Friday, September 27, 2019

President Nelson Mandela was seen by people from various political, Research Paper

President Nelson Mandela was seen by people from various political, economic, social, religious, cultural, ethnic and racial bac - Research Paper Example The legislation led to the fleeing of Africans from the rural areas where they owned farms to the towns to find jobs1. Nelson Mandela a black leader of ANC led to the end of the oppression and discrimination of the black, the colored people, and Indians in 1994. Mandela became the president of South Africa under the party in the same year, and since then, ANC has ruled the country up to date (Mandela, Van, and Bouma 30)2. Background Nelson Mandela led the black people in the country to opposing apartheid from 1948 to 1994 when he was sworn in as the head of state. Mandela became a leader of ANC in 1948 when the government introduced the segregation of the citizens based on race and color. The racial classes that the Afrikaner government included whites, blacks, colored, and Indians. The colored people were the non-white and non-Indian such as the Italians (Claasens and Cousins 67). The whites were considered respectable and greater than all other races3. Mandela and other members of ANC struggled to negotiate with the government to end racial discrimination and oppression. The oppression that the black people underwent included serving the Dutch at low or no cost, being hindered from accessing education, and being blocked from leadership positions (Muiui 79). Mandela underwent several imprisonments as an ANC leader with the last one ending in 1990. The leader’s defeat of apartheid in South Afric

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