted as catalyst in providing a positive impulse to the interest in organic food production. But there are few impediments too in the way of enlarging the size of production. One major obstacle is that consumers find organic food a little more costly as compared to normal food. So, certain reluctance is visible in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

John Locke's beliefs on the edcation of the child Essay

John Locke's beliefs on the edcation of the child - Essay Example There he studied medicine which became one of the most important roles in his life. As a highly influential philosopher, Locke wrote on topics that were revolutionary for the time – political philosophy, epistemology and education. John Locke’s writings became a foundation for modern Western philosophy. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) and Letters Concerning Toleration are examples of Locke’s writings that illustrate his belief in natural law and the fulfillment of the divine purpose for humanity. In John Locke’s writings, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding the philosopher and physician implemented a theoretical and philosophical perspective with enquiries on two questions of thought or critical reasoning, â€Å"What is the origin of our ideas?† and â€Å"What is the basis of our knowledge?† Locke’s main work on education – Some Thoughts Concerning Education – originated from letters to a friend. Althou gh the writings are reflections and critical thoughts on the education of a specific child (his friend’s child) in a specific social situation, Locke’s writings are also concerned with education in general. On the Education of the Child According to the philosophical writings entitled, Some Thoughts Concerning Education, critical thoughts on the education of the child include: (1) The act of learning is just a part of education. The act of learning is the result of experiences of the child (experiential learning as it is known in our modern and postmodern ethos). Locke’s educational theory often denounced scholasticism and advocated the experimental methods adopted during observations of a friend’s child â€Å"the individual education of a gentleman’s son, not the formation of a school system†¦No man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience†¦ Learning is not innate. It is often based on the formulation and analysis of ideas a nd knowledge† (Locke, 1909-1914,  § Introductory Note). (2) Vital to education and learning is the development of character. This includes of wisdom, virtue and ‘good breeding’. Locke held that man’s manners and abilities are an outcome of thinking and education of the child’s mind. â€Å"If I have said in the beginning of this discourse†¦ that the difference to be found in the manners and abilities of men is owing to their education than to anything else, we have reason to conclude that great care is to be had of the forming of children’s minds, and giving then that seasoning early, which shall influence their lives always after†¦ that it’s suitable to their breeding† (Locke, 1909-1914,  § 32). (3) The development of character – wisdom and virtues – is not taught academically or by the use of force or corporal punishment. Character is developed by the acts of suggestion and example to create or sugges t positive behaviour instead of unstructured or chaotic behaviour. This is what is meant to be positively proactive and socially responsible. It is also a good example of what is meant by the development of the 'productive citizen' or socially responsible participant within a community or society. The philosophical and critical thinking of the John Locke essays on Some Thoughts Concerning Education further writes his thoughts on the purpose of education theory, curriculum (knowledge building) and processes – to child development. Locke, the points out that one purpose or aim of education in child development is the ‘

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Difficulties of Transitioning from Traditional Policing to Community Article

Difficulties of Transitioning from Traditional Policing to Community Policing - Article Example The journal introduces the argument indicating that community policing requires that the police officers have autonomy and discretion in solving community problems as well as forming of partnerships with various agencies. The article begins by posing the greatest challenge in community policing by saying that it is due to the failure to include it in the organization’s mission and vision, organizational structure as well as its goals. This failure that is not recognized by the management has made it difficult to transition. The article also presents a situation where the police do not understand clearly the notion of community policing. This makes it difficult for them to relate it to their role. It further illustrates that the police give a mimic of what they think is community policing. It presents a planning and coordination challenge that faces community policing. It says that in order for community policing to be implemented, a departmental head should plan change well an d carefully construct it. There is also poor coordination of community police officers and the local representatives of the community. Glacomazzi (2012) describes another challenge as the resistance to community policing by the police officers and also having difficulty in public agencies involvement as well as the community. It also says that the average citizen has little knowledge on what community policing entails Benefits of practicing community policing has also been highlighted in the article as reducing fear of crime among others. The major argument that the writer presents in this article is that community policing has been hindered by lack of police in  supporting change by way of the structure in which their organizations are arranged. The notion of community policing has not been implemented by the management due to poor planning and coordination in the police.  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the major problem involoved in the develpoment of anticancer Essay

Discuss the major problem involoved in the develpoment of anticancer agents today include in ur answer some discussion what step might be taken to get around so - Essay Example Surgical treatment involves surgical excision of a tumor or an entire organ but the propensity of cancer cells to microscopically metastases makes it effective only in localized small cancers such as breast and prostate tumors. Radiation therapy can come in the form of radiotherapy, X-ray therapy and irradiation and uses ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy involves the treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs that can have many effects specifically geared towards the elimination of cancer cells. One of the effects of the drugs is to interfere with cell division by hindering the duplication of DNA and the separation of chromosomes. The anticancer drugs travel through the bloodstream making it useful for cancers that have spread. Monoclonal antibody therapy involves the administration of antibodies that bind to a protein on the surface of the cancer cells. Cancer treatment depends on factors such as location, degree of severity, grade of tumor and the general state of the patient. In essence, the goal of cancer treatment is to remove or destroy the malignant cells without excessive damage to the body. This is easier said than done. Indeed, the treatments mentioned are far from being the panacea for cancer as they are severely limited not only by financial challenges but also of scientific obstacles that makes it very hard for scientists to make a breakthrough in the field of cancer research. The aim of this paper is to determine the challenges facing the development of a cure of cancer. While a discussion on financial constraints would be provided, I will be focusing more on the theoretical and scientific aspects that inhibit the development of cancer cure. Possible solutions for overcoming developing cancer cure that are based on studies will then be discussed and explored to determine the principles of how it would work. 2.0 The Current State of Cancer Research 2.1 Development Processes in Clinical Studies Developing a new drug is an expensive, time-consuming process that usually takes ten years to push through. Development and determination of effectiveness of possible cancer treatment usually comes in the form clinical trials. Clinicaltrials areresearch studies wherein the treatment is applied to human patients to determine if it is effective. Regulating bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversee medical and ethical panels that review the research methods and ethics of the clinical trial to be undertaken and monitor the trial phases. The standard phases are the following (Coleman, 1998): Synthesis and Purification (1st and 2nd year) - researchers identify a substance that may be useful as a drug. Animal Testing (1st and 2nd year) - the substance is tested on animals to obtain preliminary information on whether the drug is safe and how it is metabolized in the body. Phase 1 Clinical trials (3rd year) - patients who have advanced cancer and are not helped by any other known treatments are recruited for the trial. They would be subjected to an analysis for the best dosage and delivery method of a new drug treatment. Phase 2 Clinical trials (4th and 5th year) - the drug is tested with groups of patients each having a different type of cancer. This is done to determine what types of cancer can the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Exogenous Auditory Spatial Attention Essay Example for Free

Exogenous Auditory Spatial Attention Essay Experiment one and two investigated exogenous covert auditory spatial attention. Experiment two used a white noise cue while experiment one used a 1000 Hz pure tone. Replacing the 1000 Hz with the white noise was deemed necessary due to a majority of the subjects in experiment one who reported high height discrimination with the pure tone. In both experiments a significant response time advantage was found for valid cues at the short SOA of 200ms. While there was no statistical advantage found for valid cues at the longer SOA’s of both 500ms and 1100ms. The results obtained mirror those found by Spence Driver (1994) for exogenous processing in that valid cues produced a response time advantage for short cue-target SOA’s. Exogenous processing of attention according to Posner (1980) refers to events controlling the orienting of attention outside the mechanisms or more specifically stimulus driven responses. The presence of the cue even if it is uninformative have led attention to focus on it albeit in a very short time and hence improved response time but for the short SOA only, it seems that when the SOA increases it takes more time to respond to the stimuli. Endogenous orienting is said to be a cognitive process wherein attention is â€Å"pushed† to the location where the target is expected (Spence Driver, 1994). Experiments 3, 4 and 5 tested endogenous auditory attention as opposed to the first two experiments which tested exogenous processing. Experiment 3 was similar to one of Spence and Driver’s experiment (4, 1994) with a slight variation in that informative cues were generated from a 3-dimensional sound apparatus. The informative cues used differed from the uninformative spatial cues of experiment 1 and 2. It was found that for this experiment (3) response time was faster for all SOA levels. The results differed from the first experiment where response time was found for the short term SOA (200ms) only. This tells us that in exogenous â€Å"stimulus driven† cueing, response time advantage is faster for the short term SOA because the attention is reacting only to the stimulus and it is for the short SOA only (100-500ms) when reaction to stimulus is immediate, as demonstrated in the first two experiments there is a drop-off in response time with longer SOA (600ms+). This drop-off in response time is referred to as inhibition of return and is a cost to the attentional system. In other words, when the subject knows that the cue is not helpful in determining the location of the target, the cue would be ignored, but right immediately the cue, attention is drawn to it even if unintentionally and for a very short time. Thus, when no other useful information is presented in that area of space the attentional focus wanders to other possible target locations. The faster response time for all SOA levels in experiment 3 says that the use of informative cues pushes attention towards the target. It was predicted that significant response time advantage would occur at the middle and long SOA levels (500ms and 1100ms) for valid cues as opposed to the invalid cues. It is clear that when subjects are cued as to the likely location of the target they attend to and use this information in looking for the location of the target. On acquisition of the cue information, the subject can shift spatial attention to the likely location of the subsequent target location. Due to the cognitive nature of the allocation of spatial attention to the cued location, believed to be a longer process than that of a stimulus driven attention capture, a strong response time advantage may not be found at short SOA (100-300ms). A cognitive based search for the target location would necessarily entail neural processes and this are indicative of covert orienting and is indicative that there is covert auditory attention as claimed by Spence and Driver (1994). In experiment 3 a significant response time advantage was found at all SOA’s for valid cues. Despite the significant response time advantage found for valid cues at the short SOA (200ms), these results were expected. Theory suggests that with a cognitive based search an informative cue will aid the detection and discrimination of a subsequent target at the cued location. This was observed in the results obtained with all SOA conditions showing a significant response time advantage. While the significant response time advantage found for the short SOA condition (200ms) is not necessary expected with a cognitive based cue, the cue used in experiment 3 (and in subsequent experiment 5) was both informative and spatial based. Therefore theory would suggest that both exogenous and endogenous processing would occur. The initial capture of attention to the spatial location of the cue would aid response time advantage at the short SOA condition (200ms), while the knowledge that the cue is informative would keep attention focused on the spatial location of the cue for longer aiding response time advantage for the other SOA conditions (500ms 1100ms). The results of experiment 3 however led to the question of whether spatial component of the informative cues affected the response time of the subjects, since like Spence and Driver (1994) the experimental conditions for experiment three was a combination of endogenous and exogenous factors. To test for a purely endogenous orientation, experiment four was carried out with this objective.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism

The Relationship Between Sport And Tourism But most of all travel plans are made to develop an area not sufficiently focused on the development of local human resources.  That is increasingly isolated from the human resources of tourism development is carried out due to their inability to perform.  Tourism impact member or a significant impact on society, particularly to local residents, before holding an event should take into account the effects of these events on economic and socio-cultural community. Among the benefits of hosting the event of certain individuals. Example of hotel and resort operators, food and beverage business and craft vendors.  When the sports held their gains from the sales will increase because many tourists would come to visit shop.  In addition they can promote interesting products that have not been promoted by the dealer another dealer.  This will give opportunities to people to find out their sales results and the stability of the economy rose due to foreign currency exchange rates and thus can increase the balance of payments.  With the proceeds from the government to generate economic profit from the arrival of a large population. The role of the tourism event of the obvious aspects of the development of a tourism destination.  Organizing events for local causes many to take the initiative to venture into business small or open the talent of the individuals that had been extinguished in the self.  In addition to promoting tourism events for local communities to engage in commercial businesses such as souvenir. Making a traditional food that we can show it to tourists tourists who are interested in trying the food.  It is clearly evident to the tourists who have not been trying to eat that is not in their country.  For them there is a pride in themselves and serve as a memory. Organization of events events to encourage international investors to invest in a destination.  Because investors are interested in expanding income, because the destination has the potential to be developed or the capacity to be developed for the residents of flax and high member to investors that they are so lucrative for-profit business in the future. This was evident in 1990; the tourism development program is increasing awareness of its importance to the country because the existing strategic tourism events planned for the Province of Novel Scotia (Get, 1997).  Travel the international-class sporting event to benefit many local communities due to widespread support from the international.  To get a response from the tourists they must play a key role in attracting tourists to an tourist potential of sporting events and sports equipment in order to complete attractive to tourists.  With the efforts of the sport can improve the economy.  Because the requirements and needs of tourists should be introduced for sport activities or packages that are appropriate to the target market. Sports and tourism intertwined as an important topic since 1998, so that in 1999.Infrastructure construction and the arrival of more volunteers to help the economy in the region and to reduce the cost of development.  A total of four twenty two percent of the tourism events around the world are sports Sports Tourism International Council on tahun1994.  For a developing country hosting the event is an opportunity to help promote economic growth and social development and enhance the cooperation between many countries. Sports tourism funded from the company the international corporations that maintain high standards of corporate governance is good business is very important to help strengthen the brand for the organization or a union as well as to enhance a healthy culture of corporate responsibility.  Recommended the following measures to be implemented to build the confidence of investors is improving transparency and regulatory environment, In addition to helping the industry to create rules that increase the consistency of government policies to improve the dissemination of economic information.  In the administration of sports tourism is good not only a corporate body of law abiding, but finding the correct ethical approval.  Therefore, companies need to make the reporting of a State capable of development as an effort to improve the governance of a good business to enhance the economy of the country. There are a few factors that lead to views of local communities on tourism activities is important is that local communities have a connection and relationship of the foreign tourists.  When travelers receive good treatment from the local, it will have a positive impact on the satisfaction of tourists who visit.  Local community is the source of the taxpayer and directly benefits the government.  Because the income earned from the tourists to give a clear improvement or impact the economy.  In addition, a State can reduce the burden on any society when the economy becomes more member benefits. In conclusion, sports tourism continues to be the focus of foreign investors in the future due to political stability and implementation of business-friendly environment of inspiration.  In addition to plant model to attract investors because of disputes are rare. This is definitely sports tourism to give effect to the good example of a good exchange of tourists to boost the economy of the country and improved the level of good and Development.  Therefore the government should be is smart design of the first set before running the sport is not valid for the problems of the tourists.  For their arrival to give a point of pride for them, particularly Olympic sport. (991 Words)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention

Factors influencing entrepreneurial intention Purpose- the purpose of this research is to investigate what the causes influenced among students in Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam branch in entrepreneurial intention and to make an evaluation for their entrepreneurship orientation by comparing them with non-entrepreneurially inclined students. Design/methodology/approach- Findings- the result of this test showed that Research limitations/implications- the study comprises respondent 300 of students at all course fields in Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam branch and the percentage of students in the sample who wish to be entrepreneurs is Practical implications This study provides insight into entrepreneurship education, as to which entrepreneurial characteristics can be developed to raise good entrepreneurs. Originality/value This study contributes to understanding the differences between characteristics of entrepreneurially inclined and non-inclined students at the edge of graduation. Nowadays entrepreneurship has captured their attention among people especially teenagers in all over the world. The main reason of this concern is the growing need for entrepreneurs who accelerate economic development through generating new ideas and converting them into money-making ventures. However, it has a more critical role for economies of developing countries since entrepreneurship is seen as an engine of economic progress, job creation and social adjustment. Thus, small business growth or new business formation is widely encouraged by national economic policies to stimulate economic growth and wealth creation. In parallel with developing interest in entrepreneurship throughout the world, Malaysia has also witnessed an increasing interest in entrepreneurship fields both among their academic scholars and amongst government policy makers and business leaders. Obviously, understanding perceptions of students at higher education level is a necessary step in this process. The purp ose of the current study is to analyze the entrepreneurial intention of university students in Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam . Scope of study The scope in this study is the students in Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam. It comprises all the students in all field of study. The respondent involved 300 students and this amount is using for sample survey in this study. Problem statement The interest making money among the teenagers nowadays make intention in entrepreneurship is getting higher. But have a few of them have a desire to open the business but because of lack of entrepreneur knowledge. Research objective Objective in doing this research is to identify: The factor that influenced student in university to do the business before they done their study. The opinion from the students that already have their own business. How they balance their study and business at the same time. Those who have business experiences in their background Research questions What the factors that influenced university student to do the business? Who you prefer to borrow money to open the business? Significance of study The significant of this study is to analyze the entrepreneurial intention of university students. In this study, a model that mainly focuses on the impacts of some contextual factors was proposed and empirically tested on university students. Furthermore, the study contributes to the literature by theorizing and empirically testing how some factors affect entrepreneurial intention of university students. It is believed that the results of study may have some significant implications for the policy makers and educators. INTRODUCTION Entrepreneurship has captured the attention of both scholars and policy makers during the last decades. The main reason of this concern is the growing need for entrepreneurs who accelerate economic development through generating new ideas and converting them into profitable ventures. Entrepreneurial activities are not only the incubators of technological innovation; they provide employment opportunity and increase competitiveness also (Reynolds, 1987; Zahra, 1999). Some scholars primarily focus on the effect of personality characteristics on decision making process (Bonnett and Furnham, 1991; Brockhaus, 1980; Johnson,1990). Although the results vary across the studies, they often indicate a link between entrepreneurial intention and some personality factors, such as self-confidence, risk-taking ability, need to achievement, and locus of control. However, a person is surrounded by an extended range of cultural, social, economical, political, demographical, and technological factors. Therefore, personality traits cannot be isolated from these contextual factors. In the literature, there are some studies that take into account the role of these factors also. For instance, according to Hisrich (1990), people can be pushed or pulled by the situational factors, which are related with their personal backgrounds and present lives. From a broader point of view, the cultural and institutional frameworks also affect entrepreneurship (Wennekers and Thurik, 1999). The review of literature on entrepreneurship shows that most of the scholars have focused on adult entrepreneurs. In these studies, adult entrepreneurs were examined after choosing their entrepreneurial careers. Since people are likely to start a business within the age range of 25 to 44 (Liles, 1974), it is also critical to focus on people who are younger than 25 and understand which factors affect their intentions to start-up a business in the future. As Henderson and Robertson (2000) also stated . . . the future working environment will depend on the creativity and individuality of the young. However, indeed relatively little is known about young adult views on entrepreneurship (p.279). The purpose of the current study is to analyse the entrepreneurial intention of university students. In the study, a model that mainly focuses on the impacts of some contextual factors was proposed and empirically tested on university students. Therefore, the study contributes to the literature by theorizing and empirically testing how some factors affect entrepreneurial intention of university students. It is believed that the results of study may have some significant implications for the policy makers and educators. VARIABLES Dependent variable: Entrepreneur intentions among students. Independent variables: Educational support, structural support and relational support Educational support The first dimension of model is educational support. It is obvious that professional education in universities is an efficient way of obtaining necessary knowledge about entrepreneurship. Although, in their study, Wang and Wong (2004, p. 170) mainly focused on personality characteristics of students, they also pointed out the fact that the entrepreneurial dreams of many students are hindered by inadequate preparation; . . .their business knowledge is insufficient, and more importantly, they are not prepared to take risk to realize their dreams.. In the literature, some studies analyse how these entrepreneurial interests of universities affect entrepreneurial inclination of students. The study of Gorman and Hanlon (1997) showed that entrepreneurial attributes can be positively influenced by educational programmes. It is clear that an effective education on entrepreneurship can be a factor to push people towards an entrepreneurial career (Henderson and Robertson, 2000). Structural support The second factor in the model is structural support which are we are social, cultural, economical, political and technological factors. The current context of entrepreneurship is mainly shaped by economical and political mechanisms, which are governed by the actors in the public, private, and non-governmental sectors. In such a system, there can be some opportunities or threats for entrepreneurs. For instance, if there are some barriers to entry into the market, people might show a lower tendency for entrepreneurship. However, if they find the given conditions adequate and favourable, it might be expected that they are more likely to start a business. Relational support The study of Henderson and Robertson (2000) showed that family was the second factor influencing career choice of respondents after their personal experience. Therefore, the support of family and friends is likely to affect ones career selection. In the current study, this relational support mainly indicates the sentimental and monetary supports of family and friends. If someone knows that there will be such type of support when s/he starts a business, she or he might be encouraged to choose an entrepreneurial career. Moderating variable: Self Confidence The model also considers the impact of one personality trait, self-confidence, as moderator variable. However, the level of self-confidence that is generally defined as believing in oneselfmay influence ones perception as well. Self-confidence is widely accepted as avaluable individual asset and a key to personal success. In their study, BeÂÂ ´nabou and Tirole(2002) explained why an optimistic self-view is seen as a good thing. According to them, self-confidence is valuable because it makes people happier, it makes it easier to convince others (rightly or wrongly) and improves the individuals motivation to undertake projects and persevere in the pursuit of his goals (p.877). Based on this conceptualization, it might be expected that more self-confident people may perceive their environment more favourably than others and have more optimistic perspective about their future. Therefore, if a person has a high level of self-confidence, the strength of the proposed link between educa tional support, structural support, relational support and entrepreneurial intention may also increase. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK Self-Confidence Entrepreneur Interest Structural Support Relational Support Educational Support INDEPENDENT VARIABLES MODERATING DEPENDENT VARIABLE VARIABLE TABLE 1.1: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK RELATIONSHIP Hypothesis 1: Entrepreneurial intention of university students positively relates with perceived educational support. Hypothesis 2: Entrepreneurial intention relates with perceived structural support. Hypothesis 3: The entrepreneurial intention positively relates to perceived relational support. Moderating hypothesis: 1) The strength of the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and perceived educational support is affected by the level of self-confidence. 2)The strength of the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and perceived structural support is affected by the level of self-confidence. 3) The strength of the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and perceived relational support is affected by the level of self-confidence. 3.1 Research Design 3.1.1 Purpose of study Fostering entrepreneurship needs a twofold policy that should focus on both the current situation and future prospect of entrepreneurship. Although many scholars and policy makers devote their attention to the first foci of issue, it is equally important to map out the future context of entrepreneurship. The purpose of this paper is to fill this void by analyzing the impacts of some contextual factors on entrepreneurial intention of university students. 3.1.2 Type of investigation The type if investigation for this research is correlation study. This is because the researchers want to identify the important of the factors or variables associated with the problem. It is to determine whether relational support, structured support and educational support and the intention to become an entrepreneur among student is correlated. The researchers also want to know what are the significant amount of the independent variables in the intention to become an entrepreneur among student. If they are significant between these two variables, which among these three variables examined is the one that has the greatest association with it, which is the next and which is the third? It is to see if there is any relationship exist among the variables investigated. The answer to this correlational study will help to determine the extent of the intention to become an entrepreneur or to start a business among UiTM students are influenced by the relational support, structured support an d educational support. 3.1.3 Extend of researcher interference with the study. We have study the intention among students towards entrepreneur. In other words, we want to do a correlational study. Here, we will collect data among UiTM students to indicate how much factors of relational, educational and structural influence them to have intention to be an entrepreneur or start the business. By correlating three variables the answer being sought can be found. In this case, beyond administering a questionnaire to the student, we have not interfered with the students` normal activities. In other words, our interference has been at minimal because the variables are beyond our control. It is depends on each of respondents background. 3.1.4 Study setting The study setting of our research is field study. We want to analyze the relationship between the relational, structural and educational support with the intention to become an entrepreneur. We try to correlate between dependent and independent variables by looking at whether the respondents have high level of education, received full support from family members and also the economic situation as the intention to be an entrepreneur increase. Therefore this is a field study. Research here is done in a non contrived setting with no interference with the five independent variables. 3.1.5 Unit of analysis In this study, we want to know factors that influence intention among customers of Bank Islam. For this purpose, data will have to be collected from the sample which is 150 students and the units of analysis are individual. 3.1.6 Time frame The time frame for our research is one-shot or cross-sectional studies. Date was collected from to students between September and October to study the factors that influence intention among UiTM students to participate in entrepreneurship. This is because we only need to gather our data just once that is over a period of weeks, in order to answer the research question. Data with respect to this research had not been collected before, nor will they be collected again for this research. 3.2 Sampling design/case In our research, the sampling design that be used is non probability sampling which is convenience sampling. Convenience sampling refers to the collection of information from members of the population who are conveniently available to provide it. We used these types of sampling design because it is the best way of getting basic information quickly and efficiently and it is also less expensive. In addition, these types of sampling are the most easily accessible to our respondents as subject. These types of sampling are most often used during the exploratory phase of a research project. We do not have the knowledge or predetermine chance of respondents being selected as subject. In thousands of UiTM students, we do not know who the 300 respondents are. 3.3 Data Collection Method 3.2.1 Primary data Primary data refer to information obtained first-hand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study. In this research the sources from our primary data is our respondents where we obtained the data through the administered questionnaire. 3.2.2 Secondary Data Secondary data refer to information gathered from sources that already exist. Our secondary source of data is through the analysis of industry offered by the media in the internet which is in form of journal. This information gathered by someone other than the researcher. The advantages of seeking secondary data sources is savings time and costs of acquiring the information. 5.00 Conclusion and Recommendation 5.1 Conclusion The results of survey revealed that only two subsets of proposed model were significant predictors of entrepreneurial intention. The first factor is educational support that indicates mainly a supportive university environment. According to the results, if a university provides adequate knowledge and inspiration for entrepreneurship, the possibility of choosing an entrepreneurial career might increase among young people. It is obvious that this result confirms the key role of education in the development of entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, in the light of the current study, it might be stated that entrepreneurship can be fostered as a result of a learning process. This result is not only interesting from the theoretical point of view, but it is also a challenge for the educators and policy-makers. Since entrepreneurial activities are becoming vital to the economic development of a country, both of these groups might focus on the design of more effective educational policies. Alt hough there is no consensus on the content and structure of entrepreneurship education, the findings of current study showed that universities should, at least, encourage the development of creative ideas for being an entrepreneur, provide the necessary knowledge about entrepreneurship, and develop the entrepreneurial skills. However, the strength of the link between educational support and entrepreneurial intention was not affected by the level of self-confidence. Second factor, which also emerged significant in the survey, is structural support. It is obvious that fostering entrepreneurship requires a more comprehensive support including the collaboration of all sectors in the society. Despite its weak explanatory power, the analysis also showed that this type of structural support might affect entrepreneurial intention of university students. One of the interesting results in the study is the impact of moderating variable on the proposed link between perceived structural support and entrepreneurial intention. The hypothesis test confirmed that self-confident respondents perceive structural support more favorable than others. In this case, the level of self- confidence might affect ones perception on external environment. Although the structural conditions are similar for everyone living in the same context, the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors might vary. Therefore, the structural support for entrepreneurship is very significant to stimulate people to be an entrepreneur. Another interesting result of survey appears when comparing the explanatory powers of educational and structural supports; the former has slightly higher beta coefficient than the latter. In this case, educational support was perceived more important than structural support. The possible reason for this result might be the timing differences between these two support factors. It is clear that the main focus of structural support is existing entrepreneurs in the economy. Although studen ts are currently aware of this support, they might think that this type of large scale supports will affect them in the future. On the other hand, educational support might be perceived as an immediate factor. Therefore, it is logical that the impact of educational support was higher than structural support. 5.2 Limitation of study The current study is subject to some limitations. Firstly, similar to the previous studies in the literature, the study focuses on the intentionality. It is clear that intentions may not turn into actual behaviors in the future. Therefore, even if one respondent stated a high entrepreneurial intention in the survey, s/he might choose a completely different career path in the future. In fact, it has been a common problem for almost all study in the literature and currently there is no other accurate way to measure the tendency for entrepreneurship. Therefore, the statements of respondents about their entrepreneurial intention were taken as a reliable source of information. However, it might be more useful to measure this variable through multiple items in order to reduce measurement error in the further studies.Since the collected data was based on the perceptions of the students, a second limitation might appear on a possible difference between perceptions and reality.Obviously, ther e is always a risk that the perceptions of students on outside world might be different than the reality. The studies that aim to show such realities may indicate that, for instance, the universities are successful to stimulate entrepreneurship or financial system are supporting entrepreneurs sufficiently etc. These types of studies are highly valuable to take a picture of entrepreneurial environment. However, it is equally important to analyse how these given conditions are perceived by entrepreneurs or potential entrepreneurs even if they have limited knowledge of outside world. The current study aims to understand the perceptions of students on the context.Another limitation is that some factors in the model were broadly defined and so broadly measured in the survey. For instance, educational support factor were measured through three broad statements, which assess the education support for stimulating creative ideas, providing knowledge about entrepreneurship, and developing en trepreneurial skills and abilities. The main reason of such broadness is to increase the generalizability of the model and make it available for the use of new studies in different contexts. When considering the variety of entrepreneurship education in all around the world, it might be more reasonable to analyse the general nature of entrepreneurship education, rather than focusing on a specific context. As it is mentioned previously, there is a great variety among universities on the entrepreneurial education even in the same country (GuÂÂ ¨ rol and Atsan, 2006, p. 27).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Excellence Is Your Best Weapon For Fighting Racism :: essays research papers

Excellence is Your Best Weapon for Fighting Racism The Bible says that "the poor will always be with us." An similar statement is that racism will always be with us. So, the question is, "What should we do about it?" There are many ways to fight racism: you might march, protest, complain, or beg the government for help. Some of these methods have worked well in the past. However, I think the best and most effective weapon today for fighting racism is excellence. Excellence will bring down more racial barriers than all the marching and shouting in the world. To develop the weapon of excellence, we must take advantage of all the educational opportunities that are available to us. Even though the doors of opportunity are not always opened equally to everyone, there are still ways to be what you want to be, go where you want to go, and have what you want to have. And it does not matter where you live, how poor you are. You still have the ability to succeed. As long as you have your health and can think, success is possible. Accepting the fact that the doors of opportunity are not opened equally to everyone, one thing that is equal for everyone is time. There is the same number of hours in the day for all of us. How you use these hours is your choice. You can use them on the playground or you can use them to play the books. Playing on the playground might give you some hours of immediate enjoyment, but playing the books will give you long-term gratification. African Americans and other minorities can no longer use the excuses of being poor or living in a bad neighborhood or small town to keep us from achieving excellence through education. In some cases, the poorer you are the more educational opportunities that are available to you. Poverty should not be an excuse for not working up to your potential. No matter how poor you think you are, there is always someone who is poorer. Please do not be embarrassed by or ashamed of the size your home town. Many individuals from small towns have become very successful and risen to the top of their professions. If President Clinton can change his address from Hope, Arkansas to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., then you know it is possible to fulfill your aspirations, whatever they might be. President Clinton's rise to the top of his profession suggests to me that whether you are a big time runner from New York City, or a guy who runs around the block in Fall

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

William Blakes The Echoing Green Essay -- William Blake Poetry Echoin

William Blake's The Echoing Green The poem ‘The Echoing Green’ is written by William Blake. It is taken from SONGS OF INNOCENCE. It is divine voice of childhood unchallenged by the test and doubts of later years. Blake expresses in simple and lovely diction the happiness and innocence of a child’s first thoughts about. This is a pictorial poem. ‘The Echoing Green’ is a poem about a grassy field on a warm morning in late spring. The poet gives a very beautiful description of a dawn and morning of spring. The spring represents the life. Morning is the beginning of life and the dark evening is the end. This poem is a blend of child like innocence and grayness of later years. It is symbolic and draws a contrast between youth and old age. Blake has expressed broad meaning of the playground. The children are carefree and they are not surrounded by any kind of worries because worries are associated with old age and pleasures with childhood. The children are busy in games. They are showing vibrant attitude and display high energy in their games. They are laughing and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their voices echo in the field. They travel on the wings of leisurely fancy and float far into the realm of calm and sweet childhood joy; unaware of the pains and cutting realization they are going to encounter as the years fall in on them. The nature also seems to join in with their joy as the sun shines with sheer brilliance over the playing children. The azure sky also seems to be smiling at the joy of these innocent children. The whole atmosphere further seems drunk with high-spirited fervor; the church bells add their sonorous chimes to this festive atmosphere. The poet symbolizes the innocence and delicacy of children with the... ...evening shadows creep on the green announcing the arrival of night-death. The green takes on an unpleasant and sordid look. The game ends! So does the life. The children return to their homes to rest. The home symbolizes the grave and the rest is the eternal rest. Thus the poem is a splendid pen picture of joys of child hood and their eventual fading away into eternity. Blake has further laid stress on the potent entity called ‘change’. The poet has through useful symbol of oak tree, old people, evening etc has discussed the mechanics, which act as a fulcrum in moving the paddles of life. The poet has showed superb mastery as he changes the mood of the poem along with the progression of the poem. The poem is in fact a very fine presentation of the philosophy of life resting on the hinges of the magnificent time. ‘And sport no more seen On the darkening green.’

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Companies that gives importance to their employees

Companies that gives importance to their employees BY 2141361 Companies that gives importance and value to its employee. Boston Consulting Group BCG invests â€Å"100-plus hours and thousands of dollars to recruit each consultant,† says the company's site, and it also claims to pay 100 percent of its employees' health care premiums. â€Å"Attracting top talent and maintaining an environment in which employees can rapidly develop have been key to our success and our ability to deliver enormous value to clients.Recognitions like this are a nice acknowledgment that our efforts are highly unusual and, based on our growth and client retention, ffective,† says Rich Lesser, BCG's chairman of North and South America. SAS Institute SAS has ranked in Fortune's Top 100 for 14 consecutive years, according to the company's web site. The company says that â€Å"if you treat employees as if they make a difference, they will make a difference. SAS employee rewards includes subsidized Montessori child care, unlimited sick days, a free health care center, and intramural sports teams. CEO Jim Goodnight says that â€Å"[we create] a culture that rewards innovation, encourages employees to try new things and yet doesn't penalize them or taking chances, and a culture that cares about employees' personal and professional growth. † Zappos. com Zappos accomplishes a mix of both â€Å"traditional† ways of showing employee appreciation, like company picnics and holiday parties, as well as more unique ways.Last year they held the Zfrog awards, which let employees pitch their own business ideas, â€Å"laughter yoga† classes, Tank Top Tuesday, and recognizing employees in different departments, such as Merchandiser of the Quarter. â€Å"l love working at Zappos; the creativity and fun we have here are unparalleled, at least by any other ob I've ever had. There are all sorts of people here: young and old; shy and extremely outgoing; ‘normal' andâ₠¬ ¦ weird. I love that Zappos embraces people of all cultures, styles, and personalities,† says one Zappos employee.DreamWorks Animation According to DreamWorks' careers site, â€Å"the work community is enriched with many special events including movie screenings, art and short film festivals, artistic development classes, and family get-togethers. † â€Å"We are committed to fostering a culture that embraces innovation, creativity, collaboration, and a solid dose of fun. † Throughout the year, the company offers its employees art shows, craft fairs, movie screenings, art classes and lectures.CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg communicates daily with his employees through blog posts and his staff appreciates â€Å"the transparency between the employees and the CEO,† says Dina Strada, Manager of Employee Events and Communications. Hasbro, Inc. On its web site, Hasbro writes: â€Å"We value our employees and understand that our success would not be possible without al l their hard work, dedication, and passion. † Hasbro employees have access to the company's fitness centers, half-day Fridays, rograms.Hasbro also makes sure to remember employees' children by participating in Kids Carnival, Santa Breakfast, and Bring Your Son/Daughter to Work Day. S. C. Johnson At the family company S. C. Johnson, 12,000 employees have access to a concierge service that will see to it that their chores get done. This ranges from returning overdue library books to making sure your dry cleaning gets picked up on time. â€Å"To make the best products for your family, we need the best people in our company family,† according to the company website. Also available are childcare for parent employees, and paid sabbaticals.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis of Badinerie by J. S. Bach Essay

The piece Badinerie is best known for its destinations as the final movement of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Orchestral Suit No.2 in B minor. Johann Sebastian Bach was born on the 21st March 1685 and died on the 31st of July 1750. He was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, and violinist. He wrote sacred and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments. Bach drew together the strands of the Baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. The piece Badinerie is in a light mood and structured in the Binary Form. It is cast in swift 2/4 metre beginning on the upbeat or anacrusis. This piece was originally written for a Chamber Orchestra and a solo flute. The piece starts in B minor and played in allegro tempo throughout. Badinerie start with a messo forte dynamic marking meaning moderately loud with motive A in the pickup bar at the beginning and motive B starts on the second beat in bar two to bar 3. The Antecedent ranges from the beginning of the music to the first beat of bar four, which ends on a Perfect Authentic Cadence. The Consequent started on the second beat of bar for four to the first beat of bar ten, which ended on an Imperfect Cadence a one to a five suspended two chord in second inversion. They are long phrases throughout the duration of the piece. In the first five bars the bass line plays a Bassa Continuo style in Baroque music, however in modern day it is called a Walking Bass style. In bars six to ten the melody line plays a similar rhythm that the bass was playing in the first five bars and the bass line plays a similar rhythm to what the melody line was playing. The second beat of bar 10 the dynamic marking changes to forte meaning loud which is the beginning of the phrase extension and sequential progression to bar 16. There is a great build up in this phrase with a messo forte crescendo leading up to forte and the use of sixteen notes in the bass notes the section intense and bright. Bar sixteen the end of the first section is repeated and ends on an Imperfect five of five going to five cadence called tonicization. The second section of the piece is a development of A, which is the same melody played a fifth up. The Antecedent started from the pickup beat to the first beat of bar twenty and the consequent picked up on the next beat and ended on bar twenty three on a five of three going to a three cadence. The piece then modulated to D major in the next bar then f# minor in bar 30 then back to b minor in bar thirty two. There is a phrase extension starting on the second beat of bar twenty to the first beat of bar twenty eight. The same idea comes back again of the melody line taking the rhythm of the bass line and the bass line taken the rhythm of the melody line in bars twenty eight to thirty two. There are pedal points in bars 33 to 35, interesting to note that there is use of octaves. In bars thirty six the first beat has a loud dynamic marking and the second beat has a soft dynamic marking which is quite interesting. There is a crescendo in the next bar leading up to forte towards the second to last bar. This section is then repeated and the section time around there is a rit. 2 Volta which means turn around then retard the second time. The piece ends on a Perfect Authentic Cadence.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dialectical Theory

Interpersonal relationships have been the subject of research and discussion for many centuries. Whether a relationship lasts or breaks depends so much on how the parties involved respond to the emerging challenges and how they respond to issues. According to the dialectic theory, all relationships undergo tensions which often result into contradictions. It is how the parties engaged in a relationship respond to tensions that shapes the way parties will handle tensions. For a husband and wife in a marriage or a boyfriend and girl friend in a love affair, the knowledge of the underlying assumptions of the dialectic theory is fundamental. This essay looks into the impact of dialectical tensions in relationships, the management of tensions in relationships and finally the strategies those in relationships can adopt to deal with tensions. The writer incorporates personal experience of tensions to expound and make clearer the points deliberated. Autonomy This is the desire to be independent in the things that you set out to do and also in your entire life. It occurs regardless of the closeness or intimacy that one has established with his/her partner or even with other people. The need to be autonomous in a relationship may lead to conflicts since your partner expects you to cooperate and do everything together inclusive of sharing ideas and experiences. Individual identity This refers to the process of trying to understand oneself in a better way. It involves making attempts of stabling ones weaknesses and strengths so that one can be able to his/her living grounds. It can result to tensions in a relationship in that on the process of trying to understand yourself your weaknesses may outweigh your strengths and this may bring about doubts on the side of tour partner. Change This is the desire to acquire and sustain variety for example in a relationship. It can be both positive and negative whereby negative change brings about much tension in a relationship. This refers to turning against the plans and agreements that were entered into during the beginning of the relationship. Desire for Separation This refers to the strong need to part ways with your partner may be because of inevitable circumstances like a job or due to existence of varied decisions between the partners whereby none wants to give in to each other’s decisions. This leads to tensions in a relationship and it can even yield into a divorce. Varied approaches- this refers to use of different means and ways to solve problems or address issues in the relationship by the partners. The partners may therefore have a lot of disagreements and this strains and puts tensions to the relationship. Privacy- this refers to the tendency of keeping things to oneself. The partners may decide not to disclose anything to each other and this really puts a lot of tension to the relationship since open-ness is not practiced. I have been in an intimate relationship for the past five years. Although there have been fundamental communication differences, at least the theory of dialectical tensions has been evident through out. There have been tensions which require to be solved constantly. First of all, my partner is from a different religious background, very committed and totally unyielding to compromise. Constantly the practices and doctrines he advocates are against my personal beliefs. On the other hand, I am reserved and although religious, I am not overly given into religiosity as was the case with my partner. Dialectical tensions are manifested in that, while my partner desires to have a baby I do not and often it is a subject of debate, something which has been going on and on for the last three years. Although both of us have learnt how to balance the tensions, it has taken quite a number of strategies and a good measure of effort. First of all, we had to agree on how many kids we were going to have if any. Secondly, we were in different careers with different goals in life. The prospects of marriage and therefore of having to raise a family together implied that one or both of us had to make quick changes to career path and it turned out to be me. This obviously was the last thing I had anticipated for and my family members as well as close friends were very much against such a decision. So a decision had to be made and for that matter very fast. To achieve a balance of the contradictions I had to balance between what I wanted for my relationship versus what my friends and family wanted for me. I also had to balance between the career and the prospects of changing as well as the cost that goes with raising a well rounded family. I also had to balance between being faithful and obedient to my spouse and being truthful to myself. Integration/separation. The fact that I was changing career paths in order to be together with my spouse meant that, I was undergoing a major dilemma as far as sacrificing my identity was concerned. We were going to integrate into marriage and therefore someone if not both of us needed to make some sacrifices. I made some. In terms of the advice and discouragement from my friends, I had to ignore their pleas. This was a separation in that, my decision which was final was against their advice and therefore a separation resulted. Stability/change. Having underwent several relationships which were all intimate, switching or at least breaking one and later forming another was a change in itself. This resulted into stability tension in that. Every time I entered into a relationship, I never wanted to break it even if it seemed like it was not headed into a marriage. There was and imminent fear of life without this and that partner and this was a major cause of stability tension for me. Expression/privacy. This tension has continued to grip me to date, disclosing to my partner something has never been easy especially when the consequences are not clear and are unpredictable. In my current relationship, I am the private one while my partner is the open one. While my partner can virtually open up about any issue however damaging or secret, I always find myself struggling to do that. It takes a lot of pestering to get information out of me especially when I consider the information potentially damaging. Strategies of responding to the above tensions. The strategies discussed here are real and have worked for me. In my relationship whereby the partner and I have major differences, including religious beliefs, I had to select to hang by my feelings and choice of action. It was not going to join my partners bandwagon and subscribe to the religious sect he belonged to. This eventually worked as he later accepted my choice. If I had acted in order to please him, I was going to suffer. I would have just sacrificed too much for nothing. In that, my strategy worked. By sticking to my position but still maintaining the relationship, I learnt how to cope with the tension of differences. In all other relationships before marriage, I ended up adopting separation strategy hence the reason why I would break up if a relationship was not working. Reaffirmation to me was not an ideal strategy in my relationship, although I hold the view that, it is applicable in cases whereby a spouse may be sickly but however serious the condition, the loved ones look up to the person getting well one day. In some cases it could be that, a relationship is abusive and a partner keeps on promising that they will change although actually nothing ever happens. Reframing again for me is a strategy I use in my current situation whereby I look at the demands of my relationship differently and therefore gives a new meaning to every contradiction. The tension of having to change career path so as to marry was a dialectical tension I overcame using the reframing strategy. Conclusion. Dialectical theory is very much effective for relationships and I would suggest it to all of the buddies out there who are undergoing hard times in their relationships. From the meanings to the strategies, an in-depth solution to tensions is offered. Therefore theoretical theory is an ideal alternative to solving crisis in relationships.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Filter, Power Divider

Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divider 3. SIW Resonator Designs – Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.? SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 1 Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divider 3. SIW Resonator Designs Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.? SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 2 1. Introduction †¢? Background O As consequence of the rapid development in wireless communication market, various devices need to integrate wirel ess standards.Demand on wireless devices to support these multi-standard operations with [2]  § Low insertion loss  § sharp selectivity  § Proper compact size  § Low cost O Band-pass filters  § primarily used in wireless transmitters and receivers  § imit the bandwidth of the output signal to the minimum necessary to convey data at the desired speed and in the desired form  § also used in bio-photonic, medical analytical, chemical, pharmaceutical area etc O Power dividers  § passive microwave components used for power division  § Divide input signal into two signals of lesser power. The coupler may be a three port component with or without loss  § usually of the equal-division type, which is 3dB, but unequal power division ratio is also possible [4] 3 1. Introduction †¢? Motivation O Why 60GHz  § First published by Indian physicist J. C. Bose 1895  § In 1947, US physicist J.H. Van Vleck observed that the oxygen molecule absorbs electromagnetic more energ y at 60-GHz than at other frequencies [6]  § Mainly driven by military and space applications 1960s to 1980s [7]  § From mid-1990s, interest in fixed broadband wireless access for last mile connectivity advanced 60-GHz radio technology [8] O Why SIW filter and power divider  § Conventional technologies: either not able to present required performance or too expensive  § SIW: as an attractive technology for low cost, high Q-factor, relatively high power, and high density integration of microwave and millimeter-wave components and sub-systems [10]-[12]. SIW filters have a low in-band insertion loss and a wide stopband performance.  § SIW power dividers not only achieve the small size but also realize transmitting a defined amount of the electromagnetic to another two ports.4 1. Introduction †¢? Objective O Study literature review of structures, applications and analyzing methods of SIW O Investigate the basic structure of different transmission lines by designing reson ators O Extend the synthesis method to design of SIW filter and power divider †¢? †¢? Design and discuss SIW Filter at 60GHz with bandwidth 3 GHz Design and discuss SIW Power divider at 60GHz with 3 GHz Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divider 3. SIW Resonator Designs – Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.? SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 6 2. Literature Review †¢? Transmission Line O A device designed to carry electric energy from one to another, is used to transfer the output radio frequency energy of a transmitter to a receiver [15]. ? Microstrip Line OOne of the most popular types of the electrical TLs O convey microwave-frequency signals O support a good quasi-TEM wave O In practi cal applications, the dielectric substrate is electrically very thin, which is much smaller than the wavelength 7 2. Literature Review †¢? Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) O Characteristic dimensions of a CPW are the central strip width W and the width of the slots s. GCPW is formed when a ground plane is provided on the opposite side of the dielectric. O CPW is easy to be integrated in the IC design. O Conventional Technologies: †¢? ? CPW GCPW †¢? Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Mircostrip/CPW/GCPW: small size but not efficient enough in high frequency applications, wavelength at high frequencies are small Retangular waveguide: high Q-factors and power capability but voluminous and difficult for highdensity integration and difficult manufacturing process O SIW is a transition between microstrip and dielectric-filled waveguide.Dielectric filled waveguide is converted to SIW by the help of vias for the side walls of the waveguide [2] †¢? high Q-factor, low insertion loss, and high power capability 8 . Literature Review †¢? Resonator O A device exhibits behavior of oscillating at some frequencies, called its resonant frequencies, with greater amplitude than at others. †¢? †¢? It is used to either generate waves of specific frequencies or select specific frequencies from a signal [4].Resonant frequencies O Quality- or Q-factor is defined as a dimensionless parameter, in terms of the ratio of the energy stored in the resonator to the energy supplied by a generator per cycle, describing how under-damped a resonator is [4]. †¢? The unloaded Q-factor (Qu) [21] 2. Literature Review †¢? Filter O Band-pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and attenuates frequencies outside that range [4]. O SIW is constructed with linear arrays of metalized via-holes rooted in the same substrate used for the planar circuit [13]. SIWs, combines the merits of all these structures, microstrip line or coplanar wavegu ide, and rectangular waveguide, are built onto the same substrate. The transition is formed with a comparable straightforward matching geometry between both structures. †¢? Power Divider OPower divider, a passive device used in the field of radio technology, couples a defined amount of the electromagnetic power in a transmission line to another port [27]. O SIW power divider, with optimum frequency selectivity, small size, low cost and high stopband attenuation, have been used for mobile and satellite communications systems. T-junction Y-junction 10 Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divider 3. SIW Resonator Designs – Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.?SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 11 3. SIW R esonator Designs †¢? Comparison of Transmission Line Performance Microstrip Line CPW SIW 12 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Comparison of Transmission Line Performance Characteristic Bandwidth Q factor Loss Power capacity Physical size Ease of fabrication Integration with other component Cost Waveguide Narrow High Low1 High Large, heavy Hard Hard4 High Microstrip Wide Low High Low Small Easy2 Easy5 Low CPW Wide Low High Low Small Fair3 Easy6 Low SIW Narrow High Low High Small Fair Easy LowAnnotation [4]: †¢? Dielectric of waveguide is air; Skin effect of waveguide is small †¢? Microstrip can use printed circuit board technology †¢? Ground of CPW locates at the top, the discontinuity will affect the result. However, compared to SIW, wire holes are not needed. †¢? Special couplings at the joints are required for waveguide to assure proper operation †¢? Microstrip is susceptible to cross-talk and unintentional radiation †¢? CPW presents greater isol ation than microstrip 13 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators – Substrate dielectric constant (? r) is fixed at 11. Silicon – Copper conductivity of 5. 800Ãâ€"107 siemens/m O Design Strategy of Single-row Via SIW Resonator For a resonant frequency of 60 GHz for the TE101 dominant mode by simply indexing m =1, n = 0, l = 1 [18] The calculation result is L = W = 1. 025mm. 14 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators O Result and Discussion of Single-row Via SIW Resonator Ideal material: Lossless substrate and perfect conductor The loss tangent of AGC and the bulk conductivity of Silicon are both set to be zero. Moreover, perfect conductor layers are placed at most top and bottom of the structure.Similarly, the material of metallic vias is defined as perfect conductor as well. By using as as illustrated earlier, the result is calculated In this ideal case, and involved. Based on the formula, are not radiation Q-factor is 492. 23 15 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators O Result and Discussion of Single-row Via SIW Resonator Non-ideal material: Only with conductor loss For substrate, dielectric loss tangent of AGC and bulk conductivity of Silicon are set to be zero. The copper layers with bulk conductivity of 5. *107 siemens/m are placed at most top and bottom of the structure. Moreover, the material of via is changed to copper as well. By using calculated as as illustrated earlier, the result is In this case, is not involved. Based on the formulas, we can get 16 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators O Result and Discussion of Single-row Via SIW Resonator Non-ideal material: Lossy substrate and non-perfect conductor set the loss tangent of AGC is fixed at 0. 003 and bulk conductivity of Silicon is 0. 02, which means all the loss of substrate is considered in this experiment.Meanwhile, the copper is defined as the material of layers, which are placed at most top and bott om of the structure and via defenses through the substrate. In this experiment, all losses, including radiation loss, non-ideal metal loss and substrate loss are considered here. By using , we have 17 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators – Substrate dielectric constant (? r) is fixed at 11. 9 Silicon – Copper conductivity of 5. 800Ãâ€"107 siemens/m O Design Strategy of Double-row Via SIW Resonator For a resonant frequency of 60 GHz for the TE101 dominant mode by simply indexing m =1, n = 0, l = 1 [18]The calculation result is L = W = 1. 025mm. 18 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators O Result and Discussion of Double-row Via SIW Resonator Ideal material: Lossless substrate and perfect conductor The loss tangent of AGC and the bulk conductivity of Silicon are both set to be zero. Moreover, perfect conductor layers are placed at most top and bottom of the structure. Similarly, the material of metallic vias is defined as perfect conductor as well. By using calculated as as illustrated earlier, the result is In this ideal case, and involved. Based on the formula, are not radiation Q-factor equals to 641. 6 19 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators O Result and Discussion of Double-row Via SIW Resonator Non-ideal material: Only with conductor loss For substrate, dielectric loss tangent of AGC and bulk conductivity of Silicon are set to be zero. The copper layers with bulk conductivity of 5. 8*107 siemens/m are placed at most top and bottom of the structure. Moreover, the material of via is changed to copper as well. By using calculated as as illustrated earlier, the result is In this case, is not involved. Based on the formulas, we can get 20 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW Resonators OResult and Discussion of Double-row Via SIW Resonator Non-ideal material: Lossy substrate and non-perfect conductor set the loss tangent of AGC is fixed at 0. 003 and bulk conductivity of Si licon is 0. 02, which means all the loss of substrate is considered in this experiment. Meanwhile, the copper is defined as the material of layers, which are placed at most top and bottom of the structure and via defenses through the substrate. In this experiment, all losses, including radiation loss, non-ideal metal loss and substrate loss are considered here. By using , we have 21 3. SIW Resonator Designs †¢? Design of SIW ResonatorsO Comparison of Single-/Double-row Via Resonator Double-row via structure obviously decreases the loss compared to single-row via. The main difference of Q-factors is the radiation Q-factor, which means the radiation loss is the most affection of the SIW. Conductor and dielectric Q-factor are only slightly changed with the error around 3. 5% from the single- to double-row SIW. Hence, the conductor loss and dielectric loss basically are not significant issue for the losses of the SIW comparing with the radiation loss because of the leakage through the gaps since the presence of gaps in the side walls.These results also match that higher Q-factor indicates a lower rate of energy loss relative to the stored energy, which demonstrates the validity of the experiments and the results. 22 Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divider 3. SIW Resonator Designs – Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.? SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 23 4. SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs †¢?Design of SIW Filters O Design strategy of SIW filter The proposed filter is constructed based on the SIW resonator at 60 GHz. The filter is designed and simulated using HFSS software. †¢? †¢? †¢? To achieve a -3 dB bandwidth of 3 GHz. To achieve a good passband wi th small insertion loss 15 dB Here in filter structure, length doubles the size which is 2. 250mm and width w remains the same 1. 025mm. 24 4. SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs †¢? Design of SIW Filters O Result and Discussion of SIW filter When increasing the distance between the middle of the vias, the two resonant poles are separated to each other more. 25 4.SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs †¢? Design of SIW Filters O Result and Discussion of SIW filter †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? Center frequency = 62. 9 GHz. Bandwidth = 3. 4 GHz (60. 8 ~ 64. 2 GHz). Insertion loss = 0. 89 dB within the passband. Return loss = 17. 8 dB within the passband. †¢? Achieve a wide and deep upper-stopband with an insertion loss >15. 0dB. 26 4. SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs †¢? Design of SIW Power Dividers O Design strategy of SIW power dividers The proposed filter is constructed based on the SIW resonator at 60 GHz. The filter is designed and simulated using HFSS software. †¢? †¢? †¢? To achieve a -3 dB bandwidth of 3 GHz.To achieve a good passband with small insertion loss around 3 dB To achieve a wide and deep upper-stopband with an insertion loss >15 dB The proposed Y-junction power divider is a SIW equivalent of a bifurcated waveguide junction fed by a symmetrical step junction. The distance between two discontinues can be optimized to achieve low insertion loss [28]. 27 4. SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs †¢? Design of SIW Power Dividers O Result and Discussion of SIW power dividers †¢? †¢? †¢? †¢? Center frequency = 62. 5 GHz. Bandwidth = 3. 7 GHz (60. 5 ~ 64. 2 GHz). Insertion loss = 3. 87 dB within the passband. Return loss = 10. 5 dB within the passband. †¢? Achieve a wide and deep upper-stopband with an insertion loss >15. 0dB. 28 Outline 1.? Introduction 2.? Literature Review – Transmission Lines (Microstrip Line/ CPW/ SIW) – Resonator, Filter, Power Divide r 3. SIW Resonator Designs – Comparison of Transmission Line Performance – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Resonators 4.? SIW Filter and Power Divider Designs – Design, Result and Discussion of SIW Filter and Power Divider 5. Conclusion and Recommendations 29 4. Conclusion and Future Works †¢? Conclusion O SIW single- and double-row resonators have been designed and compared.The results matched that higher Q-factor indicates a lower rate of energy loss relative to the stored energy, which demonstrates the validity of the experiments and the results. O W band SIW filter has been designed, evaluated and optimized by HFSS software. The centre frequency of the proposed filter is designed at 62. 9 GHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of 3. 4 GHz (60. 8~64. 2 GHz). O W band SIW power divider has been realized based on the structure of the filter. The power divider is at centre frequency 62. 5 GHz with a 3 dB bandwidth of 3. 7 GHz from 60. 5 to 64. 2 GHz. 30 4. Conclusi on and Future Works †¢?Recommendation for Future Works O The numerical analysis may be done for the proposed structures. O The structures can be fabricated and measured to demonstrate the practical realization of the structures. O The insertion loss the filter may be improved based on further modification. O It is possible to widen the bandwidth of the filter. O Other matching networks may be considered to realize better performance of the filter. O Small and efficient filters may be designed based on the modification of the proposed structure. O Balun may be designed based on the proposed SIW power divider. 31 Thank You! 32

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 7 Conference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 7 Conference - Essay Example Hemoglobin is the blood protein that transports oxygen (Cohen, 2013). Blood identification process gets referred to as ABO typing. The type of blood one has depends on the presence of blood proteins known as antigens in the red blood cells. The first step involves blood getting drawn from an individual and gets mixed with antibodies to determine the blood type (Cohen, 2013). The blood type gets determined on whether the blood agglutinates with the antibodies. The second step is called back typing where the liquid part of the blood gets mixed with blood that is either type A or B. Blood typing also gets carried out to determine the presence of rhesus factor on red blood cell surface. Jim got triaged in the resuscitation area. The staff present was a physician and two nurses. The physician who can be an M.D or D.O oversees the patient’s condition by conducting tests on the patient. The nurses administer the drugs to Jim as indicated by the physician. Aspirin got provided to Jim to act as an anticoagulant to prevent further clotting if possible. Morphine got provided to relieve pain or discomfort experienced by Jim. Nitroglycerine also gets provided to decrease blood pressure and increase blood flow by opening up blood vessels around the heart (Cohen, 2013). tPA gets provided to break down clots in the bloodstream around the heart. Principles of coronary bypass surgery: bring blood and oxygen to the heart muscle by creating a ‘bridge’ through a healthy artery. The blood passes over the blocked artery to ensure a normal blood flow down the blocked area. A heart attack refers to a situation where there is the occurrence of a sudden blockage in the coronary artery. This causes a stoppage of blood flow towards the heart muscle. This condition damages the heart muscle causing improper function of the heart. Heart failure implies that the heart’s pumping power is lower than normal (Cohen, 2013).