Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychologists and Psychiatrist

Psychology is a fascinating subject that carries a lot room for interpretation. Psychology being a relatively new scientific arena continues to grow due to exploring of experts into studies of the mind and behaviors directed by the brain. Psychologists and Psychiatrist continue to discover new methods of therapy to treat psychological disorders. Cognitive therapy is the fastest growing and most extensively studied form of psychotherapy in America. † Cognitive therapy emphasis focuses on present thinking problems.The website I chose is: www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html. I chose this website because it contains an article about Dr. Aaron Beck, who is the founder of cognitive therapy. Dr. Beck’s perception of psychological difficulties lies within â€Å"thinking problems. † Unlike behavioristic, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and trait theorists, cognitive theorists believe that psychological problems lie within current tho ughts. Disorders are a result of a patients desire to relish in self-deprecating thoughts.This article explains how Dr. Beck discovered cognitive therapy and decided to leave Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic approach behind. Dr. Beck attended the Philadelphia institute in 1958. There he begin to conquer his fears of blood and pain due to a staph infection from surgery on his broken arm developed due to his mothers overprotective behavior which caused him to restrict his activities as he also developed a phobia of getting hurt. Dr. Beck conquered his fears by teaching himself to recondition his thoughts.Dr. Beck’s cognitive therapy intent is to correct distorted thinking patterns by challenging patients to explore positive and beneficial thoughts. â€Å"He encourages patients to test their perceptions of themselves and others, as if they were scientists testing hypotheses. † The idea of cognitive therapy is to help patients to first realize their how their thoughts can be self-deprecating and then he aims to condition their present thoughts to new thinking. Dr. Beck is methodical about his cognitive therapy. First Dr.Beck listens to the patient and then he asks questions to help them conquer irrational thinking. There are some behaviorist psychologists who appose Dr. Beck’s cognitive theory. These critics feel that thought can not be measured objectively. One Dr. Klein’s position is that cognitive therapy is just a morale booster, and not the therapeutic solutions it promises. My overall evaluation of this website is how well rounded the information covered the subject. It provided an in depth analysis of the cognitive theory; how it was conceived, who will benefit most from it, and the methodology used.I find it fascinating that a person can perform psych therapy on themselves just by simple reconditioning their thoughts. Sometimes I find myself obsessing over small things, and now I can practice to condition myself to refrain from obsessive thoughts. I would really like to learn more about the methodology used to treat cognitively and more details about the results shown with patients. I plan on conducting more research on cognitive theory to find other cognitive theorists and their methodologies.This article has taught me more about myself and how I can improve my relationships by positive thinking. This article has shown me how to identify certain thoughts that I would prefer to refrain from thinking, and how to correct them. | Definitions Deprecate means to deplore something, depreciate means to belittle something or to treat it as unimportant. However, self-deprecating, in the sense ‘disparaging oneself', ‘modestly understating one's own abilities' has become firmly established, although some people deprecate this usage.Berate to rebuke or scold angrily and at length. Prosaic commonplace or dull; unimaginative Precept a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct, an inj unction as to moral conduct Pragmatist a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc Works Cited Goode, E. â€Å"A Pragmatic Man and His No-Nonsense Therapy. † www. nytimes. com/library/national/science/health/011100hth-behavior-beck. html 11 Jan. 2000.

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