Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Marketing Strategy for the Mars Ice Cream Bar Essay -- Business Manage

Marketing Strategy for the Mars Ice Cream Bar My Aims for this Report In this report I will be focusing my attention on Mars Ice Cream Bar. I will investigate how they promote their product. I will do this by investigating how they advertise their product, and where, as well as looking at how they package their product and at the same time I will look at where they sell the Mars ice cream bar. Also I will be investigating their main rivals and compare their marketing mix’s. This will give me a better chance of giving good suggestions on how they could improve their ice cream product to bring in a larger revenue and get away from their main rivals so they could dominate the ice cream bar market. Background to Mars Mars claims to be the world leader in every market that it is in. This in includes branded snack foods, petcare products, main meal foods and vending machines. ‘ Mars has an annual turnover in excess of US $13 billion. Our products are consumed in over 100 countries around the world.’ In Europe alone  £20 billion is spent every year on Mars confectioneries,  £4 billion of this is from Britain. Of that  £4 billion, around 70% of it is on chocolate goods. They are considered the world’s best managed companies. They easily dominate the chocolate bar market as they own the likes of ‘Snickers’ ‘Mars’ ‘Maltesers’ ‘M&M’s’ and ‘Twix’. But do they dominate the ice cream bar market? Mars ice cream bar. The Mars ice cream bar was first brought o...

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